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Mrktwiz's Version 2 - 3,200 kw's lumen joy/Scrog-VERT


Active member
When you have the extra money, get yourself a santa fe or a drizair or w/e brand... They're expensive, but a dehuey that isn't running isn't adding heat to your grow, or drawing electricity adding to your bill... My dehuey is way over-sized for my grow, but it only runs from time to time and keeps everything exactly where I want it. I bet you can find a used unit at a good price...

You should run drain lines if your partner isn't going to stay on top of things. Automation is your friend. I don't roll with partners... The only person I can rely on is me, and that's been proven over and over again.


Hey Bro...Gladta hear shit ain`t bad as it looks in said pics.... 75 pint dehuey`ll prolly be ok for that many plants , but your 35`s wastin more energy and spinnin the meter head runnin 24/7 tryin ta keep up with transpiration from them dialed bitches yas got hoonin....

Folks don`t realize how much relative humidity goes up during lights off when the plants are in swellage mode and dialed in for the kill , and that`s where molds and mildews get their footholds ta fuck things up unless attacked aggressively....

Here`s Krusty`s famous motto from back in the day........"Perfect environment 24/7 till end of cycle".....Light is secondary to environment.......

Environment`s everything....proof`s in da puddin....More air movement and dehumidification Bro....gotta step up.....and....

Got faith in yas....DHF....:ying:.....

Edit:...Bobble....yas bring a tear to an old man`s eye.....Carry on with yer 1 man band.....No worries when yas argue with yourself....Never had a minute`s worry when I didn`t haveta convince somebody of why I was doin what I was...

Reminds me of me....take notice guyz.....and....Santa Fe or Drizair ftw with a lung room conditioning air for all flip rooms as they need it on demand.....Dialage........


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
When you have the extra money, get yourself a santa fe or a drizair or w/e brand... They're expensive, but a dehuey that isn't running isn't adding heat to your grow, or drawing electricity adding to your bill... My dehuey is way over-sized for my grow, but it only runs from time to time and keeps everything exactly where I want it. I bet you can find a used unit at a good price...

You should run drain lines if your partner isn't going to stay on top of things. Automation is your friend. I don't roll with partners... The only person I can rely on is me, and that's been proven over and over again.

Actually this is one guy I can count on and he has proven it moe times than I care to admit, we stared down some russian mob guys once up in the mountains that were rippin a friend of ours (I thought we were dead) so we have been through a lot together I was just pissed because if I had been their I would have been all over it. He told me he is doing everything he an and it is NOT as bad as the pics kinda lead us all to believe. I am going to start searching CL and the internet for a used Santa Fe De-huey big industrial fucker too.

Thanks guys


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
When you have the extra money, get yourself a santa fe or a drizair or w/e brand... They're expensive, but a dehuey that isn't running isn't adding heat to your grow, or drawing electricity adding to your bill... My dehuey is way over-sized for my grow, but it only runs from time to time and keeps everything exactly where I want it. I bet you can find a used unit at a good price...

You should run drain lines if your partner isn't going to stay on top of things. Automation is your friend. I don't roll with partners... The only person I can rely on is me, and that's been proven over and over again.

Actually this is one guy I can count on and he has proven it more times than I care to admit, we stared down some russian rippers from L.A. guys once up in the mountains that were rippin a friend of ours, (I thought we were dead) so we have been through a lot together.

I was just pissed because if I had been their I would have been all over it. He told me he is doing everything he an and it is NOT as bad as the pics kinda lead us all to believe. I am going to start searching CL and the internet for a used Santa Fe De-huey big industrial fucker too.

Thanks guys


allways arguing with myself :yappy: if i headbut that hotbox fan one more time or rip another shit on that screw head on the right hand stadium aaaaahhhhh lol funny i talk more to the bits of the grow room that aggravate me than i do my self..... :shucks:

pleased you got on top of your shit Dude... :ying:

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Wow spray them quickly, bacon soda is also a good additive to spray on your girls, the pm can't live in the higher ph.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
OK finally got home to see my girls, their alright, it is just airflow issue's and YEs their is some PM but the pictures with the flash kinda make it look worse than it is. BUT I am on it and spraying with an herbal PM fungacide (cannot remember it's name) but the TANG is all stretchy and bud nodules are filling in, it might turn out to be my mono crop. I got a LOT of errands to run today and it's my birthday so having a party at a new restaurant tonight. I will get some new pics up man we are really looking good it is SUCH an improvement over the last run and I just (again) want to thank DHF, Bobblehead, Aerohead, Laylow, Whodare, DOc Diesel (Marlo) and so many others for all your help I really appreciate it guys.

Take care all...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
New Update and PM under control

New Update and PM under control


Well I've been very busy with a new project, new business and actually earning some money (been unemployed for 2 years) so spending money is new to me and it takes time LMAO...Actually been paying off some bills yesss... ANYWAY...........

