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Moving to greener pastures?

Heres a little background first. Living in a state that has no medical marijuana laws and having been busted twice for possession and growing, I,m unable to find a job in my profession , even though both cases have been dismissed and it shows as that on my background checks.I,ve never been a big baller but I did learn to grow some DANK ass weed on this site.Only for me and select individuals. I,ve been on this site for many years, when the deal with Gypsy happened I got paranoid and deleted my account for a while. The site keeps calling me back though.My question is- Are you guys and gals in the medical and legal states noticing that employers are relaxing a little on the pot related charges? Also for the people who have left the non-med states for the medical and legal states to grow as caregivers- any regrets? are you able to sell excess marijuana to the shops after the patients are taken care of? If anyone could point me in the right direction for reading material that would be great. I,m really thinking of moving to a state where I can practice what I love doing without fear of the man.Peace


Active member
As far as Colorado goes, the new laws "legalizing" retail sales and home growing also allow employers and property owners in this state far more freedom to approach "weed" from a personal perspective than ever before. There are no protections for personal use in the work place here, even with a medical card. In the end it will come down to the type of job you are applying for and what the owner of the company chooses as their policy regarding "marijuana". You may find someone out there who is sympathetic to your past encounters with LEO but overall the background checks here are carried out and carry the same weight (if not more) as they do anywhere else.

Colorado has no provision in place that allows a caregiver to sell excesses to other patents/dispensaries/etc. (all of that ended here in 2010) At this point, the only legal sales here are via licensed producers/dispensaries/recreational shops. CG's can recoup costs from their patients here but beyond that there are no provisions for sales, excess or otherwise.

If you truly love growing your own, for yourself (LOL) CO is a great place to be.

Otherwise, there are no protections from "the man" (who now wants HIS CUT of the game as well)

Bottom line...If you are looking to make $$$ on a personal level growing weed, stay in the illegal states. If you want too grow your own in your home without fear and have no interest or expectation in selling bags and getting rich from yer closet, move here.

good luck


Well-known member
Monsoon is exactly right. My impression is that some employers are barely starting to relax a bit. If you are a bus, taxi, train driver etc. they are really strict with the tests. One cable company is known for being the worst job in the state. A paraplegic was fired for MMJ use and that case is working its way through the legal system.

I can't describe the relaxed feeling I have about MMJ now. No more thinking about security and looking over my shoulder for LEO at all times. If you are a very experienced grower there should be some consultant work around.


Heres a little background first. Living in a state that has no medical marijuana laws and having been busted twice for possession and growing...

Sharing stories helps other people prepare, prevent and deal with getting busted. Can you please elaborate on how you got busted? And how the cases got dismissed?

Sucks about your situation.While doing a little googling to try and understand dismissed cases, I found this:


Might want to give those guys a call for a free consultation


Pleasantly dissociated
ouch im in the same boat as the op. cant get a job , my record looks like i made meth cause thats how they do it on the east coast . record doesnt say growing plants in yer yard it said manufacturing schedule thisthat and the other. anyway i was looking at places to live in colorado and just picked a spot that looks cheap and less rain, is Pueblo weed friendly? im tired of these bible belt freaks hating my medicine. i cant take another strike, i just want to live without fear damnit man. i need to just listen .


Active member
IMO, you shouldn't think about anywhere, even in CO, as being "weed friendly".

Even here in the legal bastion, it is wise to keep "pot" to yourself, whether it be smoking it or growing it. There is no "scene" here. It's just like any where else except it's prettier (OK, maybe not Pueblo/the Eastern Plains...LOL) and you can't be busted for keeping to yourself/growing in private in your residence. Keep it all in house and you will have no problems here. (Ok, other than that job/criminal record thing that will follow you)

