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Multiple shroom trips over the summer has had an effect on me months later

Jack D Ripper said:
The American, why are you posting on this thread? you have nothing to contribute and you have NO idea what we are talking about....

why dont you go experience it for yourself, then come on back and see if you still want to crack wise about it.

Just ignore it, this is how the death of a thread starts. To ignore this guy, if you really believe what you say, is to remove his power to cause chaos or make fun or whatever the case may be. Cleaning up a thread or getting it back on course can be done by something as simple as letting things go or ignoring them.
Jack D Ripper said:
or if you want to post somewhere where you dont have to wait 3 weeks for a response:


I like shroomery to read peoples thoughts, but not so much to comment. Sometimes I feel like the people there have let some of their experiences and ideas go to their head which can **** everything up. Its a good site and a great place to get info if you are interested in the mushroom experience. Read about peoples trips, their specualtions on them, how to grow mushrooms, spiritual and philosophical discussions. Its my ICMAG for mushrooms.
never have to wait 3 weeks for responses maybe because i learned to get to know people there.... and the shroomery does have good info but also some people tend to give false info there to just to laugh when you fail trust me foaf got screwed over there and ripped off on spores. plus there site aint been working right lately. i do check on both sites though not completely hating on shroomery but seem like alot of childish games.


Big D said:
Mushrooms are poisonous... it is the poison that makes you hallucinate.

Sorry, but that is totally bullshit...

(Edit-guess several other folks already set him straight)


I used to hang at the shroomery too.
If Hippie3 still runs mycotopia, I'd avoid it like the plague- he is a big bully of a know-it-all, and I've been having run-ins with him since the days of DroolDonkey.
But that's my personal problem I guess...
wikipedia: poison

In the context of biology, poisons are substances that can cause damage, illness, or death to organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by an organism. Paracelsus, the father of toxicology, once wrote: "Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison".

so if you say psylocibin is poison, I say apples are poison. =)


i dealt with alot of derealization/depersonalization, and anxiety my freshman year of college. i thought of all the things it could be (i reasoned that weed had ****ed me up), but it jsut ended up being anxiety from moving away from home for the first time and being an independent human being. your feelings will fade when u go back home for x-mas break, and when u go back to school you'll never feel ****ed like you did first semester.
When tripping, it's all about your mindset. A positive environment and attitude are essential. Go with the flow, don't fight it and remember that whatever you see or whatever happens, it's just a drug and it's not real.

It is definitely a tool more than anything, a good trip can work wonders in multiple ways. I have done things while tripping that non-tripping people saw that I am convinced I could not have done while sober. One time, a friend threw a hacky sack at me and while I was looking down I caught it without looking, just having heard him throw it. Also, when playing guitar I am able to play with much more feeling and my improvisation is 10X better, I can almost play whatever I want to.

The only 'delics I would really recommend out of experience are all enthogenic natural ones (San Pedro, Psylicibin Mushies, Ayahuasca, ect.) or LSD. All of the research chemicals, phenathylamines and tryptamines (2-CB, TMA-2, 5-MeO-DMT, ect.)just don't have that same spiritual enthogenic feeling to them.

As for frequency of use, it all depends on how you can handle your shit. I know people who use to eat Acid everyday for months and months and turned out fine, and I know people that started to change off of a 2-day trial of 2-CB. Personally, I have tripped about 3-4 times at most in a week before, but I usually like to give it a week or two or month. And after having tripped the countless number of times that I have now, I can honestly say that my outlook has changed a little as have my values, but there has been no weird personality change. I still have all of my same friends, if not more, and most agree I handle this stuff pretty well though not all approve.
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Homer J Simpson said:
All of the research chemicals, phenathylamines and tryptamines (2-CB, TMA-2, 5-MeO-DMT, ect.)just don't have that same spiritual enthogenic feeling to them.

do you know what a tryptamine is? because if you did you wouldnt make an ignorant ass statement like that. Psilocybin is a tryptamine. 5-MEO-DMT is another naturally occuring tryptamine in the sonoran toad, and DMT is even more common (ahyuasca anyone?)

