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Mossy's Jem & Diesel Ryder Test Grow Using IceColdCricket's Method


ICMag Donor
It looks like 3 of the 4 plants are females! :woohoo:

The only one that hasn't shown sex yet is Mossy's Jem 4.

Day 27

Mossy's Jem


Diesel Ryder


Day 51

Mossy's Jem 3


Hopefully Mossy's Jem 4 is a male so I can collect some Mossy's Jem pollen.


Active member
Do it Buddle! I'd love to see a whole grow of Diesel Ryders under a 400w.

I agree with you about Mossy. His enthusiasm is contagious! Makes me wanna grow plants just like him when I grow up lol

The CFLs are more by necessity than choice. I only have a 3'x3' 600hps cab and can't build anymore HID cabs atm due to space and living arrangement. I run regular strains in that cab and can't really give up space for AFs in it, so the CFLs let me grow a lot more plants and strains than I would be able to if I just stuck with HID. I can always stick a small CFL cab into a corner of a room or in a closet.

Ah that makes good sense Blynx.I was hoping a grower with your ability wasn't going totally cfl.I read ICC's whole thread and it looks like this is working well for you :) I'll let you know if I get the Diesel ryder grow going...peace


ICMag Donor
Continuing to follow ICC's method, I made Medium tea this morning (2 tbsp FF POM Fruit & Flower per gallon of water), bubbled it for about 5 hrs and then fed it to the plants for their 'pre-mid flowering feeding'.

Day 30

Mossy's Jem




Diesel Ryder




Day 54

Mossy's Jem 3




Day 53

Mossy's Jem 4




Mossy's Jem 4 is not looking too good and might be pulled out of the cab and replaced with another Mossy's Jem I have going (pretty sure it's a female too!).

I also think I'm going to pollinate some of the buds on Mossy's Jem 3 with some Masterlow pollen and some 'early' pollen I have. The 'early' pollen is either Green's Manitoba Medicine, Guerilla Gold 2 or Guerilla Gold 5.


well its clearly working, but it does seem an awful lot of effort. i may have to try it 1 day though


ICMag Donor
well its clearly working, but it does seem an awful lot of effort. i may have to try it 1 day though

What do you mean by a lot of effort?

There are only 2 differences between this method and how I grow my other stuff, and only 1 requires a minor amount of effort.

1st is the soil itself. It's bagged soil vs my re-used denser/hotter soil

2nd is the tea feeding, which is really minimal effort. You only need to do it 5 times in 9 or 10 weeks.

Other than using a different medium to grow the plants in, the only difference in the methods is the tea (minimal effort needed).


bubbling for 5 hours seems a lot of effort, altho i spose if it doesnt have to be done every few days it isnt too bad
Hey man its not like your setting there blowing bubbles in it. Plugging in a aerator and mixing a few ingredients doesn't seem to hard. Especially once a week a lot of people mix nutrients every day or every other day.


NICE JEMS bro!! is that giant JEMS a female? what about the DR? Are you using any of the additives you can use? I am adding more info today.

So day 30, you got anothing 35 days left, JEMS go 65 days indoors. 5 weeks and the JEMS will be done. Ya flowering is that fast is very cool to watch.

ya that little runt JEMS has some problems, Is it in your Old Method? did you try watering it with the TEA to see if it revives it?? personally i would kill it and replace it with bigger and better. why nurse a sick plant when you can grow a good one?

Ya it really is amazing how well the system works, I cant wait unti you get bud set! It is very fast and large.

As for the effort for the return?? Lowrdr, mixing newts everyday, that sounds like effort,, Im a very busy person that is why I designed this method to accomidate my schedule. There is almost no effort, making the tea is done by automation,, just put newts in a 5 gallon bucket, add water, turn on bubble stone, And forget about it until you are ready to use it. I have bubbled for over 24 hours, it just disolved more newts until the water is saturated. This method was designed for the busy and/or Lazy grower in mind. LOL, really does take no effort at all.

I can leave for days at a time and never look at my plants, I also hook up a auto watering system between feedings so I can leave for 1 week or more. If that seems like more effort then you are doing please tell us how you are doing it.

ICC. :joint:


i just pour the nutes in the water bottle as and when i need it. your method does sound pretty simple now you say it back, guess i just thought it out to be too much in my mind really. the joys of a heavy indica lol


ICMag Donor
Is that giant JEMS a female? what about the DR?

