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My 8' x 8' Green House...

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Well this long weekend I built a green house, well the frame at least and gonna wrap it in poly tomorrow
It is an 8 foot square and inside will be 4-5gallon pots and one 2gallon with mj,
mixed amongst tomatoes, peppers, cumumber, peas, beans, strawberries, a black berry and corn

I will have one Chemo & Grape Fruit, plus a bunch of Master Kush's
put my mj girls up shortly...

yeah gotta wrap it in plastic tomorrow, think I'll have to level my floor or fill with clay, sand...


Well-known member
Nice start there B. Friendly.
I bet you will grow some nice healthy MJ plants this season.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
so here's a master kush, seriously ready to go

getting it further together, just have to cut and make it look nice.

here's a grape fruit on right, chemo middle and 2 more master kush pots

Happy Spring 2011

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
put a floor in, easier than trying to level the ground by moving piles of dirt...

and tied down my big kush girl

plus my corn, peas and beans came up, 3 days on a heat mat...


Overkill is under-rated.
Will they go full season or are you gonna black it out for some short runs? How many girls at a time will fit in there?

Props man...

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
lazy there will be no shortage in thread here,
we'll be going til November bro, december if i can,
I am in BC so you'll see a west coast grow...
also got my MMAR so not really bothered by anybody

gonna put my 4 girls in, a Chemo, Grape Fruit, and 2 Master Kush's... all will be in 5 gallons mixed between my veggies...
Puff on

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Girls are happy, putting out new shoots daily... for a whole day now

here's what it looks like cleaned up outside



lovely job man, very nice looking self made green house. why you not just putting the plants in the ground?

i think digging up the whole floor and putting in your own mixture using some of the soil there too if it's good and adding all the good stuff you normally do, would be a good idea.

there again, i'm sure it will work superbly as is. can't wait to see how it goes. wishing you a great season.


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ya Gaius, I am gonna put a flower bed in the side of the house that's most unlevel... there's about a 2 foot dip that'll work...
for now I am using rich organic mixed soil,
Chicken manure
mushroom compost
worm castings
top soil
sea soil http://www.seasoil.com/sea-soil-product.php
mixed into promix and perlite

but baby steps bro... any tips are always appreciated, two heads are better than one
gracias in advance

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