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My $200 Grow room set up.


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Plants added with pics

Plants added with pics

The set up is very simple, I dont like running a bunch of nutes "keeping it simple is my way of thinking". I just added a few girls to the room, started them on a Ionic Hydro Grow, Nitrozime and FossilFuel. The room stay at a content 74-77degree and 55-60 humidity. I covered the gutters in white plastic to make sure the roots get no light. Currently waiting 12 more plants in the cups to get more roots to transfer to the gutters. Thanks for checking it out...


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New member
Pump and Power Heads doing there job...

Pump and Power Heads doing there job...

Just a quick pic of the pump working and the Power heads in my tank, I never use air stones they work great at first but dont last long the power heads are cheap,last a long time and provide the much needed Co2 to the water...


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Compliments and respect on your system and room. Nicely constructed, clean and well thought out.

Do you put your girls in flower early and let ‘em go without much training or trimming? It looks like it would be difficult to do any direct tending to most of the plants once they get some size to ‘em.

Something else you might consider to give more root space: use the same type gutters turned upside down sitting on top of these. You could use one rockwool cube sitting on top of another or drill holes and use the same plastic cups your seedling are in only with a whole bunch of holes put in them for the roots to expand through. That would eliminate transplanting all together and double the amount of room for roots.


New member
Compliments and respect on your system and room. Nicely constructed, clean and well thought out.

Do you put your girls in flower early and let ‘em go without much training or trimming? It looks like it would be difficult to do any direct tending to most of the plants once they get some size to ‘em.

Something else you might consider to give more root space: use the same type gutters turned upside down sitting on top of these. You could use one rockwool cube sitting on top of another or drill holes and use the same plastic cups your seedling are in only with a whole bunch of holes put in them for the roots to expand through. That would eliminate transplanting all together and double the amount of room for roots.

Thanks I spent many nights thinking about this set up still working to to make the best with less...

I wait till there about 18" tall then top em and put right onto flowering. I still have to put a canopy net over the top to keep the plant and branches from falling over almost like the Scrog Method which I have yet to try out maybe on my next run I will. The tending of the plant now that's a task lol. I get on my back with my mechanic creeper and trim from the bottom, underneath the gutters I have a 18-24" space. I can sometimes stand up between the gutters and plants to do what I need to do also

The cubes on top might be an ideal? Hmm, I will think about it thanks. I hardly run seeds, mainly clones once I get a good strain I keep it for a while to bring out its best potential.
Hah, that’s funny, I thought to myself, ‘maybe he crawls underneath to tend the plants. But no, that would be too much of a pain in the ass.’ I didn’t think of using a creeper. Cool idea, but still sounds like a pain in the ass.

I haven’t done much growing with clones yet, but now I finely finely have both a flower room and a veg/mothers room. So lots of cloning along with searching for desired pheno traits of keeper strains coming very soon.


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"Sinmint Cookies" in NFT

"Sinmint Cookies" in NFT

It's been 5 days since is transplanted the these babies from soil to the NFT gutters,running full nutes shes doing great. I had one minor leaks in one of the gutters a little silicone and it was fixed,other than that the system is running great.


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New member
Nice system. I was able to look at the youtube video, well done. What kind of light are you using in this system? Do you have a failsafe backup pump just in case? This always worries me about systems like this and aeroponics. If the water stops pumping for even a short period of time, it could be devastating.


New member
Nice system. I was able to look at the youtube video, well done. What kind of light are you using in this system? Do you have a failsafe backup pump just in case? This always worries me about systems like this and aeroponics. If the water stops pumping for even a short period of time, it could be devastating.

Thanks for checking out my system, The current light are just two 1000k good quality commercial enclosed light fixtures with 2 HORTILUX grow bulbs in them. They are 100% sealed so no heat escapes and the room temp stay about 75 with the lights on. For veg I plan to add 2 HPS's . Fail safe pump? hmm I never thought about it, but now that you mention it I will get one. your right it dont take long to go without water to kill your plants in hydro. When there young no problem, but when the roots are fully grow it can kill a grow in 1 day ... just for the record I never had a problem with the pump failing in the past...In the beginning I sometime turn the pump off for a day to encourage root growth.


Invertebrata Inebriata
:kewlpics: Attaboys! This is a cool set-up. If you're just tuning in, go to page one and check out what this guy's doing.


