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Moving soil plants to NFT ( GT205 ). How?

Horst Bulau

New member
Hello all,

how should I proceed when moving rooted cuttings / seedlings from soil to NFT? Do I need to use RW cubes or maybe netbaskets with some hydro media?

Another thing... if I take plants from Cutting Board (nice water roots already) , should I stick the small basket ( with hydro "rocks") right there in the NFT or maybe put the whole basket inside a RW cube? It looks like the roots won´t come out of those small baskets without major damage.

Sorry for the dumb questions but for some reason this NFT -thingy does not look so easy to me... it´s supposed to be easy though... maybe I´m just thinking complicated. GT 205 instructions say "remove pots"... thats where my understanding kinda stopped. I don´t get how the plants are supported without pots really.

Thank you very much.


I moved my 2 week old plants from dirt to DWC hydro.

I washed the dirt away from the root system carefully and then placed them into 4'' net pots and filled with hydrotron. and placed into the system. Just make sure to be careful with the roots. oh and wash your hands good, especially if you smoke tobacco.

It worked great, they had slow growth at first untill the root system caught up. then they exploded.

good stuff
If this is your first time with NFT be careful. NFT is supposedly the hardest hydro system out there. If you get it dialed in, you will have explosive growth, but I tried it twice and had nothing but problems. I stay strictly soil now and will never look back. Good luck!

Horst Bulau

New member
Thanks for the replies, yep this is my first NFT... I have some experience on Aero Flow (kinda "semi-NFT" imo) and basic bubblers / drippers , they are quite easy to understand.

Well, to see how this goes, I decided to try different ways to transplant my herbs and just see by myself. Some with rockwool, some with no media at all. Feels pretty weird, I have my doubts about the oxygen level...

I read in many places about this exact NFT (Nutriculture GroTank) being an easy one to start with but as you see, I got stuck in the basic "where the hell am I supposed to put this plant" -thingy.

And yes, soil is always a backup for me. Gotta keep those moms the easy way.
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Horst Bulau

New member
Just a quick report here, an update if you like:

I have had several chillies in that NFT for some days now to try it out. I just flushed them roots carefully. 4"-5" seedlings that I took from soil.

Some I put in with RW, some without. Low nutes for now. They all look very healthy and started growing right away, no transplant shock to talk about. :headbange

Looks good for now, thanks for all the replies.