Yup. Just listen. Say nothing. (other than to remind yourself frequently "there is no weed friendly place")
Thanks guys for the info.Yeah Im not the type of person who tells anyone my business, so no problems there. I,m a family guy who just happens to like to unwind at the end of a long day with a bowl in private. I just happen to LOVE growing and its shows in my end product. I would be happy as hell being able to be a caregiver for 5 patients and actually making that extra money for doing something I love so much. I,m not or dont want to be a big baller. As far as my busts- The first time I was lax and the guy I was handing off package to was pulled over and instantly rolled on me. Cops got warrent off this guys statement which was apparently illegal and considered heresay so warrent was voided. Had a great lawyer and kept my mouth shut and refused search. Second time was so unexpected it was crazy. No selling,nothing,just for private. I had ordered some T5 lights and also seeds from respected site. When the cops were talking they said they were allerted to me because of an "order" I made and a program they have coded Greenleaf alerted them to potential activities because of my prior conviction even though it was dismissed. I dont know if that was Bs or not as my lawyer agreed to forgo the motion of discovery in order to get most charges dropped. No grow was found and very small amount ,maybe 6-10 grams, product found and some old stems and a few leafs.Enough for possession! Anyway, I,ve been thinking why am I living somewhere that demonizes me for WEED. I,m the type of person that works every day,pays taxes,noone would EVER guess that I would smoke weed.What am I doing here when there are places where I can maintain a fulltime job AND grow for people in need AND,AND,AND no have to worry about PIGS foaming at the mouth to throw me in jail and destroy my family? Also wanted to add that I,ve never been or gotten high at work, its just unacceptable(personally) in my profession.Thanks for all the comments and keep the advice coming, may be your neighbor one day.


if it smells like fish
never been busted for weed..got caught with a gram of hash once tho in my youth.....the places where weed isn't legal is really where the cash is.....when I moved back to cali my income got cut in half or more compared to back east..but ya I can toke freely and without any worries...but to tell ya the truth being illegal didn't bother me any ...I definitely didn't loose any sleep over it....and my sock drawer was filled with cash......yeehaw
Yeah,stoned-trout, wads of cash is great and all but I suppose when you have the responsibility of a family and you take that seriously it makes a difference.Unfortunitly I am the type to worry about getting busted.After many years, its time for me to come out of the basement. I would love to wait it out in my area and the vote comes up in November, but I just dont put alot of faith in the system. Like I said the ability to actually grow legally for other people as a caregiver boggles my mind.And I guess my version of rich and other peoples would vary.If I could grow legally and make a generous amount of cash to supplement my income then how could that be a bad thing.Anyway I respect your opinion and many props for chiming in.


Active member
Yeah,stoned-trout, wads of cash is great and all but I suppose when you have the responsibility of a family and you take that seriously it makes a difference.Unfortunitly I am the type to worry about getting busted.After many years, its time for me to come out of the basement. I would love to wait it out in my area and the vote comes up in November, but I just dont put alot of faith in the system. Like I said the ability to actually grow legally for other people as a caregiver boggles my mind.And I guess my version of rich and other peoples would vary.If I could grow legally and make a generous amount of cash to supplement my income then how could that be a bad thing.Anyway I respect your opinion and many props for chiming in.

If family responsibility is your thing then put them first and locate yourself in a state where your family can grow and flourish with out some of the negatives that are appearing in full legal states.

Stay in the closet for a few more years. Set yourself up with a 600w grow. It will provide for your needs plus those of a select few while turning a nice bit of coin to supplement your income at the same time.

As some one said earlier you need stealth whether you are legal or not so you may as well do it properly and go the whole hog.
It can be done. I have been at the same location for 20 years pretty well constantly at it and the only people that know are my wife and my hydro guy. Not even my 20 year old boy has picked it and in my neighbourhood my neighbours are so nosey they could probably tell you how many squares i use to wipe with.

What ever way you go good luck with it.


Active member
Grow a garden where you are now and then sell the bags for $175 each and you will see what "caregiving" is all about. There's no real money in that game these days.

4tokin has it down. The cash is in the illegal states where the risk is. I can hardly give the stuff away here in CO. Need a free bag? LOL