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My favorite and least favorite things to do when high are...



One of my favorite things to do when high is to sit back on a comfortable chair and watch the sunset...I love watching the changing colors and shapes....yellows, oranges and blues turn into grays, pinks and peach colors and then into black as the stars come out.

Definitely the worse thing I want to do when high is to suddenly find myself in a situation where I'm about to have a punch coming straight at me any second now....violence is such a buzzkill

and damn! I messed up the heading!...it should read " My favorite and least favorite things to do when high are...." anyway, please post your most and least favorite things you like doing when high...and oh the irony as my last post was a suggestion to poster to use the spell check lol
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My favorite thing : To think and be creative. I have found that my mind is more creative when high.

My least favorite thing : To come down from that high is the worst.


Well-known member
sitting on a rock in the middle of a trout stream watching them rise to a caddis hatch while smoking a bowl. conversely, mowing the fucking yard when i COULD be sitting on a rock in the middle of a trout stream...:) or listening to a wild turkey hammering gobbles from his roost tree in the dawns early light versus listening to a state trooper going on about "why in hell you driving like a maniac at six in the morning?" yup, done all of these things.:biggrin:


Lover of Life
Favorite thing to do while high...dang, that's hard. If I had to pick just one thing, It would be listening to music late at night when everyone is asleep and there's a different energy in the house.

Least favorite thing..that's easy. I did a lot of my community service while I was baked and that is easily the most boring, random and monotonous bunch of moving stuff from one place to the other...ever.


What were we talking about?
Favorite: Waking and baking before the missus and the pups get up and then just thinking about stuff.

Least favorite: Dealing with cops.


Seed Whore
Favorite: Eating some good food, planning a fish and/or hunting trip, napping, listening to music or watching a good movie.

Least Favorite: Just when your about to escape to go out and somebody (women normally) tells you that you can't go out because you have to talk.


Well-known member
Favorite: Eating some good food, planning a fish and/or hunting trip, napping, listening to music or watching a good movie.

Least Favorite: Just when your about to escape to go out and somebody (women normally) tells you that you can't go out because you have to talk.

yeah... her-"we need to talk" me-"can't you just crush a testicle with visegrips & forget about it? the fish are expecting me."


My favorite thing to do while I am high is having great conversation but also talking shit with your best friend or loved one, ideas that you know you won't ever do, but it is fun to dream right? Saying funny shit when I am high/ laughing. :) I HATE driving high. LOL


My favorite is having the best stoner engineering talks. Everything from extracts to rigs to strains and breeding.

Least favorite I don't know if interacting with cops high counts. Right? Doesn't count cuz you're high. I guess being sick and puking and being high? Hmmm. I never get sick unless I drink alcohol.


My favorite and least favorite things to do while high is go to the beach. i mean i have separate things i love and probably things i dont like as well but the beach is a fucking dilemma sometimes. like it feels like the best thing in the world, but can be the worst thing in the world. although its in my head as the best thing... maybe.