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My balls smell weird, and they're kinda moist


Root balls that is.
Couple days ago my plants all seem to lost their pazazz. They all use to reach for the light.
Now they're sad and droopy. I can make an assumption my watering played a part. How do you dry out a root ball and not hurt the roots? Also would like to switch soils, how can I replant and not use much of the previous soil? Gently break apart rootball??
Looking at the plants what do you think?

(photo's 5 minutes ago)

And here's pictures of the three outside the box, to show color and condition of leaves. (Photos taken last night)


Active member
if its just overwatering let them just go ... theyll recover pretty quick!

i never would break apart the soil its gonna disturb them alot more then overwatering once!


most likely it is overwatering.

use the weigh the unwatered vs watered container trick with your hands (its not quite an exacting science), and you'll be fine
don't tear up the rootball of an already stressed plant. You'll probably do more harm then good. yo might want to get a tea or some other innoculant to water them with next time, since overwatering invites pathogens.


why did you edit your post of "tea? what like we drink? or something else?
that was pretty funny dude..


why did you edit your post of "tea? what like we drink? or something else?
that was pretty funny dude..

Ya, i am sure it was. Your response was less then funny to me and the subject at hand, and the heckling laugh wasn't my cup of tea. More like the shit you read in a PM or Rep, not in the forum for others to base more asinine comments on instead of posting help or comments geared to fixing a plant.
Thanks anyways


well man, all you newer members refuse to use the search function and almost demand that people basically grow your pot for you without doing any legwork on your own.


well man, all you newer members refuse to use the search function and almost demand that people basically grow your pot for you without doing any legwork on your own.

No. Thats not it all.
First of all I had never even read anything about "tea" so why the hell am I going to search for something I am unaware of.
Second, its not easy to read and sort thru 5-50 threads when kids are :woohoo: running and :woohoo:screaming through the house.
Third, most of the shit used I can't find with in 150miles.

So please don't assume my asking is due to not searching..


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
COON, if those were mine i'd let them dry out a bit, lay off the ferts , only plain water for a spell, watch the heat in your room/ closet w/e , don't mess with the roots and they should be fine..the roots look good to me..dirt looks a little wet..


you know what, I was gonna post, but I'll take it to a pm just for you.
and btw, I searched the word tea and found 10 pages and 192 threads devoted to a one word search.


COON, if those were mine i'd let them dry out a bit, lay off the ferts , only plain water for a spell, watch the heat in your room/ closet w/e , don't mess with the roots and they should be fine..the roots look good to me..dirt looks a little wet..

i haven't stated nutes yet. Temps are in the 63-72 range.
I'll let them dry out a bit and i'll update

Thanks buddy


well Im not mad at you either :petting:
it just kills me that people dont use the search function here.

Weedman Herb

Your roots look fine ... Consistent Overwatering does lead to root rot ... but that isn't the case here ... I can't believe you took such an issue with being told to search ... and with cw at that ... we're all smart (asses) around here (yet generally good people who want to help where help is needed) ... get used to it ...


Non Conformist


If ya use 30% perlite er so ( wal mart 2-3$ ), and make a ton of holes in yer cups, pots, etc... yul avoid problems like this. Pot plants love air! Good luck! BC

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