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My doctor


New member
After debating about going to my doctor and asking him to sign the HC forms for a couple of years I finally did it 2 weeks ago. I wrote him a letter documenting my history and a lot of documentation to go over as well as my pain drugs that he prescribes me that I no longer take. He said he'd think it over and get back to me. I just got his return call and he said he can't sign for moral and ethical reasons but if it's working for me I should continue on my treatment. I asked him if he knew of any doctors in Ontario that would sign for me and he said no. He already talked to his local colleagues and none of them would do it. He said if I find a doctor that is willing to sign the paperwork that he would give me a referral to that doctor without a second thought, just won't sign it himself.

If anyone can PM me a doctor in Ontario that isn't so uptight and could help me I'd appreciate it greatly. I'm tired of living like a criminal.


Good Luck I'm US. Check with a local dispensary they should hav several. and yes it is nice to b legal.


Well-known member
i would have my GP write me a referral for a pain specialist and have my medical records showing my needs for MMJ forwarded to the specialist as most pain docs are more realistic about the patients needs than most GP's and don't let the bureaucratic red tape BS bother you its well worth it to get your permit in the end good luck


I am in pretty much the same situation as you.

That said, Dr. David Saul in North York will probably sign your paperwork, depending on your condition, as he is mainly a Fibro and Chronic Pain doctor. Not on the first visit, but most likely on the 2nd. I go to see him again in September, wherein he will probably sign my paperwork.

He isn't against using Cannabis as a medicine, and in fact encourages it.


Waiting till september to apply for MMAR is useless..IMO You won't even see your papers until 2012 and by then changes may start to take place. If i were you i would fly under the radar until the conservatives make their minds up.


New member
Thanks guys. I may have my doctor send me to see Dr. Saul. It's a few hours drive but more than likely worth it if it will help me become legal. That is really my only concern. I'm a small town business man and a "drug" arrest would seriously scar my reputation around these parts.


Another option is to contact a compassion club, and they will refer you to a doctor. The doctor can even be out of province, as you can do your consultation via Skype. It worked for me, but you have to be willing to fork out several hundred clams(and be legit, they make you courier them your medical records, specialist visits/info, etc).

two heads

Active member
The Church of The Universe lists two doctors on their website:

Dr. Marc Latowsky
207-3447 Kennedy Road
Scarborough, Ontario M1V 3S1
Voice: (416) 332-2757

Doctor Rob Kamerman
2230 Main Street
Coe Hill, Ontario
Voice: (613) 337-8984

A good friend, who already had a cultivation conviction, went to Dr. Kamerman and I believe he said he had his license 6 weeks later.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
mmas.ca does skype consultations. I know many folks that have had success with these people. Good luck. Peace GS