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Let the pot dry out 50% from his full weight with a water runoff is ready to water again? EX : When I water a 16oz cup with a small runoff, the weight of the pot is 275g. Its ok to water again when the pot is at 137.5g? The plan in it is a 2 weeks clone!

Using CANNA Substra in Pro-Mix is good since Pro-Mix is a inert medium with basicly no nutrient in it?

Why my run off is at 850ppm with pro-mix BX? I watered this clone 1 time with 400ppm. Where the extra 450ppm come from? My only idea about this is the dirt in the water runoff!!??!! Do I need to filter (with a cofee filter) the runoff water before to test it?

Thank you!!


Active member
Watch plants closely while not giving them water. When they droop, weigh them. Water them when they are thirsty but haven't started drooping yet.

Pro-Mix should have an initial charge of nutes... low but there. Shouldn't be a continuing issue... no need to filter before testing.

Stay Safe! Never Stop Reading! :D


THe guy at the hydroshop said that when the soil is to dry root die and reduce the harvest by 20-30% when happening in flower.

So, why I have a runoff of 850ppm when I water with 500ppm? The plant was starving...so the plant taken the small amount of nutes in the pro-mix.


Active member
#1 Don't listen to the guy at the hydro store... even when the information is correct it's usually out of context. MOST hydro store 'guys' are more up on marketing and sales than cultivation. Spend your time here and other sites sifting the gold nuggets of information from the crap sand.

#2 Don't worry about the ppm for a week.... unless the plant starts looking bad. If ppm is still too high after a week, then post your findings up here and we'll take a look.

Water your plants a little while before they droop... they'll be fine and so will their roots. :D


Ok! Thank you! :)

By the way CANNA Substra seems to work really good in Pro-Mix BX soil.

He said to never water plain water. In flowering, give 1000ppm...next time give 1000ppm....next time give 500ppm and restart! That's his advice.


Active member
Still listening to the hydro guy?

Haven't used Canna Substra (Maxibloom is $12 for 'several' grows worth of nutes) but 1000 ppm seems a bit high to start with. Again, I don't know canna nutes. Definitely recommend searching the forums for folks that "successfully" use canna Substra and see what they're doing... compared to what you are.


You've taken the first steps down the road of a very complicated highway. All of the usual guide signs have been obscured/defaced by prohibition... so it's a bit difficult to navigate. Definitely worth the journey though.

Stay Safe! :D


I'm at my 9th grow!! I still know what I'm doing but I take a little from everywhere and ask a LOT of question. Its why I started this thread! :p

1000ppm is good! Guys on another forum use 1000ppm ++ and doing 0.7g-0.8g per watts! But I think the real success is to look at the runoff and adjust the next watering from there and never water with plain water instead of a runoff of 2000ppm and more.


Active member
why is your run off 850 ppm? because when you water with fertilizer alot of the salts are left behind in the promix and some will be run off. promix holds alot of salts and this is why you have a higher reading. i allow 10 -20 percent runoff. if you dont allow enough runoff,that number will increase signifigantly on your next runoff check. if you are using 1000 ppms,id be monitoring the health of my plants and using fertilizer every third time.

keep an eye for buildup and nutrient burn if you are using 1000 ppm in promix. i use coco. coco works differently and doesnt hold as much salt as promix. can u burn your plants with coco or have lockout?sure. i like the fact that i usually dont worry bout overwatering with coco like promix.

i got tired of the crusty promix dry ring around the inside edge of the container as well as the nutrient running down the side of the container.as far as when to water,single containers are a pain in the ass to check each one. youll just have to do that unless you have em timed or a dripper. this is why i switched to tubs. much easier to know that aftwer a few waterings,youll know how many days till they need there next feed. with coco i water with nutrient every time. with promix i always had to keep count.

the other guy is right,dont listen to hydro guys. there more interested in making sales and wondering what there mark up percentage will be.


Pro-Mix don't hold salt that much.

I watered 600ppm and 900ppm during october on my flowering plants. Yesterday the runoff was at 1000ppm after I watered with 630ppm. Exactly where I want it.

PRo-Mix BX runoff with plain water and brand new out of the bad dirt is 600ppm! Its why my runoff was so high!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
This is an interesting topic.

First of all, I generally don't start feeding clones in solo cups unless of course they are going to finish in solo cups. Typically I would wait and feed them when they are transplanted into larger pots because a clone in a solo cup needs to focus it's growth more in the root zone than vegetative growth. New roots are very fragile and temperamental and burn easily.

Secondly, a ppm for soil is next to worthless because pH and plant health will give you more information that actually matters. Supplying sufficient nutrients in the correct pH range without overdosing is easy and doesn't require anything more than a pH pen.

Once I begin feeding a plant, I feed her increasingly with every watering until she begins to show the slightest tip burn and reduce the nutrients by 5% and she gets that solution every time she is watered for her life span. I use the same recipe and modify it slightly for flowering, I never adjust or add any nutrients to dodge deficiencies or toxicities, because everything is there for the plant to thrive. Providing that I keep the pH in the proper ranges to allow uptake of all the nutrients I feed them.

Not only that: But I would speculate that the PPM of the solution I feed with every watering is somewhere above 7500, maybe over 10,000. And I never give my plants plain water and I never flush until finish.

So how does that figure?



For the pH thing...unless your water is 4.8 or 7.2 I don't thing its a must at all!

If you transplant often like me with fresh soil...you soil have a buffer. If your water is in the 6.0 to 6.6 pH range...you are just fine without messing with pH.

I already adjusted pH but never got more from my plant over when I don't. I have a friend that harvest less when he adjust pH...