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'Mutt the Bounty Hunter'....... anybody watching?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I for one refuse to watch this greasy tear gas totin' wanna be hero. It's not bad enough he was recorded repeatedly spouting the word n i g g e r but he was using it in reference to his own sons girlfriend, the man has no soul, no respect for his own family and their feelings.

I still see on those commercials that he's telling the cameras what a bad ass motherfucker this guy that he's chasing is....... then why the fuck did Mutt allow him to bond out through D' Kine Bail Bonds? ummmmmmm, could it be his cheesey & transparent attempt to boost the ratings?

When they made that prick they broke the mold, I hear
there's a bounty on that mold makers head now too.......


Active member
I'm sure A&E has hours of footage of the dog spewing racial slurs. They did their best to keep it under wraps, then his own son wears a wire and narks his dad out.

Gotta love it.



Registered Pothead
I watch the show cause i think it is funny. He never goes after real hardcore criminals who would shoot him and all his sons. They wouldnt catch me without the police is all i know. They are like the studio gangsters of the bounty hunting world.


Active member
I don't get why calling people a nigger is a big deal.

I've been called a cracker, whoopty do. I know gingers get called ginga all the time... fat people are called fatasses lardballs etc.

If you can't handle words, you're a fucking little bitch.

Theres a baby being raped to death in Darfur right now as we speak... now thats a fucking big deal.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Would you want to hang out with him? I don't have a lot of pals that run around looking like a mercenary wearing Gucci.


Active member
Liam said:
I don't get why calling people a nigger is a big deal.

I've been called a cracker, whoopty do. I know gingers get called ginga all the time... fat people are called fatasses lardballs etc.

If you can't handle words, you're a fucking little bitch.

Theres a baby being raped to death in Darfur right now as we speak... now thats a fucking big deal.

suppose you've got somewhat of a point.i totally agree with your point about the seriousness of the use of language in comparison to 'real' crime.
for me,if a name is derogitary towards the recipiant,then its out of line.
and when its derogitary about something your born with,its kinda worse..
each to they're own bruv.


her dankness
Liam said:
I don't get why calling people a nigger is a big deal.
Theres a baby being raped to death in Darfur right now as we speak... now thats a fucking big deal.
But do you see these things are related? The evil things that humans do to each other- it's easier to justify if the one you are hurting is somehow less than you, beneath you- 3/5 of a man, as it once was, or sub-human.
What angers me is not that some ignorant piece of trash with an attitude problem stemming from maybe being weaned early, or being hung like a tic-tac, or being beat up by his big sister when he was five, or whatever, uses the term, it's that anyone still does, in this world, in the year 2008, and still thinks there's much of a fundamental difference between that and whatever the reasoning du jour for genocide, anywhere, is.

Anyway the guy is a big puss no matter how ya slice it. Betcha his producers are wondering whether to fit the Dog with a prong collar or maybe one of those no-bark devices, with the sensor modified to zap him when he says things that could embarrass the network...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Liam said:
I don't get why calling people a nigger is a big deal.
I understand the sticks and stones theory as everyone else does bro. Mutt just happened to use it to describe his own son's gf, someone his son loves.

Also, I hope you realize that the hundreds, the thousands of black men that were lynched in the united states for no valid reason whatsoever went to their deaths (knowing they were innocent) to the chants and taunts of niggger this and niggger that. If the horror of this word is allowed to continue to be diluted through its current use in music, comedy, films, and everyday conversation then I'm afraid it's nearly the same as accepting the WWII holocaust as the price of war when we know it was the most despicable and without a doubt the worst of war crimes ever to be.

That being said I acknowledge free speech as an irrevocable right, do what you will with it as you'll be loved, hated, praised, and pounded for it until the end of your very own days and then some as they'll likely continue to exist in forums and blogs for years to come.......

Unless I'm on a rant I tend to choose my words and convey my thoughts very carefully, I'd rather be well understood then well liked for my words, I don't post to garner popular opinion and unavoidably tend to step on some toes in the process.



Domesticator of Cannabis
I love watching the Dog. I don't give a shit what he says to his clan. I wouldn't expect any less from a convict in the business. I don't care what jessy jackass says either, shame shame. I like the show. My Sammy came with a remote.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Actually, it's ok to use the n-word if you're black. It's called 'taking back the word', haven't you heard?

And the show is stupid and pointless. Saw one episode where his crew chased down some poor druggie who's probably charged with possession of one bag of meth and Dog's talking like they're going after Hannibal Lecter.

But it's the greatest white trash show on cable right now (oops sorry was that racist?). With the kids wearing bulletproof vests with no shirts to Dog's mullet-to-end-all-mullets, it's like the trailer park chronicles, only with no trailer parks...


Domesticator of Cannabis
Beth that's the tear gas.


Well-known member
Dog is a drooling moron. You can take the trash out of the trailer park but, you can't take the trailer park out of the trash.

And what's up with those gay-ass hair braids? It's obvious the Dog would rather go out on a limb than down on a bush. He should stay home in his trailer, wearing his dirty tee-shit, and beating his fat ugly wannabe blond bimbo wife, and not on TV. On one of his shows, Dog once refered to that fat pig he's married to, as his "Trophy Wife", if shes a fucking trophy wife she must have been for LAST PLACE!

I say exrtadite the rat bitch snitch Dog to Mexico and let the Hommies sort him out!


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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
trouble said:
Dog once refered to that fat pig he's married to, as his "Trophy Wife", if shes a fucking trophy wife she must have been for LAST PLACE!
Well, like a trophy hog he must've been talking weight.......


On February 28, 1976 in Pampa, Texas Chapman was charged and convicted of DWI.

Also in Pampa, Texas on September 16, 1976 he was charged with Homicide. On August 18, 1977 he began serving a five-year sentence and paroled on January 31, 1979. His parole was terminated on December 20, 1980.

No mention is made in his Texas criminal record of arrest or convictions for armed robbery though Chapman claims to have been arrested 18 times for armed robbery. However, he does have two more DWI’s, Burglary, Possession of Burglar Tools, etc.

August 21, 2002 complaints were filed against Chapman for Obstructing a Peace Officer and Disorderly Conduct-Unreasonable Noise (case number 2002M 003004) in Adams County, Colorado court. On 12-12-02 the DA dismissed the obstructing complaint. He pled guilty to the disorderly and received a fine totaling $386.00, inclusive of court costs, etc.

On January 25, 2000 in the Denver County Court he was charged with Disturbing the Peace and Assault (case number 00GS933296); both cases dismissed on 5-15-02.
etc etc, list goes on

excerpt taken from---


all old news, but i just thought it needed mentioning.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
the dog , his wife...his entire family loook like bigger meth heads than half the people they are tyring to carpture...i guess theres still a market for the white trash kkk viewer


Domesticator of Cannabis
hunt4genetics said:
I would tag his daughter "Baby Lisa" though.
jsut saying.

She's kinda nice with a sexy overbite.
I hope you all enjoyed tonights episodes as much as I did.
That meth is quite the drug.
I also like seeing the Islands although they take you through some really dumpy areas at times.


I'd throw her a lay.
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