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mr M's SSSDH


no wuckin furries!
KBK-this is the straight SSSDH f2's from mr M....have you got a thread on your mr M cross?...it has my interest.HH. =]-~


benji-yea im itch'n too to flower them...its one ive wanted to grow for awhile ...if i dont find"the "keeper ..have more seeds to find it and maybe even some f3's?

Looking good Herby. You shouldn't have any trouble finding a keeper, infact I had too many keepers. It's real hard to decide which ones not to keep but I don't have room for them all. Right now I have 3 phenos going, one very diesel, one very hazy and one that's a nice mix of the two. ojd has 6 phenos working:) Finding a keeper wont' be a problem.

Also, I too had a large amount of males so don't be concerned about that.

Merry Christmas


no wuckin furries!
good to know you got lots of males too...well... less fems lets them receive more love...

around what yields get and how did you grow them...i hope to get these into the hydro setup and get at least a week in that before 12/12...Merry Christmas to you too.HH. =]-~


good to know you got lots of males too...well... less fems lets them receive more love...

There was one set I believe it was the #7, was almost all male. I started with 2 packs (30 beans, 6 beans of each mom) so only one out of six were female:( And I can't remember any one of the packs that were under 50% male.

around what yields get and how did you grow them...i hope to get these into the hydro setup and get at least a week in that before 12/12...Merry Christmas to you too.HH. =]-~

Yield depends greatly on the pheno. None are huge yielders but the diesel dom seems to yield more than the ssh. I would say the sssdh is a medium yielding strain but what it lacks in yield, it more than makes up in quality. If I could only grow one strain, it would be this one. It's that good!

My setup is pretty simple, I hand water in a soil less medium. 5 gal containers during flower under 1k light. I been wanting to try a dwc run but haven't worked up the nerve:) Simple is a lot more work but it works well for me because I have so many strains going at the same time, all at different stages.

Keep up the good work, buddy


Im watching this grow,your plants are real nice lush growing.im interested to see how they yield too..


no wuckin furries!
azad...glad to have you along :joint:

wspman-thanks for the extra info
..DWC???...yes!...try it...you'll love it...even just one bucket and see how you like it...i found it so simple and something worth trying again...may even try a whole grow of buckets down the track....but thats a bit more workn and planning....with one bucket was pretty simple....HH. =]-~


no wuckin furries!
azad...glad to have you along :joint:

wspman-thanks for the extra info
..DWC???...yes!...try it...you'll love it...even just one bucket and see how you like it...i found it so simple and something worth trying again...may even try a whole grow of buckets down the track....but thats a bit more workn and planning....with one bucket was pretty simple....HH. =]-~


Active member
OJD's (Reservoir) SSSDH cut is owning the U.K. indoor scene.
I've been told that many,many Cheese growers have ditched it in favor of SSSDH.
It's also in Amsterdam,as well as Spain where it recently placed well in some canna-competition or another.
IMO inbreeding it is not at all a Bad Thing,you'll just increase diversity among the progeny,izzall.
Great weed,nofuckingdoubtaboutit!




The Bit About SSSDH Owning the new Cheesen Scene WTF..

The Bit About SSSDH Owning the new Cheesen Scene WTF..

It has not been scene around any of the areas of England Ireland Scotland Wales but it would be a refreshing change what awards has it won???? who voted??? what is its Linage???

How manw weeks does its pheno take and what's the smell saying and the avarage sq meter yield of a 400w


no wuckin furries!
KBK...its his SSSDH f2's

update...it looks like out of 10 i have 3 fems...i potted them up to hydro 3 days ago and they are taking it well with a bit of a growth spurt in the last day....the boys...i'll have to work things out to flower them somewhere for ive also got some c99 bx1's males to flower too...

they are still in the tent under the 1000 MH and i moved the 3 fem c99 bx1 out of this room under 3 400hps and 1 ATM on the floor pointing up (1600 watts)...so i think i will put the 1000MH in that room and a 400 or 2 in the tent for flowering in the next few days just for the boys...

got sorta a problem more so a hassel...i have a inspection in less than 2 weeks...i feel i can hide them...but will have to do it outside under a construction of tarps(will just say its stored stuff...i need a shed) down the back of the yard...hope i dont pick up any new bugs...so a spraying will be in order..

i knew the inspection was coming up and am wanting it to come so i can set up the flower room properly..and havnt done yet for i knew i would have to tear down...so have 4 months till next one and will be finished before than i'd say.

so the hassel is ...now they are small...but soonish will be big enough to flower...so will maybe be about a week into flower with a bit of stretch....... running them out the house and down the back of the yard....but feel if the need to flower comes i will just do so rather than hang on..

the c99's are going to be huge and wish i didnt have to move them...but what can you do...

day of re potting...more to come in the following days..HH. =]-~



no wuckin furries!
time for a long overdue update i guess?

hmmmmm one of those 3 girls i had turned out to be a boy....so i vegged up one hell of a boy lol....so we only have 2 girls to play with but they are nice ones :D

well inspection went well as you can see...started 12/12 of these day after inspection(already had some c99's flowering in there)

been feeding them on GH maxi bloom powder kool bloom liquid and a aussie product call mega bud plus (P22.9 K 28.7)

since the inspection ive covered the walls with panda plastic and have 1 1000 MH and 3 400hps in there but am about to add another 400 hps and in a few weeks another one and i doubt i'll be able to get anymore lights so will have to be happy with 3k of light.

anyway heres some pics...and will update sooner than later.HH. =]-~

without further Apu....opps i mean adieu -

day of move 16/1 (inspection)





1st day flower(18th?)







SSSDH with C99BX1 on the right
