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Mr nice super silver haze info wanted???


:abduct:mr nice super silver haze, heard excellent things, hows the odor of thees bitches, skunky funky or could one grow some inside without the need for nasa to come in and design a filter system?:abduct::yoinks:


I had 2 phenos of SSH neither one was overly stinky. They both had very unique odors and not your typical pot smell when growing and also when dried and burned. Words I would use to describe SSH would be exotic and incenscy. Very hard to explain.

I had a couple small plants growing in small space and didnt even use odor control.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I agree with Iron Lions descriptions, I would also add, there is a odd, metal shop smell on one pheno (that I know of, maybe more than 1), a few with lemony scents, and of course the famous 'cats pi$$' pheno, many choose as their keeper, stinks, skunky and tom cat pi$$y, I have a Skunk x Haze from Shanti that has the same smell, you find a pheno of the same Skunk x Haze identical to this quite often in SSH. I'm sure you'll love them all.


Active member
There are some more strong smelling plants in SSH , but I wouldn't say that SSH stinks , low odor (at least compared to strains like pure Skunk) , I grew it without carbon filter and it was OK..but if you are worried about security in your place I don't see why you'd risk things


Thr first time i ever grew i got 2 clones from a friend of a friend, one being the 60 day pheno of SSH, from what i remember it had a spicy/fruity smell and taste with a nice mix of indica and sativa in the eye. I took clones off of her before i flowered her but none of them survived. Noob mistake.



id be growin from seed, u think a veg time of two or three weeks is plenty, will this strain respond well to such a short veg?


Sativas generally respond well to short veg times being that its not uncommon that some varities strech 3 or 4 times their vegetative height.
