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My Corner: Hidroponic, Leds and tests


Problems with Cyano / Slime (brown / yellow)

Usually when I use to have a large pot with lots of hydroton, the problem with cyano almost does not exist, why? because on hydroton benefical bacteria multiplies a lot, and keep the cyano out. In aquariums world (fresh and reef) this is very well known and is the mail reason for big biological filters. Same principle is used on RDWC, I have read several succes with not slime RDWC using big biological filters (having the slime before, but after the filter, slime is out without chlorine).

My personal experience is limited tho, before I use to have a big bucket with hydroton, but now I use small buckets and for the first time I see slime...so I was wondering what was different this time, and the only conclusion / hypotesis is less hydroton in direct contact with water ---> less benefical bacteria. So now I am using chlorine to desinfect (is working) but next week I will star with a benefical bacteria culture (EWC tea) and no more chlorine.

I guess cyano lives in places where is hard to benefical bacteria multiply (not much biological filter material ---> lava rock, hydroton, etc.). Also the benefical bacteria needs a time (1 month or so) to stabilice, after that, all is good. I will check on that next week!


Ok, in the led/moby area things are good

On hydro, things are slow. But finally I got stability and the plants are showing recovery from slime. The autos are good too, I will post more pics soon.


On the Hydro area, I cut a clone from a mother, and add it direct in the Hydro bucket...put a platic transparent cup over it...1 week and I have roots...guess no clonner needed anymore, no more slime, bennefical bacteria are working great!. Pictures soon!


On the hidro area after a hard fight against ciano, looks that I won...(so far) finally I see root grow and veg grow...damn it was hard (almost 1 month)
The led is a 54W aquarium blue & white.

New clone, Moby Dick (direct into the DWC bucket)

This is a clone of a sour cream that I put direct on the DWC bucket



A new led is comming (like the one I have in the Moby zone), meanwhile I remove the leds, they are good but the angle is 60° good penetration but the footprint suck, good for 1 plant only. (and I have 5 there, so not good) back to MH 4000K and in 1 day I can see improvement.


Here are some pics of the auto I have indoors (pinapple express) with suppercropping
MH 4000K

In the Hydro CBD Critical Mass finally is showing recovery
MH 4000K

And my Moby Babys (leds)


Things are good

CBD Critical Mass is growing fast now on DWC, no more slime, just perfect. I also have 1 auto (pineapple express), and is growing pretty good, sativa leaves on soil. On both (Hydro and soil) I have made supercropping already.

on DWC
PH: ~5.4
EC: ~600 ms

And my mothers room with leds (Moby Dicks, Chronic, Sour Cream, Sour Kush)

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