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Mount Zion 2017


Active member
First batch of germination yesterday

100 seeds of sleestack*skunk #1, AKA the Resinator/sleeskunk

100 seeds of Schnazzleberry #4, The Dom*Blockhead

I use the Tom hill germination method. Plant seeds in soil with temps between 81-85 degrees.

I am now leaning to doing 200 of the plants from seed and only 100 from clone.


Active member
Howdie neighbor, looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you. I grew some of rare darkness seeds last year. I was very impressed with the grape ox. Ill be hanging out in the rafterz. :lurk:


Active member
Missed this. I like your style.

What happened to the no energy gh concept?

That would be a ~95% failure :), I did get a yearly supply of gnarly looking pure sativa buds to smoke and gift to friends.

The humidity was too high in the fall and some of the strains with thicker buds molded. Many buds were up against the wet plastic getting burned by the heat.

I should have done a massive topping on the plants as they transitioned into flowering because they all just kept on growing and growing at insane rates. Also the plants were too close for there vigour.

Really though the final nail in the coffin was we had big winds come through, I can't remember when I believe beginning of November, and the winds got under neath the south side of the hoophouse and was slamming into the north side plastic from within. It eventually blew the north side out of the ground and for like 15 minutes I watched as the GH flapped in the wind like a cape. Then it started to bounce up and down as it flapped eventually collapsing on top of the plants. Luckily the plastic was off mostly at that point so the plants weren't destroyed they were all just bent in half.


Active member
Howdie neighbor, looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you. I grew some of rare darkness seeds last year. I was very impressed with the grape ox. Ill be hanging out in the rafterz. :lurk:

Thanks for following..are we neighbors within county or are u in a neighboring county?

What were the smells and effects of the grape Ox?


Active member
If there are any permitted calaveras farmers following make sure you become a member of CCA, Calaveras cannabis alliance. If you can't afford the full fee just send them an email and they can work something out.

The next 12 months will decide the fate of the next few seasons so we need all permitted legal farmers who want to stay that way to join up. The 3 banners on the board have taken a very aggressive approach to our industry over the past few months...getting worse as time goes on...but a fully comprehensive strategy has been developed to bring the fight to them with multiple planned lawsuits, a diverse community written regulation bill on ballot June 2018 that meets in the middle between the desires of farmers and the desire of nonfarmers, and then to take the legs out from underneath the banners by building a diverse block of community support across all districts and across all "divided lines", example democrats verse republicans doesn't divide our group in any way, we all get along :)...Let's get ready for the fight!


Calaveras cannabis alliance. A large portion of your members need a course on public relations. You big time farmers need to fit in with long time residents and not simply overpower with money and lawsuits. It is not a democrat or republican issue. It is about rude money obsessed people not caring about neighbors. Maybe it would be different if the scene was a bit more like Humboldt county where many generations have been growing and the industry built up slowly over decades. Calaveras county was small time farms until last years huge influx. People are pissed off with 5 supervisors deciding the fate of 35,000 people on such a life changing issue. The vote prop.B should have been allowed. Let the people vote. All it takes in California to shut down a vote is one guy with money and a sleazy attorney needing money. If you want community support reach out to the community and clean up your act CCA members. It is not enough to donate some money or a car. CCA must police their own members. Fabric fences and homeless shelter looking grow sites only enforce the poor image of highly visible grows.This being said as a response to Mt. Zion who seems to be a person who is doing it right and farms food also, not just cash crops.
CCA , you are fighting the wrong people, long time residents of Calaveras. The problems you have are all self-inflicted. Weed out the asshole farmers and fit in, it is a great place to live here


Active member
Calaveras cannabis alliance. A large portion of your members need a course on public relations. You big time farmers need to fit in with long time residents and not simply overpower with money and lawsuits. It is not a democrat or republican issue. It is about rude money obsessed people not caring about neighbors. Maybe it would be different if the scene was a bit more like Humboldt county where many generations have been growing and the industry built up slowly over decades. Calaveras county was small time farms until last years huge influx. People are pissed off with 5 supervisors deciding the fate of 35,000 people on such a life changing issue. The vote prop.B should have been allowed. Let the people vote. All it takes in California to shut down a vote is one guy with money and a sleazy attorney needing money. If you want community support reach out to the community and clean up your act CCA members. It is not enough to donate some money or a car. CCA must police their own members. Fabric fences and homeless shelter looking grow sites only enforce the poor image of highly visible grows.This being said as a response to Mt. Zion who seems to be a person who is doing it right and farms food also, not just cash crops.
CCA , you are fighting the wrong people, long time residents of Calaveras. The problems you have are all self-inflicted. Weed out the asshole farmers and fit in, it is a great place to live here

Are you a permitted grower? throwing stones at the moving ship only makes dents but it won't change its course. If you care and your permitted then join up to make a difference. There 1500+ illegal farmers in Calaveras county, only 500 permitted grows now that they've denied close to 200 people. CCA only has 100 farm members.