Bud room is amazing, we got the PM under control although it is not 100% gone, next run Sulpher burners during vegetative cycle will solve that problem and some Serenade .....Ok the bottom row of Afgooey and Goo are just CHUNKING up and drinking like muthas and just SWELLING like pigs so daddy is very happy.

2nd and 3rd row have a bit to go BUT their starting to drink deep and we are hitting them with 1/2 strength MOAB and some Sweet (carbs), then we flush like mutha's for bottom row next week and top two rows in about 2-3 weeks. Harvey is going to be great! I may not hit 1.5gpw BUT I will be doing one hella lot better than last time.

On to the pictures;


CLose up and frosty (Afgooey)







Another Frosty close up that's NOT PM (Tang);


Heading out for another week of travel will update when I return, we might even be harvesting by then but I think 7-10 more days for bottom row to finish them properly.


dont be so hard on your self dude 1.5gpw is a big big ask.... your doing a stella job man buds look sick... all the gaps filling in nicely as them buds swell up... keep up the good work... :D


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
One more picture, this is one I am holding a bud that is about 10 - 15 inches long, you cannot even see the bottom it's looks thin but it is amazingly chunky and wider at the bottom and STILL swelling lmao..



Bro...Just proud yer on top of shit.....Runnin a burner in veg is NO guarantee of not havin nastie`s come late flower.....Believe that....

Major air exchange with all other environmental factors hoonin are your friend....

Gotta control all the humidity comin outta those bitches as they eat and sweat out their juice to the growroom atmosphere in late flower....ESPECIALLY lights off....

Yer shit looks awesome Bro....it can only get better with recognizing the lil things that`ll tighten shit up till yas can`t squeeze another gram outta every room yer runnin....

Just waitin and watchin....You can dooooooo ittttttt........Environment`s everything.......



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
thanks DHF....we still need to get a bigger exhaust fan &scrubber....but money is tight and the next $1500 goes to fix the roof.......bah.......then we can afford the new fans & scrubber.


Active member
big improvement mega. Those buds are about 10x bigger than the last run! ha ha... You just have to trim off the PM that's left behind...

Keep on rockin it bro... Ur getting better by leaps and bounds...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Thanks Bobble.......yeah more air flow and a larger de-Huey......we will be almost their.......in ND stuck for the weekend.....bah wish I was home


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Quick update

Quick update

Sorry I have not posted recently...been stuck in TN and KT for way to long. gro bro harvested the bottom row Affygoo and straight Goo their curing and drying ATM.......we have one more week to go on the Tangerine Haze......in the veg room we have; UK Cheese, Tangerine Haze (quickly becoming the strain I may mono crop unless someone gets me a better cut (wink) but we I'll see).... I also have some purples something lol, Christ I so tired I forget what I have in their....heading home...should be their tomorrow.

will post some new pictures soon and get final weights and harvest when all done.....I am confident we did much better than last run thanks to everyone here, special thanks to Bobblehead and DHF.


Active member
lol... something tells me I'll have a few extras for you sooner than later bro... You should probably whore out that TANG though if you have a big enough momma... Until you can veg out some USD or StrawDD... The Ultimate Strawberry Diesel is showing LUI parentage in veg! LUI is a mega-yielder... so is Straw D... I have to run them side by side, there's no other way to find out which will have the most commercial potential. I suppose I could have someone else run some tests as well...


I`ll be around Bro , just pre-occupied for a few months....It`s fishin and catchin season....Great job again for an absentee travelin landlord with yas on da road as much as yas have been....lol....

Good luck on da final numbers , but know ya`ll ALL in line ta show us old farts up on the new gpw`s........

Slightest deviation from dialed will show up in coco immediately , so you`re gettin better at dat inherent green thumb...

You weren`t far from my old ass the other day Bro.....Ya`ll come....

Last edited:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Hey DHF Have a great vacation I owe a lot to you and Bobblehead! We are slowly learning and getting better, having a bit of cash flow issue atm, but sourced an new 1050 CFM fan and now need to pair up a carbon filter ...I am gunna MOVE SOME AIR DAMMIT. PM was almost soley on the AffyGoo and it's not as bad as we first thought, we are harvesting atm so I am not posting so much due to my hands (old hands) hurting a lot after trimming...only down side to higher GPW is a LOT more bud to trim hahahahah thats a GOOD problem though.

DOn't think I will make the magic 1.5 GPW BUT it will be ONE hella lot better than last run and we are slowly dialing this shit in, going to add ONE more short shelf, tighten things up, go to 4 600's (my power bill's are almost $900.00 per month I HAVE!!! to get than down a bit), and we are frantically searching for a used, cheap commercial dehuidifier, I cannot find a Drizair under $850.00 out here and I want to pay under $500..so I am constantly searching CL, eBay etc...any suggestions here are welcome.

Have fun in hell DHF or wherever you go to vacation LMAO!