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Moved 4 plants from 20/4 to 12/12 a bit fast.. a couple won't stop stressing?


Hi all,

First, pictures:

















I've had these four plants vegging under 20/4 for the past 8 weeks. They vegged for so long because their siblings were taking forever to finish using the flowering tent.

I ended up having to perform all the switching of tents in one day. Their soil was messed with -- I added more soil into the bags, raising them up a bit, and worked the soil a bit to make sure it was still easy to grow in. I trimmed off the lower leaves as I've had pest problems in the past and those leaves undersides are impossible to spray. I make that decision only after seeing my first harvest under the same strain -- the lower leaves yielded very little and caused a lot of hassle for me.

I sprayed with neem II spray at lights-off two days in a row after putting them into 12/12 (again, pest issues just wanting to make sure before getting into flowering.).

I gave the transplants a good soaking after they were moved. Since then I've just been spot watering them until I got a feel for what they wanted during flowering. At the time the pictures were taken they were as dry as they'd get -- watered just after the pictures taken with no-nutes distilled water.

From there... nothing else has changed. I just finished flowering in this tent before. You can see my temps are mid 70s, and my humidity is lower 60s. I'm under a 135W LED -- you can see its distance from the leaves in the pictures. The soil is straight FFOF with worm tillings mixed in during the transplant. The pH was in the mid 6's before mixing in the worm tillings.. I can check again but would hope they're not wreaking havoc. :)

There's moderate air flow. I have jars of sugar, yeast and water in the tent producing additional CO2.

The transplant was 8 days ago. Since then one of the guys has lost leaves like mad, a couple of them recovered fully, and one is still teetering in-between.

Any ideas?


Hey there,

Get a $5 moisture meter from WalMart or Home Depot. Measure to see how much moisture is in your soil. You need it to read on the higher side of things.

It looks like the plant needs a lot more water. I find spot watering doesn't work in soil. The whole thing really should be drenched. Don't worry about over watering. Also, do not go heavy on the nutes. Even just water at first.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Yeah, you're having a watering problem. Nuttin to do with your lights. First off, there's no such thing as 'spot watering'. The golden rule of watering, whether it's trees outdoors in the ground, or potted plants is this; as thoroughly as possible, as infrequently as possible. That means always soak thoroughly and then wait 'till the roots grow a bit in search of (water) before watering again. Exceptions to this rule would be situations where a plant is completely potbound (like after weeks of vegging, like yours). Then, there's no need to encourage root growth, it's already as far as it can go in the pot it's in. With even mildly potbound plants, there's no need to wait 'till the soil is even dry at the top, and they often need lots of water every single day.


The golden rule of watering, whether it's trees outdoors in the ground, or potted plants is this; as thoroughly as possible, as infrequently as possible. That means always soak thoroughly and then wait 'till the roots grow a bit in search of (water) before watering again.

Excellent advice.

One of the best I've ever seen ever on the forum. A real solution to one of the most mis-diagnosed problems.


They're back to healthy. :)

Hydrometer is helpful and I'm watering more now. They get dryer faster than I thought.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Very cool. Potbound plants really like sitting in some runoff for an hour or two, especially during flowering while they're building up bud weight. If they need water every day, they also will be needing food.

prince kali

.. golden rule of watering, whether it's trees outdoors in the ground, or potted plants is this; as thoroughly as possible, as infrequently as possible.

hello mr. greengenes..

that is not always true. some soil is "made" to be watered regularly and in little amounts, just to remain moist. especially some "hot" soilmixes need never (!) to dry, it will burn the roots.
so, even if what you say is true in many cases, it doesnt always apply..


Active member
Be careful with moving growbags around as well.

Very easy to break the rootball or cause damage to the roots.

Stay Safe! :D

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