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Mr. Green's Backyard Grow with Pictures & Needs Help with Droopy Pant


Updated Photos in Post #14 09/25/09

This is my first grow I have learned a lot this year (Thanks to a lot of the information found on this site). Luckily everything has went pretty smooth and I am getting excited about reaping the benefits of all my hard work.

So before I post the pictures of all my plants I will post one I am having a little bit of a problem with. This week it started to get droopy. And a slight yellowing of the leaves. I know it sounds like overwater but I have just started hitting it heavy with bloom fertilizer (Fox Farm). Any suggestions are appreciated, as I would like some confirmation on if it looks like overwatering. And any suggestions on how to turn this plant around.

Here are some pics:


And here is the rest of my grow:

Here is my other grand daddy purple and it looks much healthier than the one above



Bubble Gum

And a closeup


Closeup of Headband


Closeup of trainwreck



Closeup of THC Bomb


"It's just a flesh wound"
How many times a week do you water/fert? I have to water once a day because of the heat but your area might not need to do that. Over-watering can be just as bad for the plants, you need to find a happy medium.

Nice looking plants by the way. :)


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
that's too much. if they're in the ground you should only need to water them once every three days. i don't care how hot it is. there is still moisture deep down where the roots are.
It also depends on how much you water

It also depends on how much you water

Whooo, not so fast I'm in Cal too and this time of year for me it is once a day watering minimum or the crop suffers. It also depends on how much you water at a time, and I have almost never over-watered outside. That being said, droopy plants do sometimes indicate over-watering and skipping a watering cycle is an easy way to verify if too much water is the cause.

They look great though. Here's my headband. PPp:woohoo:

that's too much. if they're in the ground you should only need to water them once every three days. i don't care how hot it is. there is still moisture deep down where the roots are.


how many gallons a day are you watering mls? what else could cause this droop? and your hband looks ligit. thanks for any info.

Hash Man

make sure you dont have gophers, moles, voles, or rabbits in your garden... when they eat the root system, plants droop... just a thought.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
some impressive plants there man, should be quite a show

But that first one to me looks UNDER watered.


i want to thank everyone for there advice and help. hash man there is rabbits that live up here, but there numbers have declined because of my bangle cats they would catch and eat them. it looked like a murder scene around my house and in my garage. i will keep my eye open.

also i cut back on water and this morning it looks so much better. but i also gave no nutes for a couple of days.


shit now i found worms or caterpillars, they were small, i picked them off and was wondering which organic spray works the best?


"It's just a flesh wound"
shit now i found worms or caterpillars, they were small, i picked them off and was wondering which organic spray works the best?

Little light green fuckers about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long? Cutworms most likely, i hate those bastards with a passion. They wrap themselves around the inside stem of the flower and eat their way outwards. Look for shiny, slime like signs on the leaves and dead pistles and flower parts. I pick them off and squish them, don't want to use poisons, you might try a praying mantis or several of them, they're voracious eaters. Good Luck!
BT or Spinosad will clear your caterpillar problems

BT or Spinosad will clear your caterpillar problems

Don't waste another moment. BT or Spinosad will clear your caterpillar problems. And Neem oil will clear the rest. All are organic. BT is cheaper then Spinosad but stinks in comparison. Both work great.


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