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Motherlode Gardens 2014

Drue Bleam

Active member
You guys need a drip system bad.

If you need help putting one together , let me know. It's easy

We thought about it for sure, double hose line would cut the time in half, but a drip on this hill, with the heat... We'd have to bury or cover it. I think it would get too hot, and it might be hard to dial in what each plant would need I individually (because of the coco they were in originally and plant size differences.) Thoughts?

Drue Bleam

Active member
Is that CalTrans-style pruning? (One person pruning, another person watching the pruner, and another one taking a picture of the one working & the one watching the other one working.)

:laughing: It was getting late, one person cutting the plant, one person cutting the clones. Schrews had already done a tray, I was lagging.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
You can just build the system to flush out the water that's in it when you're done, and the flowing water won't heat up in the pipe while you're watering..

It would be easy to dial in each plant,

Just put the appropriate length of pressure compensating inline emitter tube per pot.

If you have an 800 gal, put 90 feet a 300 gal, 35 feet...

You can put some ball valves on each pot if you think one needs more or less and control them individually that way

Drip irrigation will give you an even saturation and save a bunch of water.

grow nerd

Active member
How many PSI are you driving them at? Are you using the DIG brand pressure compensated (PC) 1/2" emitter line?

Wondering if I'll be needing 25psi pressure regulators at different elevation sites at the beginning of each run of emitter hose, or if the pressure compensation within each drip emitter takes care of that.


Active member
yea i put a valve at the end of my drip system so that i can flush the whole line out of the hot water first, then close the valve and all the water going through will be cold.

drip system is saving my ass this year…i dont have time to be standing around hand watering all morning. I've only hand watered like 2 days this year so far….now instead of hand watering i let 4 sprinklers rain down on the whole garden gets every thing super wet…i do this once every other week prior to a 90+ day. the growth rate after is insane..

its super easy to just set up a emitter tube setup, especially for only 25 plants. drip works in ukiah is the spot they ship super quick.

Drue Bleam

Active member
You can just build the system to flush out the water that's in it when you're done, and the flowing water won't heat up in the pipe while you're watering..

It would be easy to dial in each plant,

Just put the appropriate length of pressure compensating inline emitter tube per pot.

If you have an 800 gal, put 90 feet a 300 gal, 35 feet...

You can put some ball valves on each pot if you think one needs more or less and control them individually that way

Drip irrigation will give you an even saturation and save a bunch of water.

Appreciated. GoldCountryGuy, that's my watch dog.


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$$ ALONE $$
Priceless security right there. Nothing can do the job of a loyal dog.

Where I live east of NY there are pitbulls everywhere. Blue's, red's, you name it. Every kind of pit and pit hybrid out there.
Me personally, 2 grown female Rotty's will be my security when I move out there next summer. I wont even need a security fence around the property. Just a sound barrier. I wont own a dog unless its from pup and it gets trained in obedience school until its a genius and acts on command. Had the smartest mutt ever when I was a teen. Hybrid cross of 3: German Shepard, Border Collie, and Labrador Retriever.
Dog went through obedience school for years and was even trained to guide the blind. The owner died and I inherited the dog.
Her name was Samantha, Sam, Sammie.
I could say the word in German or English, and this dog was trained to attack, drag down, and hold. So sad when she died of old age.


Active member
To comment on the drip lines. You don't have to bury your lines or flush your lines wasting water. Just water around 6am before the lines get heated by the sun. Works for me.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
That water may be cool in your lines at 6am, but how good do you think it is for water to sit in a small diameter hose and heat and cool?

Also, how much water do you think is in the lines? It's hardly a waste to flush them...

Burying mainline will make it last indefinitely ... I've had it above ground for years with no problems, except for barbed Ts and other fittings getting brittle from UV after like 4 seasons...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
If the emitters are pressure compensating why do all that work?

You can plumb the automated controller to open the valve you use to flush as zone one and then, Have it move through the gardens starting at zone 2 ....

Any other questions on how to do it, my pm box is open, this is getting ridiculous

grow nerd

Active member
Instead of getting a relatively expensive valve, I'm spending a few more cents than I normally would have with a regular stopper at the end of each run and getting this 1/2" compression stopper with a flush out cap:

Should be almost as easy to flush out the lines as a manual valve at the end of each line. Just gotta keep track of the caps and not lose one, which I can see happening.


our pots are all on different levels so a drip will be complicated, also the pot sizes and plant sizes are all different. some of our replacements are tiny. Sounds like a logistical nightmare...

still it would be a timesaver a couple months down the road. Will def keep the drip in mind for july. We can run it off our house plumbing? or need an external pump/reservoir? I would hate to make rookie mistakes that can fuck up tha crop while trying to dial in a drip system , just to save some time.

Can't make it to the SF cup this weekend, kinda bummed but we can't afford to leave the property and have anything fuck up at this point. , Was looking forward to meeting more fam, oh well there's other cups in the future. Smoke some for us yall.


Active member
yea if you have elevation drops there will be issues with varying pressure. running off the house plumbing shold provide enogh pressure on the lower elevation but then you might have less pressure higher in the line. thats why a good pump shold help equalize it all.....drip systems definately have growing pains. ive built a new drip system every year trying to iron shit out, i have 500+ feet of drip line just lying around on my property not being used.

i finally said fuck it, took all my elevation calculations, measurements, zones, etc to NORMAC and they built me a custom system and its been working great...should have done that the first year. god damn if i had a dollar for every drip system ive built and thrown out haha.....maybe just hand water for simplicity.


so apparently our 3 biggest seed plants are in re-veg mode. i didn't know that could happen with seed starts this big. We didn't notice them go into flower, they were growing steady and one of the PSA's is over 7' tall but now they are spitting out freak leaves. fuck. not much to do about it at this point but keep them alive and hope for the best, typical luck for us.. started out the season with big plans and a few months later we are down to basically nothing but a few plants. gotta stay on the grind though there's no reset button