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must recomended nutrietns!?


Im gonna start to use General Hydroponics.

So I would love to know what do you recomend from their products, like what for veg, what for flower, any add on???

what do you suggest guys??
Do a search for "lucas formula" it has something to do with using only the micro and bloom, I don't know too many details, I use Pure-blend pro. Good Luck


The Lucas formula is specific to Gen Hydro's Flora Series. You use micro & bloom, not grow. (I actually do use a little bit of grow for seedlings & fresh clones, but that's all).

Here's the info as posted by Lucas himself on CW:

General Hydroponics Flora Series Feeding Strategy - Lucas Formula

G-M-B (Grow-Micro-Bloom)
0-5-10 - For Vegitative cycle (18/6)
0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle (12/12)

The numbers indicate the number of mililiters of Grow, Micro or Bloom formulas that I use in one gallon (US Liquid) of nutrients.

You will notice I don't use any of the Grow formula, don't need to, the Micro provides plenty of Nitrogen.

There are two ways to work with this formula:

1. Top off the reservoir daily using a pH corrected water solution as required to maintain full reservoir level. After adding back an amount of water equal to the amount of your reservoir capacity you should change the reservoir and put in fresh solution.
2. Top off the reservoir daily using a pH corrected 100% strength nutrient solution as required to maintain full reservoir level. Continue to use this nutrient solution without dumping the tank unless the PPM rises above acceptable levels.

Between vegitative and flowering cycles you should dump your nutrients, then flush (possibly with Clearex) to remove salt buildups, then change to the other feeding program.

For young plants, just transplanted into the hydro setup, give them 50% strength nutrient mix to prevent overfeeding them while their young. Gradually bring up the mix to full strength as they grow over the next few weeks or so.

The lucas formula is normally intended for use with RO or near 0 PPM water.

NOTE: The lucas formula eliminates the need for epsom salts to correct Mg deficiendies in most normal feeding programs recomended by manufacturers. Cannabis needs a lot of Magnesium to thrive. The Flora Micro is providing the Nitrogen and the Mg in the proper balance, thus there is no need for the Grow formula and little or no room under the 'acceptable' PPM limit of 1600 @ 0.7 conversion.

Expected PPM levels:

At .5 conversion:
0-4-8 = 473ppm
0-5-10 = 592ppm
0-8-16 = 947ppm

At .7 conversion:
0-4-8 = 663ppm
0-5-10 = 829ppm
0-8-16 = 1326ppm

Addback Calculator (For Advanced Users)

Say you were running the 0-8-16 formula, at .7 conversion with a 22 gallon res. When you first fill it up, your ppm will be 1330.

Now you have been growing for a week, and some of the water has been taken up by the plants, some has evaporated, and now your res is at 947ppm. You need to get your ppm from 947 to 1330. Here is the equation:

((target-current)/target)*8 mil's per gallon*res gallons = micro

double this figure to get bloom mil's

0.3*8*22 = 53 mil's micro

53 mil's micro double that and get 106mils bloom. So 53micro and 106bloom to add back to your 22 gallon res to get you from 947 to 1330.


Active member
1. Top off the reservoir daily using a pH corrected water solution as required to maintain full reservoir level. After adding back an amount of water equal to the amount of your reservoir capacity you should change the reservoir and put in fresh solution.
2. Top off the reservoir daily using a pH corrected 100% strength nutrient solution as required to maintain full reservoir level. Continue to use this nutrient solution without dumping the tank unless the PPM rises above acceptable levels.

i think i remember Lucas disrecommending adding pH down on a regular basis, also topping is either with RO till 100% addback then replacing the nutes, or 1/3 strength topoff's constantly, in the latter case you should watch the ppms and the pH.



I use all three, but I don't use a whole lot of grow. GH is definately one of the best out there. : )




Use GH Floranova Grow and Bloom. Its basically Lucas' formula in a 1 part nutrient with some added things like humics, etc. No mixing at all. Just make sure you shake the gallon vigorously and you mix it into your res thoroughly. Its very concentrated so 1 gallon goes a long way


GH Micro and GH Bloom, via Lucas formula.

GH Floralicious Bloom

GH Liquid Kool Bloom

I use cannazyme instead of GH sub-culture.

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Active member
I use GH Flora Nova which is a 1 part nute and I love the stuff its a great product and has a ph stabilizer in it. I'd also recommend GH Floralicious Bloom.
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Just a heads up. Dont use floralicious until 3 weeks of flower. Its been said to have adverse effects on the bud development so its best to use after the stretch (ie: 3 weeks)


Active member
Main Formula for bloom
Varation of Lucas Formula.
1:1:1 M-B-FloraNova Bloom

Floralicious Bloom and Kool Bloom.
Big Blooms, Great Resin production. Good stuff.


