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My babie needs a doctor!!!


New member
Hi everyone!

So the thing is that im having trouble finding out whats wrong with her.

Some info:

Strain? White Rhino
Hydroponic or soil? Soil
From seed or clone? Seed
Age of plant in question? 52 days
What stage (Veg/Flower; how many days into)? Flower since 2 days ago
Medium (Soil, Rockwool, Hydroton etc.)? Soil
Container/Pot size? 11L
Have they been transplanted, if so how long ago? Would guess on 30-40 days ago.
If soil, composition ratios (peat moss, perilite, vermiculite etc.)? Premixed tho added about 25-30% perlite
Water runoff Ph? 6,8-7,0
Nutrients added? Nonamer chemical nutrient
Ratios of nutrients (N% P% K%)? N 5,1g - P 1,0g - 4,3g /100 ml, dosnt say percentage.
When were they last fed/watered? Fed: 23 days ago Watered: today
How are you determining when to feed/water (weight, wilting, etc.)? if they soil is moist and the weight.
Tap/RO/Distilled water? Tap, wich have been aired for atleast 24h.
Light intensity/Age of bulb/Wattage? 200w cfl
Day/Night temps (Min.-Max.)? 17-26 C
Current air flow (CFM)? 64
Is there air blowing directly onto plant? yes
Using CO2? No
Relative humidity? 35-40%
Growing technique (Scrog, Sog, Supercropping etc.)? No
Has plant recently been pruned, clones taken, fimmed or pinched? Fimmed, 29 days ago
Pests? Yes, Fungus Gnats i belive. Picture below
Chemicals used to eradicate? none yet

Here is a picture of a crushed one:

I first wanna say that ive read most of the guides I could find and other threads but still couldnt decide whats wrong. Also this is my first attempt to grow.

this is the first symptoms i spoted and they came 29 days in and about 2 days after i gave it nutrients. I then thought that i burnt it so i flushed the soil but didnt seem to help.

The pictures below is from about 3 weeks after.





I now came to the conclusion by reading and asking around that it was either ph lockout or nutrient burn so I bought a cheap ph test for pools and it showed between 6,8-7,0 ph. The thing is that the scale only goes from 6,8 to 8,2 so i dont know how accurate and reliable it is.

Im unsure about if its nutrient burn beacuse i only gave her it twice. after the first time she looked fine, and the other time about 1,5 weeks after some symptoms showed as you can see in the first picture.

I dont want her to die so can anyone please help me?

if theres some info ive left out or anything, just ask:p


While searching for Fungus Gnat larvae in the soil wich i didnt find, i noticed some white spots on the bottom stem(picture below). Could that be a symptom of something or is it normal?


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Active member
You left out a lot...a whole lot actually. There's a "sick plant" form in the infirmary section somewhere, grab it and fill it out. It looks like pH could be a problem, over watering, under feeding, root bound, it could be a lot of things. Tell us more...


New member
I now think its all beacuse of the fucking fungus gnats. The first picture might be a light nutrient burn. So i need confirmation from you guys. If that is it, wich is the best and fastest way to get rid of them if its not to late?
i can only tell you that white dots i see all the time and i think its normal...never saw any problems from it, at least as far as i could see...


New member
i can only tell you that white dots i see all the time and i think its normal...never saw any problems from it, at least as far as i could see...

Ok thanks.=) Still need help confirming/identifying the others symptoms. Im in dire need of help. Anyone???


First pic is lack of phosphorus, other pics show lack of magnesium and nitrogen.


What nutes are you using? Your runoff seems high. I would expect a lower PH runoff. Noname nutrients suggest that there are maybe no micro nutrients.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
ibjammin is right, not enough info. In the pics, I can't see a pot under there, makes me think they're too big for the pot and rootbound.

On the fungus gnats, I have them often and sometimes in big numbers, but I never treat them simply because I can't say for sure that they do anything bad. I know that other people think they do, but I don't. To me, the worse thing they do is fly up my nose!
ok from all that i see in your pics forget the fungus nats not causing your problem .
You have a 52 day old plant from seed in a 2.5 gal pot that you are not feeding enough .
Re-pot and give a good feeding at least once a week if not more . Feed water water feed works well or just feed water but you need to re-pot that girl!:wave:
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New member
thanks for your oppinions guys=)

About the repoting idea, u sure? 11l is more like 2,9 gallons and the plant is only 47cm tall, 18,5 inches. picked that size of pot so I had som margin so I wouldnt have to repot but if ur sure:p

On the nutrient front i've ordered some hesi stuff and they are the following:

Hesi Bloom Complex - Noticed it has a ph buffert wich should settle the ph level at 5,5-6,5, does that mean that i dont have to worry about the ph anymore?

