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Blackberry cut still floating around??? My god thats good shit. Ive got the black russian(blackberry x cherry AK47) She is a nice plant...

Rooms looks good!


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
looks like you spent alotta time on that setup...

nice graffiti also...

keep postin up pics for us man


Theyre gettin it. The room isnt as full as i wanted, due to some slow rooting cloes, but for this first run well just see how it goes.





more pics comig whe shit starts happening lol. thinking of flipping to 12/12 tomorrow maybe. Theyve bee diggi the lucas at around 1300 ppm, thik ill push it up to around 1400 soon and see how they react.



Hey, word to the wise, people who flowered in this setup had issues with roots growing into the 1 inch piping. You might wanna flower sooner than later to avoid this. You can also try using mesh netting to contain the roots.


If I am seeing right, your light cooling is flawed.

It looks like you have one fan pulling through 4 lights, and the first light is just open, meaning air is being pulled out of the room. But then you have an A/C. All you are doing is pulling the A/Ced air out of the room. You should connect that first light to a intake that pulls air from outside the room.


You beat me to it Yamaha......I`m sure the current setup`s cooling the lights as is but it`s stealing environment from the room at the same time............

Not to mention the fact that the A/C`s workin WAAAAY overtime to cool the lights instead of the room which is gonna reflect greatly in your monthly power bill.......

There`s a lotta work gone into what you finally decided on and that deserves respect.......But......That design is VERY old and there are flaws such as has already been mentioned above about the feed and drain tubes clogging with roots.......

The submersible pumps are not strong enough to blast out the roots when turned on by the timers for the feed cycle........There also needsta be some mesh screen covered and glued to the feed holes to prevent roots from clogging the plumbing.......

That design is what my `Ol buddy Bonzo built his improved buckets from......Super simple ebb and flow buckets is the thread I believe.....Bonz did it with 5 gal buckets instead of 3 liter coke bottles with tha bottoms cut out.......

Hook the first light up to a passive intake hole from outside the room and your A/C won`t work near as hard......

Good luck on your new setup ......Peace.......DHF......... :joint:
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thanks for stopping thru and dropping the knowledge, Im still learning for sure. I understand teh concept of intaking from outside the room, I did that with my old cab, but I guess I wasnt really thinking about it for the room. I was gonna put a filter up at the end of the last light, I guess if I suck fomr outside the room and thru I wont need one. So I guess I gotta make another 6 inch hole lol. Then Ill jsut get a filter for the actual room yeah? thanks guys Im jsut tryin to make this work.

We DID put screens down in between the bottles and the pvc, to prevent the HT fomr falling thru, but ppl are telling me these screens will most likely be clogged. so . . . .

When we made this system we recognized that It could be improved upon. Were kindof on a deadline and were just trying to get one good run out of these at least. What do u guys think, will the plant make a run, or most likely die?

Im concerned to say the least lol. The light cooling is an easy fiz but I need to know if the system is doomed. Ill check the threads DHF, thanks agian for taking the time to stop by


If you didnt use anything to seal where the 2 liter bottles screw in then you can screw off the bottle and trim the roots when necessary for this run.


Hey ICU.........I`m gladta hear you screened the bottom drainholes but if the screens are to fine of a mesh they will clog as you`ve been told.........

It`s hardta fight clogs when the drains are in the bottom of the containers cuz gravity takes over and the drain flow wants to suck roots back down with it after every feed so all in all it`s a constant uphill battle to keep yer shit flowing properly .........

If you can disconnect your bottles and keep the roots pruned as was stated earlier , you might be able to pull a decent chop but I`d upgrade asap.........

Good luck Bro and if you have any problems with this setup just Holler.......Guaranteed you`ll have ph issues if you don`t top off your rez`s frequently....

Hope all goes well ...Take care.......DHF......... :joint: .......

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I agree with Rastafarian about raising the buckets.