New member
:kewlpics: Attaboys! This is a cool set-up. If you're just tuning in, go to page one and check out what this guy's doing.

Thanks for the Props Jellyfish, You dont want to miss this show, I wont let you guys down. I ran this system many times with great results.


The circulating power head in your rez is releasing a fair amount of heat, which is contributing to the temps. One solution is to purchase a cheap fish tank hang on the back filter. Remove the carbon from it, and load it up with biological/mechanical filtration. The pump located within the filter utilizes a fraction of the power, and because the motor is located outside of the res, its not contributing any heat. You are also filtering the water and oxygenating it as well.

Best of luck in your grow!


New member
The circulating power head in your rez is releasing a fair amount of heat, which is contributing to the temps. One solution is to purchase a cheap fish tank hang on the back filter. Remove the carbon from it, and load it up with biological/mechanical filtration. The pump located within the filter utilizes a fraction of the power, and because the motor is located outside of the res, its not contributing any heat. You are also filtering the water and oxygenating it as well.

Best of luck in your grow!

Thanks for the tip, so far the temps have been 70-72 with the light on, power heads on 24/7. I do like the ideal of filtering the water but I was worried that it might also filter out some of the nutes? I will keep it in mind for future grows. I am though looking to bring the temps down to 65 been working on a few DIY ideals will post anything I come up with.


That is why you remove the carbon from the hob style filter. Carbon is amazing stuff, it likes to form bonds with, well, just about everything. If we were keeping fish, thats a good thing, in these circumstances however it would be detrimental.

Ideally you just want mechanical (a piece of foam, some type of poly pad) and biological filtration. Mechanical is pretty obvious, it knocks out debris that is in the water and traps it in the filter. The biological filtration is a bit more complicated. Essentially after 30-60 days the biological filter media will have cycled, and will help to convert nitrates into nitrites. Nitrites are what the plants love. Never let your biological media go dry, this will restart the cycling process.

The presence of the filter will dramatically improve water conditions. Although the biggest benefit comes from people running some form of organic hydroponics, anyone with a rez can benefit from improved filtration, better oxygenation of the water, and improved circulation. It also dramatically cuts down on the presence of slime in the res, and can do a lot about any funky smells.

Oh, one last thing, be sure to maintain the filter, and if you have multiple independent reservoirs, be sure to have one dedicated filter for each rez.


New member
That is why you remove the carbon from the hob style filter. Carbon is amazing stuff, it likes to form bonds with, well, just about everything. If we were keeping fish, thats a good thing, in these circumstances however it would be detrimental.

Ideally you just want mechanical (a piece of foam, some type of poly pad) and biological filtration. Mechanical is pretty obvious, it knocks out debris that is in the water and traps it in the filter. The biological filtration is a bit more complicated. Essentially after 30-60 days the biological filter media will have cycled, and will help to convert nitrates into nitrites. Nitrites are what the plants love. Never let your biological media go dry, this will restart the cycling process.

The presence of the filter will dramatically improve water conditions. Although the biggest benefit comes from people running some form of organic hydroponics, anyone with a rez can benefit from improved filtration, better oxygenation of the water, and improved circulation. It also dramatically cuts down on the presence of slime in the res, and can do a lot about any funky smells.

Oh, one last thing, be sure to maintain the filter, and if you have multiple independent reservoirs, be sure to have one dedicated filter for each rez.

Damn Derka, you make me wanna go organic hydro for my next run!


heh. Organic hydro.

I went to dtw coco, and havent looked back.

I also enjoy spending time in my garden, so take that with a grain of salt.
Derka, Great idea but I’m not sure what you mean by ‘biological filtration’. Is that what happens after nutrient solution has been run through an inert filter media for a while, or are there biological materials that can be used for filtration?


biological filtration refers to the use of large surface area media to provide a medium for beneficial bacteria to colonize, and to accelerate the nitrification process. It is commonly called bio media, bio bale, or something bio in the fish keeping community.

Now I will admit that I am mostly using this from an aqua culture/ponic point of view, namely raising fish or plants or some combination of the two. I am not entirely clear on what role nitrification plays in the chemical interactions that occur over time in your rez.. however I do know that the presence of beneficial bacteria has a direct positive impact on the bacteria that is clinging to the roots of your plants, and its instrumental in preventing slime out breaks. To that matter, its what solved my dwc root slime issues.

This is an issue that has been discussed in depth in other threads, the only one I was able to quickly locate I have linked.
