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Moving to Santa Cruz, some insight please?

  • Thread starter In Vino Veritas
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~"ive been at this since before rezdog was having pissing contests with bushyoldgrower that perverted old fuck on overgrow."
~"assume less, and don't speak what you don't know."
~"UnknownProphet; whenever you want to have a competition of sorts.. I'll have a little 4k room up in a month or so... Your fanboys will love it, name the stakes.."

..Bog and Rez are personal friends of mine, I don't appreciate you bad mouthing them. Not to mention I don't think Bog's wife would approve of you calling him a perverted old fuck which I promise you he's not...

..which leads me to believe you should take into account your own advice...seriously everything you type make you sound more and more ignorant, but with a cocky tone as if you really did have a clue...Denning Kruger Effect..look it up...

...HAHA I shouldn't even have had to comment on this, but you can't hold a candle to me kid. I just dropped 5k+ in setup fees and have been working the past 2 straight weeks non stop getting "a little" 4k room in order. I know what it takes and how much it cost to do this, I live here and have been doing it, you are talking about it. I will grow circles around you.

BTW I just talked to my pop's, because you know I love him and we are close, but you probably would just consider that abnormal daddy issues since it's not like your perfect family structure. You sound like the type of dad that the kids grow up to dispise...read what you write; you talk about them as objects that that interfere with your monetary gains. A serious question I ask you is...if you have 2k in monthly child support, about the same in housing, then life expenses (food, gas, bills, ect) can very well add upto if not surpass that, how do you expect to earn money and support yourself let alone your kids? With a real job or growing 4k, both? Show me some numbers and pictures and I'll gladly shut up, but until then you are full of EWC.


P.S. Megayields I really appreciate the comment, I try to be as knowledgeable about my plants as possibly, I'm flattered that it's noticed.:thank you:


Actually now I'm just interested in seeing what you can do if you really think you can grow, let alone grow better than me. And I'm not claiming to even be a good grower, so why don't you put up or shut up....Here how about I start...I can prove with pics at least 40 strains I've grown over the past decade or so.

Red Dragon (Barney'sFarm)

Mt. Cook Indica (KiwiSeeds)

NYCD (SomaSeeds)

Bayrapes-friends' pvt hybrid

ChemDog x SourDiesel (RezSeeds)

Not to mention all those were grown and selected from seed.

Until then deadbeatdaddio.



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Why is your nose in my shit? Why didn't you read the entire thread? Rhetorical questions; IDGAF.

fucking trolls and their sandy vaginas.

ive been at this since before rezdog was having pissing contests with bushyoldgrower that perverted old fuck on overgrow.

assume less, and don't speak what you don't know.

UnknownProphet; whenever you want to have a competition of sorts.. I'll have a little 4k room up in a month or so... Your fanboys will love it, name the stakes..

Lol another Internet Rambo....

Unknown...keep on keepin on my brother!

In Vino Veritas

This is boring, pointless, and more of a risk to me than it will be for you.

First off if you spent 5k on a 4kw room you must have all the fixings, sounds like you're about to go over budget too, lol. Two weeks? You don't have shit else to do eh? Your old boy must be proud of his son making a meager ass living risking his freedom for some internet credit. At least you have love though right?

~ My father and I get along great for the record, my daughters and I do too.

~ My state takes child support from my check before I even see my pay check. The amount they take is over 2k and it's based on how many children, how much I make, and the fact my baby momma hasn't worked a day in her life since I knocked her up when we were 17. It's about 30% of my salary - figure out how much I make legit.

~ I'm a network engineer specializing in the architecture of high availability virtual networks and disaster recovery... I lie, I'm not really an engineer. You have to have a degree for that and I only have a GED and felony conviction. Good thing I started in 1999 and rode the dot com bubble and had the privilege or working with some of the biggest international financial corporations and intercontinental circuit providers. I have a CCIE, RHCE, PMP, SAS70, ITIL, and a few other random certs mostly security specific.

~ I'm 30, my kids are in the top 10% of their respective grades and their college is paid for they are just getting to those middle school years. They have a stable home and are quite the happy little over achievers. How ever it's getting done, were doing it right.

~ I want to run a 4k because this short sale I just bought only has two bed rooms and the wiring is from 1952. I can get in trouble growing 1K or 16K and whatever in between (which I've done and I'll take pictures of the gear so you can rest easily).

I grow for the same reasons people grew 10 years ago; cash and thrills.

You grow some fine looking pot; you made this thread about everything but growing though. I'm not in this for credit I do it for strip club money.

Now can we move past this?


How's the gay/jewish life?

How's the gay/jewish life?

Sweet Santa Cruz sugar?



im not sure why, but i think the chemsour is the eye candy of those pics.. look at all that sugar! and it aint even a close up:biggrin:




IVV- you're a joke, dude PM'd me about how he's traced my IP and knows where I live, but it's okay because the subject line was "not a threat". SERIOUSLY? How else would somebody react if you say some bullshit like that? Fortunately I don't post from where I live and don't live where I grow but I still I take that very serious and as a threat. Also he said since he's been buying brick weed for 1600 he knows a lot of "west coast ingrates" as he so poetically wrote, and supposedly my friends (same said ingrates) are going to drop dime on me since I busted out this puds' card. Haha doubt it, let's see which of my friends you know that would be willing to give up any info on me. Actually I'd love for you to try and then maybe we could meet and talk over a cup of hot coffee to your face and a couple of fists? Don't worry though that's not a threat, it's just letters put together to make sounds. I have never wanted someone to come to Cali so bad now, give me a heads up so I can clear my schedule.


P.S. you drop way too much info about your self on here, I don't give two shits if you make platinum diamonds out of your pee hole for 10000% profit you still haven't done a thing with your life. Not to mention you still aren't here in Cali, you still aren't working or growing, and you're still a broke lump. But you make 84k a year?! with a GED?Something doesn't add up, you can't expect to make even 30k here without a degree or college education. This isn't the dot com era anymore and your unemployment checks should be making that clear. Basically you're a 30 year old loser with kids that you won't see if you really are going to move, but probably dont see much of anyway in the first place. You sell wolf tickets about your future master plans that still haven't went through. And now that I'm pulling your card you're going internet gangster on me tracing my IP. Keep up the good work boss.

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