I've got an Ebb and Gro system from CAP that I'm running. 4 rows of buckets. The middle one were elevated about 1.5 - 2 inches off the ground. The outside buckets were only elevated about 1/2 " off the ground. As the grow progressed. I noticed that the roots in the bottoms of the middle ones were completely maxed out and the outside ones were growing nicely but had not completely made a massive root ball. I'm pretty sure since I was only feeding 3 times a day at first and now 6 times a day that they were just drowning in their own carbonic acid in what had become a septic zone.The big difference is that the plants in the middle got way bigger.

I also keep an airstone in the rez and I think it helps for sure.

I do have one question about watering frequency for clones. I've got some rooting in just straight hydroton and they're in 4 inch net pots with the roots coming out of them. I'm new to this hydro thing. How often would you guys recommend watering them. I was watering once every hour for fifteen minutes and while some look good. I was getting this weird little shriveled up leaf thing on some of them. Maybe the light was too close or the humidity is not right. Not sure.

As far as building a system some people can do it but I'd rather pay ( don't trust my construction skills). Basically what they've done is mass produced something people could if they had the tools, knowledge, and materials for themselves. Honestly it's worth it to me to buy a new system every time.

There's a place near me that will build you 5 gallon buckets with the wholes cut and the net pot that sits above it for $20.00 a piece which to me is worth it. Then I just connect the fittings and tubing hook up to controller, clean rocks, and done.

Good Luck.

As soon as I get a camera I'm going to start putting up some pictures to be able to get some better feedback.


Oh and as far as what DedHedFred said. Pond Liner for sure. I don't know anyone who has not at some point flooded their room.
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Well Ive heard so many bad things about the bottle system and I dont have time to research another diy right now so I gotta go with tables or right now. Thought Id be slick but man I gotta do this run right. I know tables work. should have used them from the begging.

I might try the bottle system for moms or something, but for now I'm running tables to flower. lol fuck the bottles.

I put up one and my partners puttin up the other today. Check it






Check the fat indica

And the last bottle system

Second table should be up today. Wish me luck

and thank u icmag for all the help. We should be swithcing to 12/12 today. So well see what we can do with this run and next run will be soo nice I cant wait


I ran beds of hydroton like that and have switched back to using pots. You may want to consider that for the next tables. For one, you will use less hydroton. Second, I could move plants etc and I also had better growth


Well here are the most recent pics, went away for a few days and had a ppm drift, a little burning, but the resses are stable now and shits looking pretty nice

Table one


Table two, decidedly smaller lol

Fatty indica

And the ventilation, in from outside and back outside


Hey Bro......Hope everything works out for yas.......Save up and get yas some 6" square pots so you can move plants around to develop your canopy under the lights......

SOG grows are among the most yielding systems there are with vertical topping the list that I`ve been moving on to for almost a yr.............

Take care and good luck......DHF........ :joint: ........


Hey man thank again for stoppin thru, theyre starting to take off now, resess are stable and growth is steady. flipped to 12/12 about 5 days ago. gottem at 1400ish and 5.8. it drifts up to 6.1 every day but the drift is steady and consistant.


I got a vid uploading hopefully itll be up soon

Im off to amsterdam to the cup hehe but Ill be back buy the first of the month, I got a friend loking after them so wish them luck
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lookin nice. i have an ebb and gro and its kinda the same concept with bigger buckets.


The plants TOOK off while we were gone, got a few burnt tops but mainly we got some stretchy ass phenos that hopefully with some training will yield. And a few phenos that i like.

check them out


Large table


small table

This pheno is pretty nice

So is this one

this one is shitty lol too lanky

Havin some humidity issues and ill have to get a dehumidifier

Was starting to get a little pm on the lower leaves so i trimmed some

heres some burt tops, only have two, they grew into the 1k


And i keep getting instances of this sap - whats up with this shit

and heres some misc shots, showing the formation around week 4



K yall - c im still here lol lemme know
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