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My Celium And Me


Organic is really a body of mycelium bonded to the plant's rootmass and soil they're in.

You know you nailed it when your soil is like one big spongy mass.


I don't have to think

I only have to water it

The results are always perfect

But that's old news

The soil fungus forms a body in and around the rootmass that regulates all of the things we try to tweak using other mediums or methods.

All I have to do is water.

Along with the obvious benefits of this well regulated symbiotic feeding network, the fungus also has an immune system of it's own.

This is what organic growing really is.

I don't grow the plants, I support the soil mycelium.


My best advice, use good soil.

The difference between something like roots or fox farm and something like black gold is huge. Iit's all about how it handles moisture, not what kind of nutrients are present.


Maintain a good biome friendly environment in the rhibozome.

It's all about maintaining the root zone climate. The right level of moisture and temps, access to air. Never mind the canopy its the root zone we should all be paying attention to.

What you feed it has little to do with performance. The mycelium will take care of nutrient balance and delivery evening out moisture and air levels ph the works.

We need only take care of it, and it will take care of our plants.


Not really, it grows right up to the surface.


Sometimes the top dries out but its still a single mass not loose dirt. I would use some top dressing if I was in larger containers under bigger lights, probably have to start feeding as well.

But in the conditions I work in now I don't need to do much to protect the top soil.