Do You consider 9000 square feet to be a big time farmer? I'm curious what you consider to be a medium sized farmer? How about a small farmer? The next few years are going to be Wakeup for many on what a big farmer actually is when the 4 acre greenhouse grows are up and running popping out $400 pounds. That's a big time farmer. 22k square feet? Medium size farmer in my opinion. I consider myself a large small farmer or a small medium sized farmer.

I 100% agree many cannabis farmers, both permitted and unpermitted need to learn some common decency and proper neighbor relationships. And many are greedy only caring for there own survival, that is how most humans are so makes sense many farmers would be the same. from my personal experience the unpermitted grows are causing more harm on this front then the permitted ones. And the non CCA members more harm then the CCA ones.

I 100% agree with focusing on community relations and "fitting in" or weaving ourselves into the community. I have been in heated debates with Cas on this topic for the past 13 months. Much of the 'feeling' of your complaints I have been feeling "similar" over the past year and I have been in heated debates with the former director on many occasions.

Over the past few months CCA has been transitioning greatly, they have just changed directors this past week to Trevor who is a local who has lived here his whole life. The strategy of the past 1.5 years of CCA is changing significantly and because of the new strategy I finally decided to Join CCA officially and pay my dues this past week. I will be running for a CCA board seat in the election in a couple weeks.

The number one focus is on "fitting into the community" now. We are volunteering and joining almost every organization in the county across most of the areas. And proper neighbor relations is more then common amongst CCA members.

The republican/democrat comment was simply an EXAMPLE of one division line in society that DOESNT need to divide our community. Some in the cannabis community forget that, some of the influx was from more left leaning politics and with trump in office they are so scared they sometimes view conservatives or republicans as the enemy....not all do but enough have that I feel the need to say it...while many residents in the county lean conservative...we did elect trump. Some members of the community need to be reminded republicans aren't the enemies that's all. We need NO division here...example locals verse non locals...small farmers verse big farmers...dispensaries verse growers...NO division is acceptable. We need all hands on deck because dividing and conquering ourselves is sinking our own ship.

The cause of the problem is not what you say it is...that's the "symptom" of the problem the greedy neighbors. If the county had better regulations that answered more of the concerns of the non growing locals, and if they regulated and taxes enough permitted grows the county could build up its police force and actually enforce basic law and order. There is no law and order, therefore greedy growers act without fear of the law. There is a vacuum the shit heads will fill.

The people will have a chance to vote on regulation bill June 2018.

A dispensary owner shut down measure B, not CCA. Measure B was illegal in many aspects. Also the BOS said very clearly they would pass there own ban even if measure B failed.

for every permitted farmer, there are 2 illegal farmers.

For every CCA member farm, there are 4 permitted farms that didn't join up. CCA is policing its members as much as they can at present, we only have 100 farms the majority of are very professional and assets to the community. I don't think it's fair to blame a group of 100 farmers for the action of 400-1900 nonmembers.


Active member
It will need to be the sheriffs-planning and code enforcements job to weed out the shit heads...only going to happen with proper regulations which CCA is involved in developing........I do agree this is a great place to live....I plan on dying here.


Active member
Thanks for following..are we neighbors within county or are u in a neighboring county?

What were the smells and effects of the grape Ox?

I am from a neighboring co, Mad. Slightly lower on the mountain on your south side. Technically called the foothills, about half your elevation.

The grape ox had a very glue smell and flavor, it almost could have been called cheesy with some fruity over tones. The nuggets ended up being very dense but they didnt get overly large. They were like large table grapes over the whole plant. It had a similar structure to older WW but was a massive 8ft bush instead of a squat 3-4ft like my experience with WW. The effects were mostly indica dom with a nice body high, very relaxing and good for pain with minimal couch-lock.


I do consider the large size of 22000 square feet to be big time. With the room for 500 big ones and potential harvest of 500 to 1500 lbs. if done right. 9000 sq.ft ,still a lot of weed but then quantity seems to be the priority with big weed and the low prices are the result. You say CCA has 100 dues paying members, at $1000. t0 $5000 a shot that adds up to a pretty fat war chest. Some for community outreach most for fat cat attorneys to fight the will of the people.
As for me, I would never consider joining CCA, too many fanatics and greedy people and people that only care about about big$. But then, who has the most money in Cali usually wins, the will of the people be damned. 2018 is too late for a vote which you guys will probably try to shut down once again, the majority

must be silenced when $ are at stake
You go get "em Mt. Zion, at least you will have peaches to eat if they shut it all down. Got any white peaches to share?


