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Mr.Wags Goes Buckets But What About Bob?


Active member
Howdy mrwags :wave: , just poppin in and havin' a look around, looks great in there dude, im so excited about this grow, buckets kickass dude. Hey my local hydro store has an Ebb & Grow system, its a very cool lookin system. :woohoo: Hey i got some new toys too! :woohoo: Ill show ya later!

peace my brotha

bonz :wave:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Sorry I'm Early But !!!

Sorry I'm Early But !!!

I had to go out of town for a couple of days so I moved the light up a tad just in case and came home to this:

Can you guys and gals believe how freakin fast these baby's are growing. I gotta flip these at 2 - 2 1/2 feet since I only got 6 1/2 feet of upper room before I must starting bending over and tying down. I have another thread as a test grow over in the female seeds section per my agreement with the fine Ferry and the Female Seeds Team and I said in their earlier that Teresa A.K.A "Tree Girl" doesn't top and here grows are Legendary Redwoods so I won't either. Peace and Love To All. Sorry I'm early but only share with you folks and freakin hell I had to tell somebody.

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Damn Wags. I bet BOB is jealous. Those things look healthy as can be. I love the stature very B. U. T. Full. Flip the switch I wanna see some Chunky Goodness.

Blatant :respect:


Wow, they look healthy! I love buckets. By far the best harvest I had. I'm on my second now, and was wondering what your leaching schedule is like. What nutes do you use? (Sorry if u already mentioned those, can't concentrate T.G.I.F. my mind is fried)


Active member
NOw how in the world did i mis the start of this Wags!! :D Must be all the Nebula and nycd i been enjoyin! lol ,,, great set up and progress thus far ma friend :friends: Way to go Buckity!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Man they are growing unbelievably fast. Must be all the love they are getting :)


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Almost Flip Time

Almost Flip Time

Well as promimised it's our sunday update. I just changed rez and am running at about 1400 ppm now (pbp,silica blast,liquid karma,cal-mag and hydro guard). I'm gonna flip to 12/12 on Thursday. I only put in 20 gallons of water and at this point they drink a gallon a day sssooo on Thursday I'll dump in 5 gallons of water with the pure blend flower run that for a week to introduce the 2 and then do a flora kleen flush and go to straight flower nutes (I hope you come back to read this TK cause you taught me well).

Oh and Babba movers are the way to go it is incredible what they have done in only 21 days even the special skunks are 8 inches high everyone one else is between 20-24 inches,I only waited long enough to take some cuts off of the special skunks.

Blatant I had a long talk with Bob and explained to him that his time is coming, once I fill my cloner with 20 nice cuts he's onna be needed BIG time in less than 14 days with a 2 month run to pre veg our girls for the next run!

Manga Rosa welcome grab a seat and hang on cause we about to go crazy up in here.

wikidcalibudgrl glad you found me Crazy One. Hope to make it worth your while. Enjoy the show and send Our girls all the love ya can.

And Sunny My BUD hope you are healing up fine and got the disc I sent ya. As you can see All is well and my prayers go out to ya for a quick recovery.

Oh as sorry for messing up my pics. It took ME an A+++ Certified Computer tech to figure out that if you don't change you picture names it will replace them. Damn ole stoner me. 00420 where ya at man I'm gonna need your help soon:)
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Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Sup wags ~ love your setup and those light rails look like the boom!! And man that big ass scrubber filter looks killer!! And it looks as thou every thing is going to turn out great for ya ~ I guess I got a lat start but I’m hear now!! Love the seed chose that you have chosen ~ and it look like there taking off very well also.


WoW MrWags, you babies are doing really well. Sorry i haven't been around much. Been out of town and ended up in the ER before i came home. All is well though and i'm fine. Glad to hear that the water timing is working well for you. It only takes alittle change in Hydro to fit a problem and i'm glad to see it worked. Getting ready to start my system, once i'm up and running from my ER visit. Should be in about a week. I'll post a thread of DIY for other to follow. Step by step of the Ebb&Flo style system. Thanks for the nice thread and keep up the super work.
Take care


Now your talking! That is exactly what would appeal to the NASA geeks because after all it is about the size of your head


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
The Time Is Now

The Time Is Now

Well all it has been a long hard month. It has been simply amazing to see before my eye's the growth rate in buckets with a single bulb. I have as stated mixed in 5 oz of Pure Blend Flower to the mix and let that run for a week and will soon be doing a good flush and going to flower nutes only very soon. The clones are cut and under my getto fabbed cloning chamber and have since enclosed the intake fan to keep out any light leaks and here are this weeks shots. Hope everyone is doing well in your world.

More getto cooling:

The Clones:

Vegging Fire Truck:

The Girls:

Sorry for the lighting but I will not be doing any shots in the dark this round.



Looking good, can't wait to see them at harvest. You got me wanting to build my bucket system now. Love the clone machine you got.
Take care

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You don't have to cover your intake do you? Just use and angle or two with some styro painted black on the inside for a light trap. I wouldn't want to see your flowers without fresh air Wags! :D :wave:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
mean mr.mustard said:
You don't have to cover your intake do you? Just use and angle or two with some styro painted black on the inside for a light trap. I wouldn't want to see your flowers without fresh air Wags! :D :wave:

This is the veg room mean mustard. As you can see I have a vortex fan sucking air up into my getto box which cover the window fan I've installed in the wall.

Here is what it looks like on the flower side of the wall. The vortex fan more than fills the box encloser. Thank for the heads up we gotta look out for each other around here.

But please understad this is only done long enough for my clones to root in this:

And then once they look like this (usually 13 days) I will move into BOB who is seled for pre veg :

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