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Mutated Seedling that decided to switch the root system around.


I have never seen this before, has anyone else?

The picture that is included is a 4-5 day old seedling.

It was germinated in a paper towel and put 1 CM in the dirt after it popped.

It's like the seedling could not figure out gravity. And then changed it's makeup to turn the root system green and into something I have never seen before.. The root system grew up and out of the dirt and turned into what looks like grass It was white when it first came out of the dirt, then turned green and started looking like grass.

The two small leaves that are normally stuck together until it is out of the dirt and the shell pops off are where the red arrow is pointing.

It was just under the dirt pointing out horizontally.

After pulling it it looks like those two leaves are changing into something else. (more part of the root system)

I was going to let it grow and see if the grass looking thing ever would turn into something and create nodes but don't have the space or time.

Anyone seen this before that can comment on what would have eventually happened?



dam u killed it???
i cant wrap my head around that pic, thats canabis??

Yes I did kill it, I pulled it and took a picture of it.

Yes, it is a Joey Weed Blue Berry seedling.

I popped 4 so far, 2 made it and look normal and 1 died before it got the shell off after it emerged from the dirt and the other turned into that.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
It looks like grass, real grass. I don't think that plant sprouted from a cannabis seed. What's the history of your soil?

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Crusader is right. Its grass, real grass. You must have had a broken piece of crabgrass rhizome in your mix.

No doubt about it, that is grass.

Don't feel bad Chimei, we all come to the wrong conclusion sometimes but since it is on topic, I'd really love to know what you were smoking at the time.


Well-known member
I pull that out of my flower garden all the time. That's not cannabis, that's grass.

I knew a guy once that germed his seeds in a paper towel and planted them upside down, with the tap root sticking up and the seed in the soil. All of them promptly died.

Trust me, that is grass, as in lawn.


I feel like a moron now haha :laughing:

After seeing all these posts on it being grass I went back to the cup and dug through it carefully and sure enough I found the original seed just opened and it must have aborted in the process of growing and died. It was only like 1 mm out of the cracked seed.

I guess that is what I get for using some topsoil in my seedling mix.

So yep it was grass! I guess it would have been a better laugh if I was 2 months into vegging grass seed.


Funny stuff hahaha

I looked at the picture and was like....what? I had to check and see if this post was made on April 1st just to be sure.



:):) i got a bunch of that growin' wild in the yard dude! should i smoke it? :):)