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My 6 Girls


Hi All,

Well As I said in the introduction thread "out of the shadows", so here I go a 3x3 tent x3 strains.

I have 2 each rooted clones of Green Crack, Jack Herer and Super Lemon Haze, my 6 girls. They are in 7 gallon cloth pots, in black magic soil, under a 600W Platinum LED.

I hope some of you will pull up a chair and we can spend the next 10 weeks hopefully watching these beauty's mature.

Well I can't seem to be able to figure out how to upload pics, and it's late, gotta work in the morning, but Ill try again soon.


At this point they have been out of the clones plugs and into my cloth pots and tent for 11 days, it may be crazy but I want to flip to 12-12 this week-end, 14 days toveg, which will put harvest hopefully around early to mid December, is that unrealistic?

So thanks for taking a look and if you have any comments, I am open to your thoughts


Thanks Troutman,

How do I post pictures? I uploaded a few to a my account but am unsure how to attach them to my post.


Seed Whore
Create an Album. :tiphat:

1. If you click your profile name. There's a button called My Albums.

2. Click that and at the bottom left there will be another button called Create New Album.

3. Create an album and upload your pics into the album.

4. If you click Edit Picture at the bottom right of each pic you can rename it if you want.

5. Below each pic will be a section called BB Code.

6. Copy and paste that code into your posts and your pics will show up there.


OK, I have been worried about over watering mostly, and didn't think they looked thirsty, but maybe I don't know what I am looking for, first time doing soil in many years.

Thanks, and thanks for the photo tip too, much appreciated.


Seed Whore
You can always water 1/2 your plants a certain amount while giving 2X that amount to the others.

In time, you'll see which watering amount works best. :)


Troutman & Aridbud,

Thanks great idea, much appreciated. With three strains I see the visual differences, so only makes sense they will drink and feed differently.


The stretch is on

The stretch is on

So I flipped over to 12-12 on the 31st, 3 days in and the stretch is on, doesn't take much. I am going out of state for the holidays, so hoping we don't go over 10 weeks of flower, which is mid December.

Anyway, I think my soil is too hot, and I know I screwed the pooch by using this premade Black Magic Soil, my clones arrived 2 days early, on a Sunday evening which caused a rush to get them planted, which I regret now. Should have chilled and waited for my local grow store to open the next day.

Anyway, I'm pushing ahead, learning from my mistakes as I go, but hoping between good genetics and solid advice I will get through this first soil grow without to many hiccups.

Here are a couple new pics, open tent and a couple close ups. The Jack Herer has always shown the best growth, but also has the deformed leaves, the Super Lemon Haze also has shown signs of not liking the soil, slow growth, waxy dark green leaves with a slight twist. The Green crack seems to be ok, and growing strong daily.

I am not sure what to do about the hot soil, so I gave them a good watering on Sunday hoping to flush the soil some, so it's not so hot. Also I have plastic trays under my cloth pots, keeping the water from going all over the floor, will this cause issues, root rot or??? Should I just let the water flood the tent floor or is there a method I am unaware of. I was thinking it's best not to block the reflective floor material.

All thoughts and criticism's are welcome, thanks for taking time to check out my thread.
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Yikes, what is all that data on my post, such a mess.

Hopefully a Moderator can come in and clean that up, I can not edit or I would take care of it myself.

Sorry and thanks for the help with Clean up on Aisle 3x3

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Well-known member
Hey there Rocker
Nice start you got going. One thing helped me was one of those cheap moisture meters. I used it and then tipped the pot to feel the weight. After a while I just tipped the pot.

I suspect your whorled leaves will fix themselves some strains are finicky. Some guys just run one strain and dial in the nutes that way they stay safe but where's the fun in that. If you really fuck up a run the worst thing is you don't get much of that weed. I make a simple spread sheet with the numbered week on the left side and add the additives along the top. I write in the amount of whatever in the block corresponding to that week. I'm running Oaxacan Zipolite now and they are all over the place. One pheno finished after 9 weeks and had a lot of white tips and ragged edges another had a bad claw from too much N in my mix and is nowhere near done at 14 weeks. A couple of others are in the middle and may be my keepers. I have several other strains I have a pheno mostly dialed in on that I run a few along for special folks who prefer them. I get a lot of help from the jungle tribe and some from the growers lounge, I mostly lurk the lounge as they're all about the numbers and theory but they're kind to my questions.
Glad you jumped in and happy growing.:plant grow:


Just this guy, ya know?
You guys doing the bb code image inserting are re-inventing the wheel. If you have already uploaded it to your icmag album, when you wanna post click Go Advanced and use the Insert Image button. It's light years easier than copying the image url and pasting it in, plus it never breaks. The problem specifically with that upper post is you can only insert 5 images per post, so the rest after that just won't show up. :tiphat:


AP - Thanks again man, now I know what happened, I was using insert image button but then tried to drag and drop, the last picture, That must be the data splat I see, for lack of a better phrase. I also will keep in mind the 5 pics on a post. How do I add a link to my grow thread at the bottom of signature? Sorry not all that computer savvy.

Rodehazrd - I have one of those meters but it was always saying my soil was moist and after about 5 days, I was skeptical, so I have been just watering evry 3rd or 4th day, so far so good, and ya I read that alot of folks lift the cloth pots, and I can definitely tell the difference of dry and wet. I put plastic trays that they sit on top of, not in but on top of because they are 12" same as my pots and I had larger ones but I couldn't fit 3 across. Any way my question is water drain through the pot and the into the tray, but the pot is sitting over the water, do you think this could cause problems, like root rot? I was just trying to keep the water from flooding the floor as it ran through and out? Below is a picture of the tray they sit on, thanks.
Not sure how you even got 6 - 7 gal. pots in a 3 x 3 tent but that sounds like way too many for that area. A 3 x 3 tent is only big enough for 1 plant if you use the mc2 rule that applies to growing. I do 8 plants in a 4' x 8' x 7' tent. Veg for about 4 - 5 weeks with 3 600 watt LED's & flower for 8 weeks with a 1000 watt HPS & 6 28 watt LED Spot lights for side lighting. My plants get 4' - 5' tall & completely fill the tent. I have to remove 2 plants just to be able to water it's so packed. I can't see you producing much bud as the plants will get so thick the light wont penetrate deep enough for good photosynthesis. You would get more bud if you just grew 1 plant in that size area.
You need to wipe up the run off water in your plastic trays. Yes ... it can possibly cause root rot. Doesn't mean it necessarily will; but why chance it. In 7 gallon pots you'll need about 1 gallon of water every 3 days. You should get run off in your trays every time you water as it will help flush the salt build up in your soil from the nutrients. I wouldn't worry a whole lot about twisted leaves & burnt tips from N. after a couple weeks of watering the soil wont be so hot & the plants will straighten out. That same thing happens to me every grow from the Fox Farms Ocean Forrest as it's a hot mix soil also.
Your big problem is room to flower !!! Remember that a plant will grow approximately 1' tall for every gallon size pot you use. Hence 7 gallon pot can grow a 7' tall plant. You should be up - potting a little at a time & not jump straight to a 7 gallon pot either for maximum results. You'll probably have slow growth till the plants get big enough for that size pot & the roots get big enough for it.
I'm no expert ... but I did have some really good coaches I learned from. My 1st grow I only yielded 2.5 oz. per plant. Now I'm getting closer to 6 oz. per plant. Still not the 8 - 12 oz. goal I'm shooting for so next grow will be SCROG method to see if I can reach it.