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MY 3 BIG GIRLS. . . Week 3 of Flower


Active member
this is one of my favorite threads. I have just one question. WEre you foliar feeding as well? With what? Some of the pictures in later flower stages exhibit some really wet looking leaves right before you turn the lights on.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Imma little late but.. Congrates on that heavy haul. And nice big girls you did a good job.. I would shit if I had that 6pds... Great work homie.. :rasta:
m blaze-

i've followed many of your threads over on RIU... glad to see that you're at IC mag as well. your trees are an inspiration to me... very nice job!

edit: thanks for teaching me how to fim :joint:


Active member
edit: nevermind, i love this grow for the fact that your using 600's, coco, and still yielding like a mofo!!! Not to mention the ladies look beautiful, and the screen doors dude nice trick, I always wondered how people dryed out tree sized plants. take care bud :)


New member
M Blaze you have me speechless to say the least...
Was wondering if youd give me some Personal assistance?
I will keep reading your journals once i figure out how to navigate this site

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