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Move to Nor Cal


Smokes, lets go
I have been living here on the east coast for a while now and I hate the harsh laws about pot and growing pot. I want to move to cali and I have been wanting to do it so long but theres a few things im worried about

* i hear some places in nor cal have bad meth/gang problems where is a good herb friendly safe place that dosn't have a lot of crime?

* Finding a job would be hard, I would prefer to work and have something to do with weed, like a grower for a dispensary while staying under 99 plants in a place like oakland or humboldt that has no plant limit, but I really don't plan on even doing anything remotely big probably 99 would be the max but comfortably around 50-60 in a spare bedroom SOG

* I noticed that most places that have large country areas like shasta and weed are limited to only 6 plants and I was looking for something away from the city but by trying to stay legal I have narrowed it down to Berkeley or Oakland but I would rather live somewhere in the country and as far as I know (hopefully someone will tell me Im wrong) neither of those have remote areas within the city...

The reason I like to live in a more remote area is because I don't like to live 10 feet from my neighbor and I like to ride ATV's Motocross, Fishing,Paintball and mud sling and I can't do that in downtown oakland.

Any advice for one confused east coaster :joint:
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Registered Med User
maybee u like the foothills, like colfax or somethin, humbolt is kinda cool but I would choose mendocino if I was gonna go up that way.


Smokes, lets go
i was talking to an old hippy who used to go up there and he said its not the same old hippy town it used to be, what does that mean?


Just to let you know, cali is overpriced! And the war on weed is hott!! Bring a lot of money...


Custom User Title
That's funny I've been planning a move to somewhere in the northern half of Cali for the past week or so. A few things just happened that make a move like that possible so I've been doing research. Luckily (if you can consider it that) I live in a city where the cost of living is outrageous compared to the area, and I think, from what I've seen so far, a move to NorCal would mean a very small increase in CoL, or maybe even a decrease. As far as jobs, I'm not really sure what's available, but I am not picky at all. I'm moving there for the MMJ laws, the beautiful scenery, and the GOLD! I can't wait to go panning while smoking some LEGAL bud. Hopefully I'll be there before this year is over! :wave:

I'm also looking to move somewhere where I can have some privacy, I absolutely hate living in a place where you can step outside of your house and see more than a dozen different houses.


Smokes, lets go
my point exactly i hate living next to neighbors- Im moving for the laws, the scenery as well but I wasn't aware gold was a big thing- i thought all the gold would be gone by now...

As far as getting a job- im not picky either but I need to make enough to eat and pay bills.


Registered Med User
Well I aint been up there in about six years so the hippie might be right, basically its just more outa towners livin there so its becoming more and more like a city.


Smokes, lets go
Im trying to get away from all the people and walking sholder to sholder down the sidewalk , traffic, drama, etc

main reason I want to move is the laws and medical marijuana program.

If i got arrested here for growing pot and i was in jail and couldn't smoke i might have problems with my hypoglycemia and I damn sure wouldn't get my vitamins and daily value of protien fresh fruits and veggies so i wouldn't live too long in that condition.

I also want to live somewhere I don't have to worry about people breaking in my house and robbing me for my plants to sell on the street.

Do you think that those reason are good enough reason to move from one coast to another? also how do i go about doing it i don't make much as it is i make minimum wage and work 40 hrs a week enough to pay for gas for my car, and the bills. no savings really but i do have a 60k appartment paied off i can sell when i move
NorCalFor20 said:
Im trying to get away from all the people and walking sholder to sholder down the sidewalk , traffic, drama, etc

main reason I want to move is the laws and medical marijuana program.

If i got arrested here for growing pot and i was in jail and couldn't smoke i might have problems with my hypoglycemia and I damn sure wouldn't get my vitamins and daily value of protien fresh fruits and veggies so i wouldn't live too long in that condition.

I also want to live somewhere I don't have to worry about people breaking in my house and robbing me for my plants to sell on the street.

Do you think that those reason are good enough reason to move from one coast to another? also how do i go about doing it i don't make much as it is i make minimum wage and work 40 hrs a week enough to pay for gas for my car, and the bills. no savings really but i do have a 60k appartment paied off i can sell when i move

Well I've been to San Francisco and I can tell you they just have a different vibe from the East coast, a more positive attitude toward human beings. I would love to move to California, probably Northern Cal because I don't know all that much about LA or San Diego, other than they're mostly hispanic (is that right?) and not as cool in both temperature and hipness as San Francisco.

For one thing, in San Francisco you really do not need a car. That right there is enough reason to move, but unfortunately the cost of living in San Francisco is crazy. I've heard people say it costs $3,000 to rent an apartment. So, most people tend to live outside and just commute into the city.

There is a lot to like about California. They have more enlightened laws on a wide variety of things, but the starkest contrast probably is where pot is concerned.


Registered Med User
If you grow outdoors 6 plant limit shouldnt be a problem, 2 lbs a plant if you do it right.


Custom User Title
Just employ the right techniques. Start them early, put them outside asap and give them supplemental lighting at night so they don't start flowering too early, and then let them finish off as trees. I'd love to be in a place where I could do a few outdoors, but I'd be more than happy just feeling no fear of persecution for growing in a cabinet for my gf and I.


Custom User Title
I'd like to move into a relatively small town, there's gotta be some left up north. Time to check census data and craigslist. :joint:


Stay outta placer county , some of tha stiffest penalties in tha state . Traveling north , they have cheaper land and cooler climates .
Tha foothills are nice but still get blazin' in tha summer , bout 100* . And Tahoe stays cool in tha summer but freezing and would'nt wanna drive up and out in tha winter .
Finding property near Castroville , Hollister , they have some nice climate near Monterey fer fair prices (whatever that is in Cali)



Small towns that are weed friendly heres a couple that come to mind, Laytonville, Willits or Garberville.. Those are just off the top of my head.