Active member

you mind if i ask you what this means, i'm not getting it (must be the drugs in my brain):

1:1:1 M-B-FloraNova Bloom
Are you using the Micro and Bloom of the Flora Series together with the Bloom of the FloraNova Series? Or did i get you wrong there?




full time daddy
i use AN's 3 part ( grow micro bloom)
to tell u the truth GH 3part & AN 3 part are the same...... ( on the 3 part anyways )

AN is a few bux cheap then gh in my store so i go with it

here is how i feed remember this can be used with any nute. not just AN.

go by what your plants want/need they will tell u when there hungry

add your water & nute base ( i use 3 part ) micro,grow,bloom

then let run for 3 days with out plants on 3rd day add plants
( r/o water plants can be added asap along with step 2 )

step 2 (3rd day)
add fulvic, himic, b-52, carboload

step 3 (7th day) ( 3rd if r/o is used )
on the 7th day add prinia, trantula & voodoo. AKA p, t, & v.
the reason u wait this time frame is that p,t&v contains non-pathogenic beneficial microbes,fungi & bacteria that chlorine would kill all your benefical lifeforms.
(waste of $$$$)

also add p, t & v at a slow rate if u have a 50 gallon rez dont dump 50 gallons worth of p, t & v. add 10 gallons worth for 5 days.
once this stuff is add u dont have to add it again. its living & grows very fast keeping it self alive.......

ever 2 weeks add fulvic,b-52,sensizym & carbolad

carboload feeds your p, t & v more dont hurt (but only on this item)
sensizym turns old dead rootmass into humic acid there for after 2 weeks of veg u can cut out humic if u dont veg and bloom right away then this can be done 2 week's from start of plant is interduced to nute's

for bloom i use 3part but cut out the grow.
as said befor add nutes as needed.

in bloom start @ week 1 & add fulvic,b-52,sensizym & carbolad ever 2 weeks
so week 1-3-5 no need for week 7 (if u added the items here just last week ADD again on week 1 of bloom

week 1 veg nute's + budblood & carboload (nute's as need)

week 2-4 add bigbud & carboload ( add main base nute as needed)
also at week 4 if u have a strain thats longer then 8 week repeat this week to need's (remember ever 2 weeks u add fulvic,b-52,sensizym & carbolad )

week 5 r/o water + carboload ( this give the gurls a chance to uptake any left over budblood,bigbud sumtimes main base is needed depinding on strain

week 6 + overdrive & carboload ( add main base nute as needed )

week 7 + overdrive ( add just r/o water no main base nute's needed)

week 8 salt leach ( by this time the gurls eat 90% of nutes & dont need dumped to add salt leach)

to ajust my ph i use AN barracaid ( for ph up ) its also a potassim salacit ( i dont think i spelled that right...
sence no rez change's i have yet to use ph down about the time ph starts to get high its time to add more nute witch takes it back to where u want it
90% of the time ph is going to low for me

as far as how much per gallon well that really depinds on what strain/growth stage there at i add as need...............m-g-b ratio's
.........seed/clone 1.5-1.5-1
clone/2week veg 2-2-1
......2-4week veg 3-1-3
1-2weeks bloom 3-1-3
2-4 weeks bloom 4-.5-4
4-7 weeks bloom 1-0-1
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Active member
mace_ecam said:

you mind if i ask you what this means, i'm not getting it (must be the drugs in my brain):

Are you using the Micro and Bloom of the Flora Series together with the Bloom of the FloraNova Series? Or did i get you wrong there?



Thats correct.. I mix the flora series and the nova series. So its a chem-ganic approach.

Heres why I did it.

- FloraNova, has some great PH buffers in it.. very stable even with
tap water. However my tap is about 70-90 PPM.

- FloraNova, for some reason that I'm not understanding grows huge buds.
However.. in comparing it with the Flora series FN had more resin production almost as if they were lacking.

- FloraNova contains natural additives in it that are not present in the flora
series, such as humic extracts..


Active member
The reason i ask is 8ml of FN Bloom are the same as 0-8-16(http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21254), minus the organics.
You're using a bit more N and a bit less P and K, resulting from the 1:1 micro to bloom ratio, it made me curios.
The Flora Nova Series is buffered for tap water (unlike the Flora series but both can be used with RO) that has a pH around 8, meaning it will prevent you from using too much pH down(phosporic acid), which is toxic in higher doses, lots of problems originate from the grower chasing pH.




Active member
mace_ecam said:
The reason i ask is 8ml of FN Bloom are the same as 0-8-16(http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21254), minus the organics.
You're using a bit more N and a bit less P and K, resulting from the 1:1 micro to bloom ratio, it made me curios.
The Flora Nova Series is buffered for tap water (unlike the Flora series but both can be used with RO) that has a pH around 8, meaning it will prevent you from using too much pH down(phosporic acid), which is toxic in higher doses, lots of problems originate from the grower chasing pH.



Well, its true that the NPK ratio seems a bit off, but I also run Kool bloom
in my bloom formula.


New member
Sorry to dig up an old thread on the Lucas Formula but I can't find the info I want to answer someones question.

In the Lucas Formula waht does the term

At .5 conversion and
At .7 conversion mean. If I remember right it it the ppm @ a ph of 7.0 or 5.0 but know that doesn't sound right.

PLease comment.



gets some

Conversion just means what formula your *TDS* meter uses to determine the EC. It could be .5 or .7 (or around there depending on manufacturer of the TDS meter. Find out!!).
In simple terms, an EC of 1.0 means 500ppm on a .5 conversion TDS meter (like Hanna likes to stay with). An EC of 1.0 means 700ppm on a .7 TDS meter (like Milwaukee likes). The bottom line is if you use nute calculators and/or the bottle directions make sure that your meter and your nutes are on the same page.

EDIT: I have a thread way back in my 3rd or 4th page of past posts about conversion factors. Also links to a post about why its important.
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checking out THE LUCAS FORMULA!!!!!!!
thanks . this place is the shit !!