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Multi Room New Setup



As an FYI, when I order seeds, I also send the order with the money, I dont pay by credit card. I guess thats pointless. My point is I always include shipping for EACH pack and I write VERY clearly on EACH order form that I want EACH seed pack mailed SEPERATELY. My logic is I'd rather loose 1 pack out of 3, then all 3 packs. Seed ordering costs money but more importantly time that I couldnt waste. So far so good with SB

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
resinnation said:
Mr C where did you find double dutch?

I just ordered some seeds
Power Plant
Pot of Gold
White Widow
Double Straw Diesel
and couple packs of LGS Mountain Mix - I am going to grow out couple at a time looking for some qual genetics from teh mix pack
Edit: I have warlock and wonder haze on the way as well

Anyone grown Mountain Mix by legends is it just hyped or is it mix of qual genetics?

I plan to start with POG and PP, then SAGE in soil for my head when time space money or whatever permits, update when I order pickup equipment and set it up, I'll post some pics then

I support our home by ordering from Gypsy www.seedboutique.com


let me just make a comment on here as to what someone mentioned to me in the form of "+karma".

i was told that i wasnt being a "good friend" by wanting you (resinnation) to fail or something or other. lets be clear about a couple of things, what i said is first of all supportive and true, heres my original post. . .
1. dont really see anything wrong with it at all, if youve grown before then you should be ok.

your taking things one room at a time, which is what you or anyone would have to do, whether it be large or small, so go for it.

hell i wish i had a house to grow in and ive only had 2 official grows. of course your gonna get the nay sayers but oh well. hey its your grow, if anything it will be your learning experience. arm yourself with information and you should be ok.

if your one of those "go hard or go home" types then just be that and get to growin'!

2. if you succeed or fail, my grows gonna be fine.

my first statement to resinnation was more than supportive and there were/ are going to be people who would say "hey dont do that" but i am always telling people that their experience may not be the same as someone elses, so to discourage someone from doing something just because they themselves had a bad go of it is wrong to do.

secondly, anyone has to arm themselves with knowledge for any task they undertake , no? and for me hell, i love being a carpenter, electrician, gardener, and whatever else i need to be to produce the best quality cannabis around!!! for lack of a better phrase: "this shit is a ball!!!"

the second statement is as honest as it gets, and what is more true than that? isnt my grow gonna be fine if his fails? (god forbid) wouldnt ANYONE elses grow be fine even if mine were to fail? so how is this harsh or not a fact?

and "for the record" growing is not difficult at all, but OTHER PEOPLE can make growing seem like some tedious tasks ESPECIALLY when they look at it as a "business". the only reason i would love to go bigger and be able to do something "buisness like" is that i would love to be able to produce the best cannabis out there for others to consume, especially med patients if i were to find any at all. where i am things are still up in the air about that and most if not all med patients are and will be in the closet for some time to come.

ive been on the business end of things on many occasions, it is a business where one has no need to be greedy, but we all have to remember we are who we are. i tell many people that this statement is the only thing my first mother in law ever told me that had me thinking she was a guru of some sorts: "life isnt difficult but PEOPLE make life difficult"; and i find that it rings true in so many aspects of life it aint funny!

i have no problem with someone pointing things out about me or my posts, but make sure you are absolutely correct in your summation of either one, and if its an absolute truth then ill own up to it, but if not then i am gonna speak on it. grow well, and grow true!

^^ what?

anyway here's an update, took a while getting off my feet after thankgiving holiday. Things are moving along now tho, needs are sprouting then they'll be under flouro's until they get going. Once established they'll be under 400CMH until I can take cuttings. Pictures of the room will be up when construction is done. too lazy for action shots..


got the mother room/veg room almost done, which is where the grow will start, compressor rboke finishing framing the entrance. Then picks will be up. pz
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Things are moving along, at the rate they do...tomorrow rapid rooter plugs with seeds go under flouros, and I mix up soiless medium using LC promix formula for veg growth

and getting batch of bone/blood/kelp mix breaking down for future transplant

then its on to finishing flower room, gimme minute on pics


I back you up on what you said Friend. It's all bullshit if you aren't real with the people around you, including yourself :rasta:

Get some pics up mang!
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friend - i dunno what happened, but i didn't take any offense to your post, I thought the last line was wierd, but just figured you were keeping it in perspective

pics will be up, ended up having a drunk day today


resinnation said:
heres what I have right now(pictures will be posted soon.

8'x10'x8' room that is gutted. I am framing tomorrow with 2x4 quiet rated insulation. I also put some old ceiling panels under osb board on floor.

