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My Dog ate my stash! *Please read if you make butter and have a dog*


I would love to see some proof of the bolded part of the quote above.

what kind of proof ? That part that was bolded was part of an excerpt from a vets website:


Another one:


Here is a study of synthetic cannabinoids on dogs that showed death in dogs at a conc. of 0.5 mg/kg/day.


And here is a reference that claims that the LD50 of marijuana has not been able to be ascertained:


While I wasnt able to find a detailed, scientific study that indicates the level of THC that needs to be administered to a dog in order to cause death, lets use common sense folks. THC more than likely has a much more intense, prolonged effect on our furry friends than it does us, and I am also sure it is a VERY less than pleasent experience for them. They know they dont feel right, but they dont know why.

Also, it is a known fact that cannabis can and will cause respiratory, cardiac, and neurological depression in dogs, enough of it will kill a dog, how much is the question.

When my doggy got into the stash of hash I was drying, she ate about 1.5-2.0 grams and for the next 8 hours was listless, unable to maintain her balance, was incontinent, and her breathing slowed to the point where I seriously considered taking her to the vet.

Please keep your stash away from your pets.
Horses can die eating 35 kilos of anything.

My dog eats edibles knowing what they are after an accidental dose taught her what time it was.

After that she only eats a little but loves it.

Should I deny her the pleasure as a "responsible" pet owner?

That sounds like the government's job.

Cookie monster

Horses can die eating 35 kilos of anything.

My dog eats edibles knowing what they are after an accidental dose taught her what time it was.

After that she only eats a little but loves it.

Should I deny her the pleasure as a "responsible" pet owner?

That sounds like the government's job.

Well yeah you shouldn't be feeding your pup weed, there is a shed load more evidence to suggest that weed is bad for your pup than the contrary.

Feeding a dog something that bad for her just because you think she loves it is irresponsible in my book :2cents:
It's most likely your dog likes the sugar content in your edibles rather than the thc and thats why she only eats a lil bit, she knows too much will make her sick..
I feed her plenty through the day. She gets other treats besides edibles. lol

I feed her a bit of a cookie once in a blue moon. She does like it. I've never seen her overdo it since the first incident.

If she doesn't want it she doesn't have to eat it.

She does get more worked up when it's a cannatreat.

But maybe I don't know my dog as well as everyone else does.



Active member
I was getting ready to make cookies one time and my 80lb dog ate about a half a stick of cannabutter off the counter. The next 24 hours was miserable for me and the dog. He could hardly stand, wouldnt eat, crying the whole time, and pissing all over himself and my house. i kept having to bring him in the shower and clean him off. i knew it would ware off, and it did, but i felt so bad for him. now i am extra careful when baking, or making butter.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Ok so I read everything posted and I still dont see a case where a dog died and it was proven to be from Cannibis. The synthetic post I didnt even bother to read... not even close to the same thing. Yea and anything I can find about large animals eating it looks much more like a case of gas or colic or whatever big animals get from eating to much green material ... I certainly dont see any proof of any animals dieing from thc toxicity. I see some conjecture but no real proof.


So I still havent been able to find a study that shows the amount of THC that can cause death to a dog, I have found another reference that further indicates that at the very least it is highly unpleasent for the animal. Also, common sense should prevail in that anything that causes respiratory/cardiac suppression in a dog is dangerous to that level.

As far as the study for synthetics go, it actually is relevant as the structure is similar enough to naturally occurring cannabinoids that you could reasonably expect the two to work in a similar fashion.

To say that THC will not result in death to a dog is rather ignorant, as anything, even water is toxic at some level, it just seems either that that not many studies have been performed to determine toxicity levels, or that the data is just not widely available. I have access at work to many scientific journals that I cant get access to at home, I'll try and dig up more info tomorrow at work.


"A dog weighting 25 pounds received an injection of two ounces of an active U.S.P. fluid extract in the jugular vein with the expectation that it would certainly be sufficient to produce death. To our surprise the animal, after being unconscious for about a day and a half, recovered completely."


i accidentally dosed my bulldog and the new kitten... i came home to garbage all over and 2 tweeked pets...they were both so funny to watch. i knew they'd be ok... took the dog a full day, cat took 2 days to come down fully.