Phosphorus Plus

Hesi Supervit



New member
Here is an update with some new pictures:

I've stripped it from all the fugly fanleaves.

Picture of the pot


Inside the tent


Outside the tent - Is the lightness in the top beacuse of a Deficiency?


Still appreciating all the help i can get, thx guys =)


That's not pH, nutes, or Fungus gnats.

You have Root Aphids.

easy fix, use Bayer Tree and Shrub at 15ml per gallon

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Ah yes, pics that show the plants' size compared to the container, that's what we needed. Plant is still in veg. During veg, a plant should about double in size every week if it's growing healthy. Growing that fast, the roots will hit the bottom after a repot roughly one or two days later. In a week or two, they're circling the bottom. At 30-40 days of veg, the plant is very rootbound, no question about it.
thanks for your oppinions guys=)

About the repoting idea, u sure? 11l is more like 2,9 gallons and the plant is only 47cm tall, 18,5 inches. picked that size of pot so I had som margin so I wouldnt have to repot but if ur sure:p

On the nutrient front i've ordered some hesi stuff and they are the following:

Hesi Bloom Complex - Noticed it has a ph buffert wich should settle the ph level at 5,5-6,5, does that mean that i dont have to worry about the ph anymore?

Phosphorus Plus

Hesi Supervit

Well yes i'm sure and i'll tell ya why
11l=2.9 gallons liquid, soil is not liquid 11l=2.49 dry gallons so you have a 2.5 gallon pots, that from the looks of your pots in you new pics you are using @2gal of .
So from what i can gather from your post is that you are just getting started (good for you ) !
From knowing you are new to this this tells me your watering skills are not there yet this is not as big of a problem in larger containers . More soil = bigger buffer for errors . make since ?
I know the beginning fears of I don't want to over feed my girls we all have had it . Did i over water did i underwater was that to much food or not enough don't hurt the baby LOL . You just have to learn and hone you skills man u can do it !
So if you will just re-pot that girl and give her a good feedn and wait till she is almost ready to wilt before watering again. She will perk up and do right by ya !
learn your moisture levels by pot weight dial in your wet dry cycle and find there happy spot . it just takes practice
I have never used the ferts you are talkn about so cant help ya there but If you want to make you life easy in the begining dont go buy a bunch of crap to use on them , Like most of us on this site did when we first started . I will say if your going to spend money on a piece of equipment that an ec meter is the best choice when using chem ferts and using lime in your soil to control ph helps too .
Find a fert u like and can afford and follow there schedule and tweek it to you plants liking.

Have fun !:)

Root aphids where did you come up with that ?


New member
Well yes i'm sure and i'll tell ya why
11l=2.9 gallons liquid, soil is not liquid 11l=2.49 dry gallons so you have a 2.5 gallon pots, that from the looks of your pots in you new pics you are using @2gal of .
So from what i can gather from your post is that you are just getting started (good for you ) !
From knowing you are new to this this tells me your watering skills are not there yet this is not as big of a problem in larger containers . More soil = bigger buffer for errors . make since ?
I know the beginning fears of I don't want to over feed my girls we all have had it . Did i over water did i underwater was that to much food or not enough don't hurt the baby LOL . You just have to learn and hone you skills man u can do it !
So if you will just re-pot that girl and give her a good feedn and wait till she is almost ready to wilt before watering again. She will perk up and do right by ya !
learn your moisture levels by pot weight dial in your wet dry cycle and find there happy spot . it just takes practice
I have never used the ferts you are talkn about so cant help ya there but If you want to make you life easy in the begining dont go buy a bunch of crap to use on them , Like most of us on this site did when we first started . I will say if your going to spend money on a piece of equipment that an ec meter is the best choice when using chem ferts and using lime in your soil to control ph helps too .
Find a fert u like and can afford and follow there schedule and tweek it to you plants liking.

Have fun !:)

Root aphids where did you come up with that ?

Thanks for the response. I did what you told me to and you were right, is was all roots in the bottom:p