Active member
I do consider the large size of 22000 square feet to be big time. With the room for 500 big ones and potential harvest of 500 to 1500 lbs. if done right. 9000 sq.ft ,still a lot of weed but then quantity seems to be the priority with big weed and the low prices are the result. You say CCA has 100 dues paying members, at $1000. t0 $5000 a shot that adds up to a pretty fat war chest. Some for community outreach most for fat cat attorneys to fight the will of the people.
As for me, I would never consider joining CCA, too many fanatics and greedy people and people that only care about about big$. But then, who has the most money in Cali usually wins, the will of the people be damned. 2018 is too late for a vote which you guys will probably try to shut down once again, the majority

must be silenced when $ are at stake
You go get "em Mt. Zion, at least you will have peaches to eat if they shut it all down. Got any white peaches to share?

Have you ever been to a CCA meeting? How many CCA members do you know?To many 'Fanatics'? Yes how fanatical it is to care about fight for keeping your livelihood and ability to pay your bills.

THE people will determine what happens. The 3 banners on Board of supes will give you the ban that YOU desire, many would prefer the county not have any money to enforce the state and county rules on cannabis. Next june 2018 there will be something for the people to vote on, and for you to vote against.

low prices are coming, legal weed is coming, regulation is coming. Get ready to sink or swim, even if Calaveras cannabis was banned nothing will change longterm on prices there still about to plummet.

Now after you have dodged my question for a second time on if your registered it is becoming more clear to me that you are likely an unregistered cultivator who did not apply for a legal permit to farm in Calaveras. If this is the case I understand your animosity towards an organization whose reason for being founded was lead to regulation of the local industry. Alot of the issues at hand are coming from the state and how that whole Recent passing of the new medical regulations went down in 2015. I was also actively battling the California Growers Association, many emails with Casey, trying to persuade them to do the opposite of what they were doing. The new medical cannabis bills that passed in 2015 would NEVER have come about if it had not been for CGAs EARLY and AGGressive support to get one bill through. They only had influence on one of the bills. it is the Medical bills that were passed that initated the statewide bullfuckery many are experiencing. thats also what divided the cannabis community just before the recreational bill which resulted in us getting a mediocre Recreation bill. plus changing medical and Recreational all at once is a recipe for lots of "grey area". I battled aggressively on the CGA to not do what they did and I still hold them MOST accountable, though I have no animosity towards there bad decisions in the past.
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Active member
I am again looking into adding a multi wall polycarbonate gale force greenhouse around 432 square feet to keep my mothers alive until I've decided who to keep, and then to keep the keepers alive over winter to take cuttings next year.

also looking into a trimpal dry trimmer to trim the smaller middle nugs and smaller nugs to then be cleaned up by a hand trimmer. tops and big mids still hand trimmed.
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Active member
Greenhouse sizes I'm looking at are 120-432 square feet. I'm looking for twin wall polycarbonate, propane heater, light dep setup on the inside, lights to get them there 18 hours. Something very strong as we get 75 mile an hour winds and multiple feet of snow in the winter.


Well-known member
While poly carbonate has great r value, as a roof glazing it can also hold a lot of humidity, may want to double check your exhaust need or venting needs to keep humidities down especially when light deping.


I do know 3 CCA members and have met many others and attended meetings. Personal size growers have no need to register with anyone. Bottom line is big weed is totally blowing it in Calaveras county. Keep growing them peaches Zion


Active member
I do know 3 CCA members and have met many others and attended meetings. Personal size growers have no need to register with anyone. Bottom line is big weed is totally blowing it in Calaveras county. Keep growing them peaches Zion

Out of 60 fruit trees I only have 3 peaches. It's the type of fruit tree I have the least number of.

When did you attend the meetings? What were the topics? Prior to have a paid membership the meetings would be open to anyone. What did you see that was fanatical or unacceptable in the behavior of the people there?

Do You not realize the opposition is wanting to ban personal outdoor? So while it may be your opinion that personal growers have "no need to register with anyone" the county says differently and the state laws give them the authority to regulate the industry and that includes personal growers.

The ban ordinance that the BOS has written says even for personal your only allowed to grow indoors or in a permitted structure. There has been no court case im aware of that has clarified the situation on the 6 recreational plants but I know it was the boards desire to also limit them indoors.

Commercial cannabis is not quite "blowing it". Did u watch the last board of supervisors meetings? 2 of the 3 banners had a totally different attitude and tone. There is a 50% possibility of a compromise regulation bill. We will know on the 20th.