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Most INtresting HOME Made smoking deviced??


Well-known member
How about a tolitpaper roll steam roller?
Or you can use a paper towl tube.
Cut a 1' hole in one end take some foil and wrap aroud roll,push down in hole a few pin holes and load it up.
Made a maney of them.


Active member
we always just used an unused spark plug socket that i kept in the bottom of the toolbox (talk about stealth) ....any resin just looked like grease...if i had to cross a border like into canada or alaska i just tossed it and hit the next napa.

...always made sure to get the right size for my plugs in case i really needed to use it.

and a screen fits just fine right where u put the ratchet into it. :wave:


...be sure to pull the rubber washer out if it has one before lighting up....any deep well socket will work too...even if its not for plugs
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no wuckin furries!
SrPlantManager said:
Oh, and years ago, I use to make what I call a 'bender' out of foil and a round pencil. If I had foil, I'd make one a shoot it with the digi and post, but no foil.
Just wrap a foil square onto a round pencil, slide pencil down until only an inch or so left inside, bend 90 degrees. Fill and enjoy. When finished, smash into a ball and throw away.


yup started that way....but made a huge one....got out the electrolux vacuum ...the sort that sucks and blows....switched it to blow....took of the filter door..put the large cone piece in the hole there...turned it on and and lit it up and put mouth over the hose......worked well enough...the smoke wasnt thick but came out ..... we got bored smoking it so just dutched the room out....and they said it wouldnt work hahahaha.....got the idea from cheech and chong movie with the gun....and we had the same vacuum cleaner growing up but didnt try it till i moved out and was bored ...vacuum + boredom + leaf = the vacuum bong :D .HH. =]-~


jasondanzig said:
my hand, put it on the board. i def smoked out my hand at least 3 times, not my preferred way but it can get the job done when you need a small hit on the go, a def last resort.

First time I heard of this was a buddy of mine from NYC was talking about a guy he saw on the ferry smoking out of his hand. I tried it, but I probably need more practice.
home made Super Smoker bong

home made Super Smoker bong

this is the super smoker... it is the greatest bong ever to be invented by anyone anywhere... i know it says CH at the bottom... but it is my picture... i lost the original somewhere on my hard drive


Active member
Hello all,

Very interesting stuff.

Had a thought about a "Rube Goldburg" type device for taking a bong hit.....think of the possibilities.



Registered Med User
an orange.. just peal off the top and bottom and that little core thong and you got a chillum.