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My 1st grow Closet 400watts



So I'm starting my 1st grow.. I was introduced to this site from a friend thought I'd share what I'm doing and hopefully be able to get some feedback, and some answers on some questions I may have during the growing process. The closet is 2x7 about. I was given these clones told one was blueberry with the rest being hog. If anyone knows anything about hog (possible yeilds, flowering time) I'd appreciate it. Anyhow I'm using foxfarm soil (ocean forest) They all looked really good. I have a friend helping me but we dont know much about the "hog". One question that I do have concerning soil growing would be nutrients/fertilizing. The soil I'm using now just wondering if its neccasary to add anything else, and if I did at wht stages. Also when it comes to tempture its winter so the temps go up and down is that bad? and should I look into keeping a steady temp?


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Nice to Meet ya Beasters,

Things are looking pretty good so far.
Sorry don't really have any info on the hog really-Is it the elite- clone-only or the seed strain from THseeds?

If it's the 'ECO' there is a 'Elite-clone only' thread in 'strains and hybrid' section I'm pretty sure that might have some info fo you.

As for your soil I would check out the 'Organics for beginner' thread in the 'Organic soil' section. Any questions you have I know you'll get ya answers there!

Take care



Do you have a certain one you'd recommend? Or does anyone? Just askin cuz again I am new to all this.
I would use the FF nutrients, BigBloom and TigerBloom during flowering. You don't really need to fertilize during vegging as the Ocean Forest has enough nutrients to last the first 30 days.

FF does recommend a dose of BigBloom during veg.

Look into EWC (earth worm casting) teas. These are simple to make. Just add about a cup of EWC to each gallon of water and stir or bubble for a couple days and use as you would regularly water.

Dowload that FF feeding schedule and use as a rough guideline. It will help you to not overfeed your babies.


So alil update here i started this post alil late, but I'm gettin some good info so thanks.. I veg them ona 24/7 started with 2 florals then switched to the 400 watt MH thanks to my friend! ^_^havent used anything as of yet just the ocean forest soil and tap water and ever thing looks nice. Started alil training also have a look see ^_^


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Also quick question..When it comes to feeding the plants is there a point when its too late to start adding ferts?


Lammen Gorthaur
Yes, but that's a ways down the line. For the moment, let them go. They probably have what they need. TH Seeds The Hog is Indica that is supposed to have eye-popping power. I tried growing it out a few years ago and had a complete crop failure. The seed vendor assured me it was due to my poor growing skills, but I have since heard nothing that supported that outrageous seed price I paid. It is a finicky beast and I wouldn't be putting the nutes into the mix until the last week of veg.

Now let us turn our attention to your environment. You will need to make the closet light-tight or there could be flowering problems and the plants may hermie on you. You also want to make sure there is plenty of air exchange and that you have a way of treating the air. Blueberry isn't exactly a stinker but The HOG is a stinky beast to be sure. Everyone in the house will know this plant is around, so you need to look into setting up a controlled air system so you can exchange fresh air in the closet and treat the stench infested air and discharge it out of the closet.

This brings us to the lighting system. An air-cooled hood will help keep the temperatures down (my 400 is in a vertical kool tube and that kept things really kool) and you can hook the feed side of the air system to the air-filter. In my closet I used a CAN33 and had it on a shelf at the top of the room. It sucked air through the filter, through the light and then out through the 235 cfm. fan and out into the attic area. This provided me with years of satisfactory operation. I completely cleaned out the closet. Put in a false floor (so I could put a center drain in the floor), sealed all seams in the room and painted it all out with KILZ - multiple coats. Every time I would set-up a new grow (each grow lasting me 6 to 9 months) I would put a new coat of KILZ and clean everything up.

In my particular case, I found that if I took the time to design out every element in the room, then my construction costs were controllable and the results were much more to my liking.

Welcome to our community. Keep at it!


LIl update

LIl update

Bout to flip these babies transfer them into 5 gallon bag pots, and a couple into 2-3 gallon pots. Got the 400 watt hooked up and runnin and picked up some Fox Farm Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom today to start adding when I flip them. Got some more pics, and more coming but I only have a cell phone and its being a bitch right now. This being my 1st grow I'm pretty excited and think these plants look pretty good! ^_^ Check'em out!


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Catching up

Catching up

Rest of the pictures I have after the transplant into bigger pots..Still about a week behind from current. Now have the timer setup and started flowering!! Thinkin everything is going well so far..If anyone has any feedback positive/negative feel free.. I'm here to learn!! :watchplant:


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So I started to flower on the 3rd of Jan, so that makes about 2 weeks in. Everything still looks nice I have pics but my phone wont let me email them so hopefully soon I can actually show the progress of my 1st grow...
All the plants are stretchin like crazy cept for the blueberry its stayin pretty much the same since flowering just got alot of hairs.

One of the hogs.. the leafs are kinda turnin a yellowish color on the tips only and just the one plant. I dont really get it.. i have done everything the same for everyplant but this one has some yellowness to the tips.. Was wondering what that could be? My bro says its prolly the light, I wish I could upload those pics.. cuz i have pics of the leaves too but if anyone might have an idea without a pic of wht could cause these leaves to turn yellowish.. and again really its just on the tips.

Another thing.. the smallest plant I have, the other day I saw some small brownish bugs in my fuckin soil!!! See wht happened is when I transplanted the last of my shit I ran outta soil.. and needed to transfer the one last lil clone I had.. I noticed in my garage there was some miracle grow so I used it.. they were prolly hiding out in there and waited for the warmness and my pot plant lol..
Anyway my bro gave me some neem oil and it seems to be pissing them off good enough and I aint seen any so I think its taken care of.. (fingers crossed) I've been spraying it with the oil everyday.

Well that about does it sorry again I dont have any pics but hopefully soon!


Day 26 flower

Day 26 flower

Day 26 of flower.. everything still on the upside. Gettin alil frosty now!! My cell phone is fixed so I have some pics now.. altho the quality sucks you can still get the picture somewhat...

The bug problem I had is now gone for sure.. it being this long and I have yet to see any more of those lil bastards..!! Yay:dance013:

The yellowish tips I had are still there and one plant now the tips are starting to curl down.. (thinkin maybe over feeding) I'm not too sure how often I should be watering.. They are all in 3-5 gallon pots and all about 2-3 feet high I've just been watering them when the soil looks dry... dont really have them on a regular feeding.

Other then that things are lookin good.. Again any input suggestions good/bad is greatly appreciatted:smokeit:


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In week 3 and 4 of flower this is the mix of ferts 2tsps grow big, 2 tsp tiger bloom and 1 tbl big bloom. This is the schedule for the remainder of the weeks 2tsp of tiger bloom and 1 tbl of big bloom and the schedule doesnt show a flushing period but I would go straight h2o and molasses for the last 2 weeks of your grow cycle. I also add 2 tspn of molasses to each gallon of water I use from seedling to harvest. All measurements of ferts are added to 1 gallon of water and then add 2 tspns of mollasses to same gallon of water. This cycle works great 4 me.


Thanks potheadmd... I do already have the foxfarm feeding schedule.. and that is pretty much exactly what they say if not to the T...

My concern was more just the watering of the plants not so much the feeding or nutes..... Them being 2-3 feet tall all in 3-5 gallon pots... Right now I only water them when the top soil looks dry.. not really a set thing cuz it varies... I guess if I dont really have a problem.. then its ok.. I'm just curious if its best to have a set watering schedule or if people with experience in soil now a round about schedule of watering....


Watering is probably one of the most difficult things to master. There isn't really a set schedule because of so many variables including plant growth, humidity, lighting, air movement, and medium.

In my current grow I switched to smart pots (fabric). These allow the medium to breath more and you can water more frequently - which is healthier for the plant imo. I water 3 x a week with the smart pots and the plants are only about 15" high.

Get used to lifting the pot and judging how heavy it is. Lift it after you water and just before so you can tell how dry it is. This will give you a better feel for when they need moisture. GL


Get used to lifting the pot and judging how heavy it is. Lift it after you water and just before so you can tell how dry it is. This will give you a better feel for when they need moisture. GL

Man.. I dont know why I didnt think of somthing like that.. lol like a common sense kinda thing.. >_< Thanks again for your info and help... I dont know if Ima master watering... think my next go round.. I go hydro! lol
Plants look good bro. Stick with one style of growing for a couple rounds. When you feel like you've got it down then start to experiment with more advanced techniques.