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So I have grown indoors now for about 4 years and I've used anywhere from flourescents to 150HPS bulbs on up to running three 600HPS bulbs and even 1000HPS bulbs (my favorite by the way). Through all this time I've still never seen a cola produced indoors like I have that was produced OUTDOORS! :woohoo:

For this reason, and lack of space right now, I'm going to give it a shot. Here is where I stand.

I have 19 plants sprouted right now
5 GHS Strawberry Haze Fem.
4 GHS Super Lemon Haze Fem.
2 DNA Chocolope Fem.
1 G13 Labs Skunk #1 Fem.
1 G13 Labs Pure Power Fem.
3 G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk
and 3 unknows that I threw all in the same pot, they could be anything that is listed above.

and I have 3 Serious AK-47 Clones on the way.

Where Im at I kind of have to grow both indoors and out. I have a 4' 8bulb T5 that they spend 12 hours under right now, and the other 6 hours are spent in the backyard under full sunlight.

I haven't really figured out a situation yet for indoors once they become larger, but I'm working on it.

Here are some pics.

My indoor space.

DNA Genetics Chocolope Fem.

G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk

These are all about 2 weeks old or so. The rest are all still babies right now.

Right now they are in some seed stater mix from home depot I cut with perlite. I'm currently water with wormcasting and molasses tea every third watering and the rest is plain water with a little rhizotonic from CANNA and a little Great White Mycorhizzae.

In about 2 or 3 weeks I'll transplant them to larger containers, and I'm going to use LC's mix and begin watering with a BurnOne's recipe 3# for using guano teas.

Plus I have a few extras I might throw in.
So it's been a few days and all we have had is dark skies and tons of rain. But it's moved out and the sun is back so i moved everything back outdoors early this morning.

Plenty of sunshine headed my way....

The whole group.

G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk Non-Feminized #1 and #2

DNA Chocolope Fem. #1 and #2

A couple of close ups of my Strawberry Haze, Fem. of course.

G13 Labs Skunk#1 Fem.

G13 Labs Pure Power Fem.

My favorite Super Lemon Haze, dugh Fem. On this particular specimen, the blades that make up the leaf are nearly half as thin as any other of my Super Lemon Haze. This one is really showing SATIVA. Going to half to make a clone of this one.


I'll take a seat here if ya don't mind.. nice strains btw..
whats your strategy for animals and or people?
whats your strategy for animals and or people?

They will just be in my backyard so animals don't concern me, just pest. And if my dog grabs one I'll just have to beat her ass. As far as people, not really a concern, but I'm going to try and find some of like that bamboo that comes in a roll, some people use them for mats or screnns or whatever, and basically staple it up to the inside of my fence.

They will be outside for eight hours a day and get full uninterupted sunlight. The rest of the time will be spent indoors. I had just a 4' 8bulb T5, but yesterday I went out and bought a 1000HPS ballast and one of the SUPER BLUE bulbs from EYE Hortilux. It is a 1000 bulb with a 600HPS and a 400MH built in for dual spectrum. Once I start flowering in 6-8 weeks I'll switch to the standard SUPER HPS 1000 bulb from EYE Hortilux. I'll post new pics of my indoor area when it is ready.


good deal.. yer lucky to be able to grow in your yard! be careful..
So it's been kind of a frustrating week for me. It started out good but towards the end of the week it went kind of down hill. I took my 2 year old son camping for the first time this weekend, which was great by the way, but once I got home. :wallbash: Come to find out I programed the timer for my intake fan to come on at 10am instead of 10pm, so the intake fan has been blowing in 100F air from the attic for the last couple of days. And on top of that, I know to be real carefull with nutes and seedlings, but for some reason I decided to add a little mushroom compost and Nitrozime to my tea mix and it kind of burned a few of them. :wallbash: And it has been cloudy and rainy for a few days so everything has been inside under my T5. So I ended up loosing a Strawberry Haze or two, and one Super Lemon Haze, my Pure Power and one of the unknowns. :wallbash:


So here are the pics.

Group shot of the Thai Super Skunk and Chocolope

Super Lemon Haze

Strawberry Haze

Skunk #1


You can see I topped her

Ak-47 Clone someone gave me. Still reverting from flowering. Has roots already.

Thai Super Skunk. You can probably tell but I have topped theses as well and tied them over for a little LST training.

So with all that said I went to a friends house last night and he was cool enough to hook my up with.......wait for it........are you ready?....... some GRANDADDY PURPLE seeds.



nice, looking great so far, cant wait to see how the fem seeds do outside.


Bionik Kronik said:
They will be outside for eight hours a day and get full uninterupted sunlight. The rest of the time will be spent indoors.
You´ll have a busy summer :smile:

Best luck bro

P :smoke:


OverGrow Refugee
nice outdoor grow Bionik Kronik...looks like you have a sick list of genetics there..I wish you all the best in your grow this season...

Thanks everyone for your support! I really hope everything goes right also. This is kind of one of those things where I need everything to go right, you know what I'm saying. :violin:

So finally some sun came out today. It's been very cloudy and rainy all of southeast USA for a couple of weeks now.

Here is a group shot of everything able to go outside right now.

Thai Super Skunks

Here you can see where I bent the stem to force branching, I also topped them F.Y.I


Here is my other Chocolope. I was rolling the stem in between my fingers so I could bend it a little easier and it broke. :wallbash: I cleaned up the broken part and put it in a solution for cloning. I'll let you know what happens.

Check out how crazy this Skunk #1 is growing.

And here is my other small garden. I have Sweet Bannana Peppers, Large Tomatos, Cherry Tomatos, Cantaloupe and some other tomato plant that said to plant into a container and produces 1 inch fruits. (my son loves the small tomatos)
So my friend the sun cam out early this morning.

So did the Ladies.

I repotted my 2 larger Thai Super Skunks and my 1 larger Chocolope.

The mix I made was:
50% FF Ocean Blend
25% Perlite
25% Worm Castings

and then I cut that mix about 10-15% with mushroom compost.

I wasn't going to use this mix, but I already had it and didn't want to waste it.

At my next repot, I'm going to make this mix:
50% Coco
30% Perlite
10% Worm Castings
10% Mushroom Compost


So I went over to my buddies house the other day, the place where I got my AK clones and the Granddaddy Purple seeds, and this is what he has going on.

4'x4' Ebb&Flow Table - 75 Gallon Reservior - (2) 400MH - (2) 1000HPS on a light mover - 10,000 BTU Portable A/C

In the picture there is only one 1000HPS, but since he has gotten a second.


I like your organic mixes.
Why would you only use 10% worm castings in the coco mix, and not more?

your ladies seem to be about the same age as my plants..

I like your organic mixes.
Why would you only use 10% worm castings in the coco mix, and not more?

your ladies seem to be about the same age as my plants..


I was going to use 20-25% but then I read LC's Soiless mixes and I think he said you could use worm castings or mushroom compost so I decided to split the 20% between the two.

My oldest which are the Thai Super Skunks and Chocolope are about 5 weeks.

I think I discovered today why my plants might be growing slower than I wish they would. I decided to repot all my plants today and when I was doing it, all the root masses inside those little cups felt really, really, really warm. I'm pretty sure it's from sitting under the sun all day. It's been getting about 85-90 here where I live. Hopefully the repot will help cool them off. I'll upload the pictures I took here in a bit.

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