I need to decide:

1. Grow tek(leaning toward e&f 4x8 tables(2 per room) with either 2 - 1k hps or 2 600on movers or 3 600s)

resinnation said:
I am building my own tables most likely... ...room is actually 12x9 studded and drywalled. Also upon thinking about it, I am going to take some measurements of the room I plan to work with next. I believe it is larger and should accomodate 2 tables, turning original room into mom/clone work room.

ok, i'm gonna say that i'm confused.... are you working with 8x10, or 12x9? if it's 8x10 then you will have to build your own tables or use 3x6's

anyway, whatever... i'm a soil guy...

and to the people saying you can't go big your first time, see the thread in my sig, my first indoor grow ever yielded 5# off 4KW. i'm sure you can do it too, Resinnation..

if you are planning to use E&F tables, DEFINITELY read through Stoney419's Thread he does know a lot about the different setups you are looking at. I think he finally settled on 2x600's on a mover over 4x8 tables, using Sea of Green technique and he vegged in an EZ-Cloner

oh yah and if you are making your own EZ-cloner just buy the replacement misters for the real EZ Cloner they work great. and use a Home Depot Rubbermaid 54Gal tub... no leaking.

hmmmmm more tips....

Run a sealed room! it's cheaper to set up, assuming you can install a Window AC, and you can run CO2. get a big enough AC and you dont need to air cool your lights, saves lots of money on fans, etc...

If it were me, i would go soil. much easier... my current room uses Blazeoneup's soil mix, and all i have to do is water with plain tap water every 3-4 days. the only other maintenence i have to do is tying up the buds when they get too fat and start to sag...

but hydro has its perks too.

good luck, and post some pics/updates if you can.
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right on, I actually decided to go soil until at least to start.

and I have seeds poppin up now I bought a sensi indica mix to start cheapo and find solid couple mommas is the goal

I understand the confusion about dimension, and I'm always messing them up myself.

Veg room = 8x10
flower room = 11x12.5

i dunno i believe I'm using blaze's mix also if that was in the organics beginner thread using the bone/blood/kelp mix in promix bx medium

and I actually did get the home depot 54 gallon tubs already, they look pretty solid for sure

thank you for the encouragement

to all that've responded positive and negative, thank you also

I did decide to change some things and scale back on the timeline i was originally trying to push, and just gonna get these two rooms setup now and find whats gonna work best for myself and hte space I have

UPDATE: pics are on the camera, but no usb cable obv
veg room has seeds in rapid rooters sprouting and I'm getting the atmosphere maintaining properly

flower room needs to the electric finished, and ducting set up then b w poly and equipment and thats good to go, so I have plenty of time to do all that.
I am also setting up a little positive pressure cleanroom type lab for other purposes in the anteroom to these two rooms, so thats been taking some time and figurin out

anyway stayin busy, so when i get a usb cable i'll throw some pictures up, but nothing really too interesting is happening yet just seeds sprouting

what kinda btu ac do i need to run say 4-5kw(6 max) in a 11x12.5x8h room. I was going to aircool, but you make a decent point, I actually already have a couple ac too, but I don't want to install window ac in middle of winter :)

Also how many kwh/month does did ac to cool ur 4kw grow take? or if you know how often it was turning on and for how long, etc.. guess I should just search for sealed room, or read ur thread before i ask anything else pz & thx
So bump, and an update:

Still no pictures prolly wont ever be any for another month.(just found camera, so I need to order usb cable and I'll give ya look)

I have some indi's from mix pack and sprouted 10 blueberry.

I had whole bunch of other shit going on so I decided to just let them grow out in veg for awhile, and sex them by preflower

so now I have 4 fem blueberry and 2 fem from the mix pack.

I had poor results with germination and survival from the mix pack, I sprouted them before enironment was set up correctly, so bunch didn't germ, thats why there were only 2 fem, but such is life

The Mixer's are pretty large and have been topped in couple spots so should be nice and bushy when they recover from last round.

I recently topped 2 of the blueberries that were confirmed fem and getting too tall, i am attempting 3 different methods of cloning currently to see which i prefer

I made a large aero cloner, very small bubble cloner, and a humidity dome with rapid rooters from old aquarium, with a perlite layer and water underneath that(I orig had airstone in there but it was soaking the rapid rooters and they seem to be doing fine without it.

Thats about it.

Except I also used soil mix before it had time to break down enough(I think) so I had to deal with some deficiencies, notable N, Mag, and very early on with couple plants, Ca

I supplement them with teas every second to third watering, and seems to be clearing up on all but one.
been rough time, heres update though, with pictures finally.

Had a buncha problems:

rubbermaid cracked and leaked ~15 gallons of water...took care of that, the quick solution had more problems, and i got sick and was being lazy so that led to more problems

In short all but 1 maybe 2 clones died, moms got nute burnt 1 hella bad

I also came to find out the deficiencies i thought were happening were actually signs of nute burn. So I only made it worse trying to fix the problems. I'm sure something else happened but thats about it. Here are some pictures

Here is the cloner, moms, and burn on the worst one

2 in the foreground are dj blueberry(which I guess dont like a lot of nutes)
theres another BB thats I just topped and took buncha cuttings from

back 2 are from indie mixer pack

all in 3 gal bags

I think you can see two the clones that got brutalized by my laziness and noob mistakes, gonna see if they recover tho while waiting for next round

All new growth is looking pretty good after repotting with mix cut up with mirac organic about half half


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they dont look bad....whats that foil shit on the base of the stem for? abd i would start to super crop those mums and tie them down...or top that at least but you need all the time you can get soo i would just train them soo they bush out...
the foil holds them upright and keeps light out. Its a temporary solution until I find a better one(I hear pool foam works well?) ne ideas? bushing them is the plan.