OMG...this totally happened to me a few years ago...it was horrible! I had made a batch of butter and I decided to throw the discard over the banking outside....what was I thinking..oy! so a few hours later I was cooking in the kitchen and my dog was laying there looking up at me like one of those bobble head dogs you used to see way back when. I said to my husband...honey something is wrong with the dog...look at his head bobbing...and he said, yeah he was into something outside over the banking.
Oh shit!!! then I knew exactly what happened.
He sleep in between us all nite...didn't move...poor thing...we took him out to pee a few times...he did sleep it off and fully recovered but I felt so terribly guilty, I was beside myself.
I think your doggie will be fine, just give him over 24 hrs...he'll be slow for a few days.
Did your doggie look like this? I would never give my dog pot on purpose...that is so not cool...and it is toxic to dogs...I have a book from my vet that says marijuana is toxic to dogs, like dark chocolate, grapes, onions, raisens etc.


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Cookie monster

Ok so I read everything posted and I still dont see a case where a dog died and it was proven to be from Cannibis. The synthetic post I didnt even bother to read... not even close to the same thing. Yea and anything I can find about large animals eating it looks much more like a case of gas or colic or whatever big animals get from eating to much green material ... I certainly dont see any proof of any animals dieing from thc toxicity. I see some conjecture but no real proof.

Baba to be fair you did ask for proof of "any animal" which died from marijuana poisoning.
Proof and/or reasonable doubt was given that basically Marijuana is not good for dogs in general no matter what the dosage.

I dont know where you are getting colic or bloat from as there is no mention of it in the article in the link/s, if you can throw up something to validate your theory please do so.

We are tokers and growers not vets or animal pharmacologists, we have no business giving our pets anything that MAY harm them.

End of story....


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I dont disagree that animals shouldnt have pot... that has nothing to do with proving that an animal died from toxicity of thc. Ive read the links you put up and dont see that proof in there ... maybe im just an old guy and cant see so well but it sure doesnt look like any proof of thc poisoning to me. I have no argument that its not a good idea to give animals. In fact part of my commandments are to never alter someones consciousness without their consent. That means man, or any other living organism. I do have a cat that seems to come sit close when Im puffing but I dont even blow it her direction... thats up to her.
If you can bust out a case that shows an actual case of thc poisoning then I think we will all have learned something today. Ive seen quotes from vets that say it could make them sick ... but thats different then death .... besides if you want to go back and quote some refer madness era quotes I guess we could have anyone say anything ... I would like to see proof of an actual poisoning that resulted in death. Not trying to put anyone on the spot its just ive never heard or seen proof of such a thing and I think its important that we keep this straight .... Theres a big difference of "being not good for dogs" and dieing.


So here are more stats:

According to the Merck Index, 12th edition, THC has a OpenDNS value of 1270 mg/kg (male rats) and 730 mg/kg (female rats) administered orally dissolved in sesame oil.[4]
If this were scaled up to an adult human, the LD50 would be between approximately 86 g and 50 g for a 68-kg (150-lb) male or female person, respectively. This would be equivalent to 1-1.8 kg of cannabis with a 5% THC content (roughly average) taken orally. The LD50 value for rats by inhalation of THC is 42 mg/kg of body weight.

The highest animal that oral LD50 values are available for, the Domestic Dog, would have to consume roughly one third of a pound (150 g) of pure THC in order to experience fatality.

666 mg/kg ORAL-RAT LD50;
482 mg/kg ORAL-MOUSE LD50;
525 mg/kg ORAL-DOG LD5O;

Sources - LD50 of THC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it does sound like it is hard to die from THC ingestion, but this still does not mean that it is "safe" or a good idea to give it to furry fido.

