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mr M's SSSDH


no wuckin furries!
ok..finally got my camera back so though this is a good as time as any to start this thread...not a great deal to see ATM but will be potting these up from there coco hand watered pots too perlite hydro in the next week and a bit...so will start this thread now to get things under way :joint:

they have been sharing the hps in the flower room for its 12/12 and back into the 2 m x 2 m tent for the rest of the time to make up 20/4 under 1 400hps...i have a 1000w MH on the way and they will be under that until i clear the flower room a bit and swap over rooms(flowering plants into tent..veg plants into the flower room) and use the flower room as the veg room until they are ready to flower.

excuse the pics...i need to work on my skills..and i need a tri pod really bad...that goes without saying im sure :yoinks: ...

other than the group pics ive included a normal leaf and the one and only strange leaf...i wonder if it will continue this way?...if so where does this come from?

they have been attacked by mites but i seem to have that under control ATM and will be treating the rooms soon and will be getting some stuff (omite) ive used before that worked real well to kill them off while they are in veg and hope ive dealt with them before they hit flower.HH. =]-~




strange leaf

strange leaf

normal leaf


legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
i been wanting 2 see these subscribed mr.M havent chimed in in a while hope all is good with um but im here 4 the show


Active member
watching with excitement. Got 10 SSSDH to pop myself but can't for a couple months so this will entertain me until then. :yes::jump:

Phenos look pretty darn consistent - these ojd/connoisseur ?


no wuckin furries!
hey BC..good to see you here...and yes im worried too about mr M...last time i check he hadnt been on for ages..i meant to add that to the thread...so i hope anyone that knows him and checks in here can shed some light about how/where he is...hope its something simple like lost internet connection ect?

vorsprung..no these are not OJD's they are from mrM and are f2's...i guess i should have made more of a point of that...but guessed (in my own mind lol) most ppl may know about it...think he sold some for the server fund on seedbay along with other crosses...i hope to make f3's from them and a cross or 3 and freeze some pollen for the future....thanks for dropping by...things should start to get interesting...i hope to veg them much bigger but not toooo big as to end up with plants that i just cant handle and they take over the house :yoinks: .HH. =]-~


Active member
vorsprung..no these are not OJD's they are from mrM and are f2's...i guess i should have made more of a point of that...but guessed (in my own mind lol) most ppl may know about it...think he sold some for the server fund on seedbay along with other crosses...i hope to make f3's from them and a cross or 3 and freeze some pollen for the future....thanks for dropping by...things should start to get interesting...i hope to veg them much bigger but not toooo big as to end up with plants that i just cant handle and they take over the house :yoinks: .HH. =]-~

Ah sorry yeah I saw the thread title and thought maybe 'mr m' was another name you go by and this was "you/m" doing SSSDH. Didn't realize it was someone else who made some F2's.

And on that note.. as I was scrolling down this thread again and looking at the pictures I started feeling silly asking whose seed stock they were and started thinking "maybe mr m is a guy who gave happyherb a clone! and these are all clones!" because they are THAT consistent. I'm blown away those are F2's!

Did anyone else in the past besides Rez (and currently ojd.. and of course now I know Mr. M too) "release" SSSDH beans? I'm assuming these are probably F2's of the original Rez release just as OJD's recent release is his mother +a pack of original Rez beans, right? Just curious if Mr. M's F2's are from Rez gear and so should be very similar to ojd's.


no wuckin furries!
hey man..no probs...yea i think OJD has his prize sssdh cut and made f2's for his release ...i think mr M used 4 different fems?maybe 5 ?...i got them straight from him...i was supposed to keep track of which was what so he could watch my results ...but after repoting one day when i was in a mood to relax i realised ahhh nooo i didnt write on the new pots what plant was what...so put myself in another mood lol

i really dont recall if anyone else has made any of these for sale?...im sure plenty of (smart) ppl have made f2's from there rez stock and maybe passed it around..

cant wait to pot them up soon cause there are a few roots here and there out the bottom of the pots which is my sign to re pot...should see them kick into another gear then.HH. =]-~


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Sweet i got a load of SSSDH f2's from Mr.M a while back will be watching this one for sure..!!!


Good luck on your grow!! I have a couple of Mr. M's SSSDH X KaliMist a few weeks into flower. Mine too have some strange growth coming from them. One had a normal stretch to about 4 1/2 ft, the other is only about 2 1/2 ft and growing really odd lol. I wish Mr M would pop by and give us some insight, I do not think he has been around for awhile.


Strange one:



no wuckin furries!
hey benji...good to have you here...well i guess i can show you what you have in your hands then waiting to be grown...been wanting to grow some of this since i saw joeshmoes grows that just blew me away!!!

AB...yes i hope to find a keeper like from what ive seen in the past...hope i can round it down too one ? lol..something with the yield and the effect would be nice!

shushslo...good to have you along :joint:

Og...thanks for the pics of mr M's other gear...yea i do hope he is ok?...hmm that leaf...i had something similar on some banana kush i grew...i couldnt shake it was thinking it was a problem i had?..but the thing yielded great and looked fine(bud wise)...so just something that comes out i guess?


no wuckin furries!
update- i got my hands on some perlite and some more coco....so potted these up with a 50/50 mix....i think the pots are 2.5 ltr...next i have some 4 ltr pots i think and then some aproxx 7 ltr pots where they will stay or may even go into 30 ltr hydro??? will have to see how the cash goes and a ride to the hydro shop again for that to happen...

will get some pics soon of them in there new homes...just havnt taken those pics yet for im trying to organise the veg room...im feeding them half strength GH maxi grow (powder)..HH. =]-~





hey im on the east coast and ive got a friend who grows something he calls Shire. He said the lineage was an exceptional pheno of sssdh, has anyone else heard of this?
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legal medical grower got my card & paper work 2 pr
schweeeeet like them roots thats what we want 2 be happy


no wuckin furries!
hey LG..no problem on the water there..i dont like to re pot them wet cause the coco then is heavy and can fall of and break roots but wont act like that when dry...they got a nice water after and will also from here on in

BS..they arnt anything fantastic but show they would have liked the re pot...already a nice amount of growth for only a couple of days....will try and get some more pics up soon.HH. =]-~


They are looking nice and healthy Hap. I am surious to see how that "strange" one does in flower. It looks a little like my Mr. M's cross, she only stretched to 2 1/2 ft and remained very short.



Looking real good Herb, I just received mines in the mail and I am superstoked. I'll be hangin around if you don't mind my friend. PEACE LUV AND BUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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