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muffed light cycle


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
tried doing searches on this one, and i'm figuring i'm just not thinking of the right search phrases (because i know this has to have been asked before, i just can't find it)

but....i added a 600w to 2 400w's this weekend - and this was more load that the power strip in place wanted to handle. it functioned fine for 2 observed light cycles, but...today, i stopped in to see the flowering girls and they were sitting in the dark.

best i can figure, they had 4 hours of darkness where they expected light. i've re-jiggered the load off the power strip for right now, and i'll be replacing w/ a ballsier power strip tonite, but my question...

which is the path of less calamity in dealing with what's already happened?

1) let the girls deal with an 8 hour light cycle?
2) extend tonite's light cycle so that they get 12 hours of light (altho 4 hours later than normal)
3) split the difference? extend them for a couple of hours, so they get 10 hours of light tonite?
4) some combination of the above

if it matters, it's a pretty broad mix under the bulbs - skunks that are 2 days into flowering, NL, AK, and haze that's seen 3 weeks of 12/12, and a passel of 5-to-6 week finishing afghani that've seen between 2 weeks and 5 weeks of 12/12

i'm leaning towards 1) at this point, curious as to the advice of others before i do it, tho


Extend the dark period until the
next scheduled lights on.
Less stress and hassle than screwing with the schedule IMO.


Extend the dark period until the
next scheduled lights on.
Less stress and hassle than screwing with the schedule IMO.
Looks like you already took this advice, but this is spot on.

Missing a few hours of light during flower isn't really a big deal, but messing with the dark cycle could cause you problems. The hours of darkness are a huge part of what makes them start flowering, and getting less than 12 hours in flower could confuse them. Getting more than 12 hours is perfectly fine, the plants won't notice the difference. In fact, if you want to change your lights on time in flower (to take advantage of cooler nights for example), you can just let the plants sit in darkness longer and start the 12/12 cycle at the new time.


stick to the same cycle you used before .. just leave it like it is.. np and dont worry that much :)