also, LSD isnt natural (duh!)... LSA is. Your friends who wigged out from 2-cb were probably just on PCP anyway. These PIHKAL and TIHKAL goodies are very rare, and you never know what your on unless you cook it yourself. Which bring me to my next point.... take and organic chem class before you start calling LSD natural and five methoxy neurotoxic.
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Dirt Magirt

Y'all are all trippin'! This is exactly what makes people that smoke herb look bad. Being lumped in with this nonsense. A tool, lol. Mushrooms can trigger psychological problems, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia...
right... and this guy gives herb all sorts of street cred yo!



all praises are due to the Most High
Big D said:
Mushrooms are poisonous... it is the poison that makes you hallucinate.
Fun...yes! But not very smart. Some after affects of prolonged use you will not recover from. I mean its forever!

Be cool and stay away from that stuff!

you are sadly mis-informed, worste of all, you speak as if you knew... oh the world is going downhill faster than we knew...

edit: and wtf are 'delics'? is that a new word from california or something? :biglaugh: and people actually hate plants and how their specific bio-chemistry interacts with us in so many ways? :nono:
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sunshine in a bag
Haven't read this entire thread, but I will later when I have time.

I sort of empathize with you.

Sometimes when I think about things or have a song stuck in my head that I would be otherwise embarrassed to have people hear/see me listening to, I try to stop thinking about it because I get the eerie feeling people can somehow sense my thoughts, or read my mind for lack of a better phrase.


Active member
PazVerdeRadical said:
you are sadly mis-informed, worste of all, you speak as if you knew... oh the world is going downhill faster than we knew...

edit: and wtf are 'delics'? is that a new word from california or something? :biglaugh: and people actually hate plants and how their specific bio-chemistry interacts with us in so many ways? :nono:

Paz- that sounds like hippy-talk for "psychedelics" to me.

And yeah, to the guy above Paz:

all shrooms are not toxic. Just like the shrooms on pizza, and the shrooms that make you trip ARE NOT THE SAME.

All plants will not get you high if you smoke em either

Anyway, the ones that you eat are not toxic. The most common kind in the US (Psilocybe Cubensis) are not toxic AT ALL. You could eat as many as you want and NEVER OVERDOSE

You could eat 1 lb of em dried and not die, seriously. Your mind would most likely be shook up as hell for a longtime, but you certainly wouldn't die. Unless you were allergic to mushrooms!

So nah, not toxic. Weed also does not kills braincells and sperm count too, just to let you know.

Big D

PazVerdeRadical said:
you are sadly mis-informed, worste of all, you speak as if you knew... oh the world is going downhill faster than we knew...

The sad thing is that some people are using this to find themselves or something! I dont know how old these people are but I can assure you and like I have already stated, I speak from experience. I come from probably the shroom capitol.
The person that started this thread clarifies my point. And all you guys are doing is trying to justify the use of this POISON for spiritual enlightenment.
Timothy Leary is or was the poster boy for what happens from prolonged use of hallucinogens. Did you ever hear this guy speak? Did you notice the look in his eyes? You have never heard of someone that never came down from shrooms,
I find myself every morning... in the mirror!

Lune TNS

I'm with others in saying that over time, mushrooms and LSD become old and boring. I've shroomed a good 10 times, taken lucy maybe 20 times, all within a 2 years. Did this affect me? Of course, there were some good side effects, and also some that I consider bad. Any of you denying that these drugs can trigger very serious psychological problems in some individuals are either in denial (duh...) or ignorant.

I think this thread needs to get binned. Ripper you can make all the smart ass comments you want, big baby jesus has it right.

Big D

^^^ Atleast a few here are sensible!

Hey Jack D, you can kiss my ass! Giving me neg. rep... what an ass!:bashhead:

And again no one said you can die from shrooms. But the idea that they are not toxic at all and you can eat as much as you want even a pound... dude you cant be serious.....

Thats it for me... eat up!