Cookie monster

I dont disagree that animals shouldnt have pot... that has nothing to do with proving that an animal died from toxicity of thc. Ive read the links you put up and dont see that proof in there ... maybe im just an old guy and cant see so well but it sure doesnt look like any proof of thc poisoning to me. I have no argument that its not a good idea to give animals. In fact part of my commandments are to never alter someones consciousness without their consent. That means man, or any other living organism. I do have a cat that seems to come sit close when Im puffing but I dont even blow it her direction... thats up to her.
If you can bust out a case that shows an actual case of thc poisoning then I think we will all have learned something today. Ive seen quotes from vets that say it could make them sick ... but thats different then death .... besides if you want to go back and quote some refer madness era quotes I guess we could have anyone say anything ... I would like to see proof of an actual poisoning that resulted in death. Not trying to put anyone on the spot its just ive never heard or seen proof of such a thing and I think its important that we keep this straight .... Theres a big difference of "being not good for dogs" and dieing.

Maybe you are just an old guy who cant see too well :)...or maybe I'm just a youngish guy who's eye sight has been damaged by hid lights and my involvement in rescuing dogs, it will twist the mind after a while trust me.
We both agree that certain animals should not have pot and quite rightly so.

I'll tell you what Babba, if I cant find a link within 4 days that proves without reasonable doubt that marijuana has led to the death of at least one dog I'll donate 50 euro to my no kill local shelter.
If on the other hand I can[/B] provide proof/evidence you will donate 50 dollars to your local no kill shelter.

Seems a fair wager to me, either way our furry friends will benefit..
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Hawaiian Inebriatti
Never eat anything bigger than your head.

Never eat anything bigger than your head.

"A dog weighting 25 pounds received an injection of two ounces of an active U.S.P. fluid extract in the jugular vein with the expectation that it would certainly be sufficient to produce death. To our surprise (bastards!) the animal, after being unconscious for about a day and a half, recovered completely."

That's part of the study that I mentioned earlier.

That's 2 fl ounces of extract/alcohol, banged into a 25# dog I.V.!

As I wrote earlier, they kept upping the dose until the amount of alcohol needed became lethal.
The LD of THC in dogs was not found in this, or any other paper that I can find.
It appears to be almost impossible to kill mammals with THC.

(Barring Wikipedia where you can find any kine nonsense ya want.) :-}

Oh, I s'pose one could try to beat them to death with a frozen brick of Mexican schwag onna rope. <joke> ;-}
But cannabutter? Noway!

Please don't try this at home.

These experiments were conducted by professional a-holes that need their asses kicked. <- Opinion.

(I have personally eaten too many magic cookies on occasion.
It can be, um, unpleasant. I must assume that I. V. alcohol would NOT be a fun time either.)

Be kind to your critters.:ying:

Da wife of my dotage always says:


Aloha y'all

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Dogs have an enzyme that is produced when they are puppies that disarms the evil that chocolate produces in the liver.

As they grow older, if there is no need for it, they stop producing this enzyme.

It's a good rule of thumb to not feed your dog chocolate, yet it isn't toxic if they were ingesting small amounts as a puppy.

I have had a 16 year old dog too blind to see but tail wagging till the day she died that ate raisins, chocolate, grapes, onions, etc.

I'm sure there are many that would claim she could have made it to 29 if I didn't try to kill her with some of her favorite treats.

What I'm getting at is simple. Vets lie to avoid having to explain things to sheeple.


Cookie monster

What I'm getting at is simple. Vets lie to avoid having to explain things to sheeple.


Ah well that must be why my vet wants my male boxer in for urine tests free of charge for the next 3 weeks, she's trying to avoid explaining why his bladder infection has disappeared after treatment and is taking precautions to ensure she doesn't have to explain it again..

If you think vets lie to people, it's obvious you haven't spent any considerable time in a veterinary practice.
I know a vet. I know vet assistants. I know you are taking this personally.

It doesn't change the fact that if I give my dog a chocolate covered raisin with a grape back the only result would be her licking her chops.

Cookie monster

I know a vet. I know vet assistants. I know you are taking this personally.

It doesn't change the fact that if I give my dog a chocolate covered raisin with a grape back the only result would be her licking her chops.

Good for you buddy, you go give your 16 year old dog that you "have had" a few more choccy raisins and see how she likes them...

Your a pretty shite troll compared to yummybud but carry on :)

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