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Most Worthless Sportscasters on the Planet


stoned agin ...
cosell, he used to make me wanna puke. but him and ali were great together, ali would always make like he was gonna snatch cosells rug of his head LOL

ben wright vs dykes in spikes LOL lotta women athletes face the problem, he called it. his dry humor was great. and marv wear those panties with pride :yes: who cares hes great
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Dennis Miller what a pathetic jackass attempt to broadcast. The first time i heard him i was like WTF. The NBA playoff coverage is pretty freakin pathetic also, I'm glad to hear i'm not the only one annoyed about those bozo's it's like a fucking talk show broke out at a NBA playoff game. call the game,and talk during time outs is that too much to ask.


18 and Doh!
I can't believe noone's said this yet..............TONY KORNHEISER!!!!! How the fuck did he get on monday night football. I can't stand him and mike wilbon (though they do go well together on PTI).


Kornheiser has been discussed.

I never thought of John Miller as a homer. I used to make it a point (before every game for every sport was on) to watch ESPN Sunday night baseball for Miller, Joe Morgan, and Boomer. I do think that he bullshits too much for a play by play guy.

Watchin the mets on fox, and Captain Funny (joebuck) is at it......C'mon McCarver DO IT!!! LOL Joe told him that he was dissapointed in him that he didn't know the trivia answer. I think McCarver is a big dude, just heave him to the lodge, maybe make it to field level.....


Craig Sager and Jim Gray can go suck each other. They are the National Enquirer of sportscasting and their hell should have to be answering each others stupid commentary-questions for all of eternity.





I heard McCarver say about the daylight savings change, and the sunday fox football games, "Be sure to turn your clocks back, so you aren't late to the (games, shows, someshit...)"....

...Wait a minute...

The clocks go BACK, right?
So if I DIDN'T do anything, and I turned on the TV 2moro @ what I thought to be 1pm eastern to watch football, what time would it actually be? 12pm? Tim? Wouldn't that make me EARLY to the (games, interviews, someshit...)???

He is so fukkin dumb. I was a 11 y/o kid watchin Gooden and Strawberry and Hernandez, and I knew he was an idiot when he did the games with Ralph Kiner. UGH, there is no way for me to mute the series, and get a radio/alternate play by play...

Great series so far, though.


Kornheiser, The Gumbel Bros., Costas, Dennis Miller and Howard Cosell all suck.

The guy that really gets on my nerves currently is Dan Dierdorf for CBS Sports! :no::wallbash:
