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My Baby Boy

Old Soul

Active member
I just had to show you guys the new addition to the family. Got him on Friday, he just turned 8 weeks on Sunday. He is a Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff). He is gonna be such a stud.





Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Beautiful! Please keep us posted on his development. I have been intrigued by the Cane Corso's for a long time, and would be very interested to learn about your experience with him. They always look to me to be boxers on steroids - it would be interesting to know if their personalities are similar.


I think he's trying to figure out what a STUD is. lol
Very Handsome puppy
Don't mess around get he's puppy SHOTS sooner then later.
May you and your family have MANY years joyful doggy bliss.


Nice pic for a pup OS. I own a presa which is similar and have a few friends that own cc's. Put your seat belt on when he hits that year and half, two year mark it gonna be a ride. :biggrin:


Nice pup, my brother got one a few months ago, frikken thing is 120 lbs already and a long way from done.

Hope you got lots of kibble!
OMG THIS LOOKS JUST LIKE MY DOGGY!!!!! i got her when she was full grown so i never got to see her as a puppy!!! YOU MADE MY DAY! I JUST SHOWED EVERYONE IN MY HOUSE!!!


weed fiend
Good lookin pooch! I had seven or eight of those bad boys living next door. I think their bark is about 28 Hz, pretty darn low. Sounded like bass drums.

Old Soul

Active member
Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! I will definitely drop some pics from time to time so you can see how he develops. I have wanted one of these pups for a long time now so I am super stoked. He is gonna be a great guardian and companion.


Awesome! Burn how big he is now into your mind, and in a couple years as you are patrolling the yard with a shovel, I bet you'll smile then even. Good health and happiness to ya both :)


Rubbing my glands together
Beautiful pup OS. Best tip you can get>Get him into an obedience training class asap. They get big QUICK!!!


Natalie J. Puffington
Ooooooo noooooo!! He is too cute!!

I can't take it anymore!.... *runs out to get a pup immediately* :Bolt:


Enjoy one another, Old Soul!! :)
And please, give that doll a treat for me!

Old Soul

Active member
Well it has been a bit so I wanted to show you guys how he is growing up. He will be 16 weeks old on Sunday, he had his last set of shots including rabies today, and is 30 lbs. I take him out walking twice a day to wear him out.




Natalie J. Puffington
Awww, man he is so handsome!! :D
Oh I just love mastiffs!
Good thing he will grow into a giant, lazy, goofball...the ultimate stoner companion! ;)

Please keep updating us with pix! ...I can't wait to see him in his long legged, gangly stage! :biglaugh:
Enjoy one another!!


weed fiend
He's looking great, one solid muscle.

I painted the house a few years ago. While I crouched to paint a low area, the neighbor's mastiff sneaked up on me. I guess I'm easy to spook because I know the dog. But looking (up) and seeing this basketball sized head in my face scared the sheet outta me.

It took a moment for my body to catch up to my mind, kind of like being in front of a moving car. I managed to stand w/o dumping paint all over me and the dog. I reached to pet the gentle giant with my heart still half in my throat. He just smiled and wagged his tail, seemed like he knew he got me good.