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Motherlode Gardens 2014


we just finished all our transplants for vegging,

gorilla glues went in 10gal smarties with coco, hardcore OG's and cherry pies went in 5gals. Gonna handwater with House&Garden Cocos A&B 7ml/gallon and Roots Excel 1ml/gallon. Lights are set to 16/8 and the girls will veg until june in the garage before they go in the big pots

All our seedlings got 2gal growbags with coco, and they r in the garage in flood trays under 1000w MH, getting flooded 1x per day, using only House&Garden Aqua Flakes A&B 7ml/gallon. Lights are set to 16/8 and the seedlings will veg in the flood trays until they go outside in 50gallon smarties in may.

I am worries that our Hardcore OG clones may be too big for double or triple planting in 400's .. They are already bushes about 2ft tall. Maybe we will just get bigger pots for them, triple plant in 800's or 1000's if they exist like mendo420 was sayin.

Anyway thats about all for now. We are starting the big push, and we got a new full-time helper so look for updates soon.


Well-known member
Since you are doing coco for full season, im curious if you plan on using bottled nutes for coco like the ones you just mentioned to feed all season? How often do you feed with coco outside? and how much im curious are you going to use?

If so Im curious the cost of that, if you care to share?

is there a reason your seeds/clones are vegging inside and not in a hoop/hoops outside getting some natural sun? With a timer and supp lighting/mr heater/ect you can make a slick setup that allows the plants to grow much faster/better/acclimated, which makes a much smoother spring rather than when you take stuff from inside to out in june.

You can get/make any size container you want...


classy grass

Night and day difference in health/vigor between indoor and greenhouse starts.

Also interested in your outdoor coco. I tried it. Way too much effort and expense for me.


Since you are doing coco for full season, im curious if you plan on using bottled nutes for coco like the ones you just mentioned to feed all season? How often do you feed with coco outside? and how much im curious are you going to use?

If so Im curious the cost of that, if you care to share?

is there a reason your seeds/clones are vegging inside and not in a hoop/hoops outside getting some natural sun? With a timer and supp lighting/mr heater/ect you can make a slick setup that allows the plants to grow much faster/better/acclimated, which makes a much smoother spring rather than when you take stuff from inside to out in june.

You can get/make any size container you want...

Outdoor coco gets handwatered with bottles nutes every day, cocos A&B no additives cuz im cheap. The cost of nutrient solution at my desired EC is about 15 cents per gallon. Watering amount is 20% of container volume every day or two depending how fast they dry out.

With 10 200gal coco pots i am expecting to water 200-400 gallons per day for almost 5 months. Total nutrient cost for the entire coco plot shouldnt exceed $7000

And yes i know about the benefits of sunlight. Unfortunately we had to scramble to get things set up elsewhere cuz of the new ordinance, so we didnt have the time or resources to build a hoophouse with supp lighting for this project, things got hectic. To make up for it, We are carrying the plants outside for a day of sun every dew days. Do what ya can...

Fisher, what extra work did you need to do for your coco outdoors that was not needed for the soil? More bud to trim? Haha jk.. I know ya didnt have to mix in amendments so theres some work saved. Anyway Kudos for trying it out. I still hold the opinion that outdoor coco buds look a bit better than soil.


Well-known member
thanks for the info, i was just curious.

heres my logic, maybe im off -

400 gallons a day x 5 months = 60k gals of water, if you average 7ps per 200 gallon thats 70 pounds. 70 goes into 60k 857 times. So around 857 gallons per pound, and if you water with nutes 2/3 of the time then you will be using (857 x .666) 565 galon of nute water per pound and at 15 cents per gallon cost of nute, then 565 x .15 = around 85 bucks per pound cost of nute

ive handwatered some huge fuckin gardens but doing what your saying everyday by hand...dam i feel bad for whoever has to hold the hose lol


That estimate is pretty accurate and probably why more people dont run coco outside on a large scale. i think we may end up going with a lighter feeding schedule or only running 5 coco pots instead of 10. But that means we need to buy more soil , it never ends.
ive handwatered some huge fuckin gardens but doing what your saying everyday by hand...dam i feel bad for whoever has to hold the hose lol
regardless what medium we use i think its gonna be a lot of handwatering, probably 20 hours a week unless the crew sets up drip lines.



Last year I was doing 1200 gallons per day with one other person, by hand, done and drinkin beers at the river by noon.


Also, fwiw, I've done extensive growing outdoors in coco and IMO you are best served with 100gal pots max. First, you can easily pull 5 per with og in 100s or even less, and after that you have diminishing returns. Second, while coco plants grow extremely thick branches, they are very brittle and will snap in a heartbeat with just a little wind, I've had large plants literally burst at the stalk with every branch snapping off, plant dead, while they were still just vegging. Last year I put out small blue dreams late in 5 gallons and got a 12 oz average off them with only 3 week veg, watered 2/3 times daily. The more often you can water in coco the better and a slightly root bound plant best serves at ime. Enjoy.


seed starts

seed starts

we have 60 seedlings that are almost a foot tall in the flood trays




Gorilla Glue #4

Gorilla Glue #4

These are the original clones we got from sunset at the LA cup in february, which would make them 2 months old now. We took cuts and bonsai'd them a month ago, then last week put them in 10gal smarties. Now they are little bushes!

I think these girls will veg in 10gal pots for a month, during that month they get carried outside for natural sunlight every couple days, and then in mid-to-late May they go outside into the big pots. By then they will be monsters


Two rows of Glue, the little one in the front right is the runt :)


Hardcore OG

Hardcore OG

Here are the Hardcore OG's vegging in 5gal smarties.. They are already pretty big and bushy for this early in the season. To the left you can see 2 rows of smaller plants which are the Cherry Pie's...



nice.. what are you transplanting the glues into?
most of the glues will get planted in their own 2 yard soil mounds unless we spring for 400gallon smarties. Also we might put a couple glues in 100-200gal coco smarties. I expect they will fill whatever container they are planted in.

We probably have to buy some more soil, I want to go with Earthworm soil farm because of all i've read about them on here, and when i called on the phone the guy was friendly and said delivery won't take more than a few days. They have a few different blends and i am not sure if we should get their premium mix or what? Does anyone here buy dirt from them?

I hate to pay more than $100/yard for soil especially since we have to pay for delivery too but maybe if the dirt's fully amended it's worth 150-200? We would love a mix that is good to go and that doesn't require any additional amendments or bottled nutrients... We have 40 yards of Vermifire from last year which needs to be amended and i dont want to add more dirt to that workload haha


I got huge amounts of dirt from them this year. so far my plants are loving it. just barely singed the tips of some 12" blue dream clones and now they're taking off big time. talking about " a day vibes.