Both plants at day 30 above, Mossy's Jem and Diesel Ryder, are females. Those are the two plants that are using your method.

Are you using any of the additives you can use? I am adding more info today.

No, I hadn't seen your molasses/rust spot info until just now, but I will be adding some molasses to the next watering. I just saw rust spots on leaves of one plant. I never see that with my normal soil mix cuz it's a little more balanced nute-wise (which is why my usual method is to just water with tap the whole time)

So day 30, you got anothing 35 days left, JEMS go 65 days indoors. 5 weeks and the JEMS will be done. Ya flowering is that fast is very cool to watch.

Yes it's amazing how quick they go. The Mossy's Jem I pollinated on the 2nd already has visible seeds splitting the calyxes just 1 week later! They aren't brown yet, but usually I'd just start seeing the hairs die in a day or two or three, then watch the calyxes slowly swell. These things are way faster.

ya that little runt JEMS has some problems, Is it in your Old Method? did you try watering it with the TEA to see if it revives it?? personally i would kill it and replace it with bigger and better. why nurse a sick plant when you can grow a good one?

The runt was not only from my old method but it was an unexpected plant that popped up and was way overcrowded by Mossy's Jem 3. I figured I'd give the plant a shot, but didn't want to invest too much time/effort into it, hence transplanting it into a smaller container than the other plants. I was hoping it might respond to the first tea I gave it, but as you see, it's not really doing much, which is why after I took the recent pics I mentioned pulling it, and in fact now have. Look for an updated post with the new plant.

Ya it really is amazing how well the system works, I cant wait unti you get bud set! It is very fast and large.

Yea I see that in the Mossy's Jem 3 that's starting to take off. I'm going to give her another day or two to throw some more pistils out, then I'm gonna hit her up with 2 different kinds of pollen.


ICMag Donor
I decided to pull the small runty Mossy's Jem 4 out of the cab and replace it with another Mossy's Jem I had growing.

I will call this new plant Mossy's Jem 5.

Day 30

Mossy's Jem 5




And we have a girl!


I transplanted her into a goldfish container (the same as the other 3 plants in the cab) and then stuck her into the cab.




I put the cab on a timer the other day, it's now running 18/6.


And we have a girl!
Congratulations..I'll smoke to that...:joint:
It IS Friday..after all...:smoke:

blynx..those growth patterns you have now are an absolute inspriation to us all m8.
I have green envy watching. :canabis:

(Still love your first JEM..her colours get better every photo)

But I cannot wait to see what you get with your Souped up..super ferters..

Have a great weekend M8..:joint:


Hey bro, you said you saw some rust spots? If those continue you can stop them DEAD in there tracks with LIQUID SEAWEED. FROM MAXICROP!!!! easy. just add it in one of the waterings between feedings. I will add that to the thread. There are a lot of other stuff I havent put on it, so I will get it done.



ICMag Donor
Hey bro, you said you saw some rust spots? If those continue you can stop them DEAD in there tracks with LIQUID SEAWEED. FROM MAXICROP!!!! easy. just add it in one of the waterings between feedings. I will add that to the thread. There are a lot of other stuff I havent put on it, so I will get it done.


After my last post, I dissolved some molasses and a tiny amount of epsom salts into a gallon of water and watered this plant with it.

If that doesn't fix the rust I will pick up some maxicrop and try that.

When I was watering the plant with the rust spot, I decided to pull out Mossy's Jem 3 and pollinate her with some masterlow pollen and early pollen. The early pollen is either guerilla gold 2, guerilla gold 5 or manitoba medicine.

Day 56

Mossy's Jem 3


She's a stretchy girl. She also appears to be a green mossy's jem. I am not seeing any purple on her anywhere.


u growing deisel ryder? i thought mine would be done at 8 weeks but im at 9.5 so far and im JUST starting to get amber heads...


Hey Blynx, what plant is showing the rust spots can you take a pic?

Deisil Ryder can take up to 10 weeks to finish. I would harvest around day 70, for me they are best around 5-10% amber.


ICMag Donor
Hey Blynx, what plant is showing the rust spots can you take a pic?

Deisil Ryder can take up to 10 weeks to finish. I would harvest around day 70, for me they are best around 5-10% amber.

It's the Mossy's Jem that is using your method. The rust only appeared on the bottom larger fans.

Day 34

Mossy's Jem




The rust hasn't appeared on any other leaves higher up.


On a different note, this plant is looking like she's gonna be a purple Mossy's Jem!


