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multiple light green/yellow patches forming on lower leaves...

see this thread for background info:

we are now about 3 1/2 or 4 weeks old. The last feeding was plain ph down'd brita water. I have given them a few light mistings in the mornings, and when they were young I watered them with a spray bottle and the leaves got wet and a little fertilized (thus the twisting of old leaves). Temps have been between 79 and 81. They are slightly over lit, I'm going to remove one of the 23 w bulbs. I dunno what else, but I came home to check on them and change clothes and was shocked by this latest situation. help!

A picture is worth a thousand words. If these pictures are insufficient I will post more and write about them tomorrow.


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oops here they are. I just took these pics, last night I gave them a bath in room temp ph down'd brita water. Where should my Ph be? I usually give them between 5 and 6 as I read it was best to vary the Ph a little. Let me see if I can crop these to get a better view of the problem areas....


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Active member
I don't see anything really wrong here... Looks like too much water as babies, slight overwatering now, and maybe could use some ferts... What exactly is the problem?
I don't see anything really wrong here... Looks like too much water as babies, slight overwatering now, and maybe could use some ferts... What exactly is the problem?

pic 1 - bottom center leaf.

pic 2 - bottom right leaf and yellow leaves

pic 3 - bottom center leaf of both plants

pic 4 - brown spot, other problems are not as visible in the pic as in person... I will try to change the lighting to get better pics.
pics... getting worse by the hour


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more pics.

If they need to be fertilized thats a surprise to me, because they just got put into 25% coco 75% FFOF about a week ago and their roots are just now starting to poke through the bottoms of the cups (screen bottom for air pruning)


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Active member
It still looks like just a little too much water...let them dry out a bit more between waterings.

Is that "fungus" looking stuff growing by the hour? Is that what you're saying? To me, it looks like a classic case of overwatering when they were seedlings. It shouldn't be perceptively growing...
they are no longer overwatered, the soil was entirely bone dry for an entire day before the last watering.

All deficiencies seen besides a couple twisted leaves are new developments. The yellow is turning brown and more green is turning yellow.
It's getting scary... HELP!

If nobody has any advice soon I'm going to just fert them a little, I need to leave and can not let this keep going at this rate for another 5 hours...


Active member
they are no longer overwatered, the soil was entirely bone dry for an entire day before the last watering.

All deficiencies seen besides a couple twisted leaves are new developments. The yellow is turning brown and more green is turning yellow.
It's getting scary... HELP!

If nobody has any advice soon I'm going to just fert them a little, I need to leave and can not let this keep going at this rate for another 5 hours...

Did you let it dry TOO much? Maybe you killed a bunch of the roots...

Sorry I can't be more helpful...


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
overwatering and or N

also twisted leaves is PH beginning to be off

-if soil is wet let it dry out, then nute with pH'd water after added nutes
-if soil is dry feed nutes I would say 3-4ml a gallon and PH water, if still occuring up the ml's next watering
I went to the chat room and their diagnosis was PH issues... When I told them I normally watered with a PH between 5 and 6 they told me to go with between 6 and 7. I gave them a bath around 6.2 or so (I'm using the little drops to test PH so it's inaccurate to a degree). Now they don't look any better, maybe a little worse, I cant really tell. Tomorrow morning we will know for sure. Heres to hoping!
sounds like a ph issue. curling leaves etc... first thing make sure water going in has correct ph. if the ph in soil is off you will be showing all kinds of deficiancies. get your ph right first before adding any nutes
OK, they look like they might be getting healthier, at least it isn't getting worse. I pulled off the bottom leaves because they were all but dead on most plants. I really want to water them tonight with some ferts and a higher PH (I think I should give them like 6.8 or even 7 to try and balance against whats already in there...) but I KNOW that will be overwatering because they're not dry yet. Can I do it anyways to try and restore PH conditions so that it can return to full-speed growth?
OOPS nevermind. I rotated the plants and noticed that before it only looked healthy because of what was facing me. Here are new pics of the current damage.


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one more... I know a lot of my pics are very broad, but my camera sucks at close-ups, and cropping the images doesnt help much because quality is not good. Just focus in on the areas where you see damage, I try to focus on them.


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