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Mossy's Jem & Diesel Ryder Test Grow Using IceColdCricket's Method


ICMag Donor
After reading IceColdCrickets' post 'My secrets of success with True AFs' and seeing the results he had, I knew I had to try his method out.

I searched around town and found that there was a local source for Fox Farms products. I stopped by the store and picked up a bag of Fox Farms Ocean Forest Potting Soil and a box of Fox Farm Peace Of Mind Fruit and Flower ( 5-8-4 ).

I prepared the containers and soil for planting.

First I filled the pots with soil

then the soil was moistened to get some runoff

After the water drained the soil was kinda compacted

so I fluffed it up a bit

For this test I chose to run a Mossy's Jem and a Diesel Ryder and I also had decided to try different methods of starting the seeds.

The Diesel Ryder was soaked for about 24hrs. It sank, cracked and started growing a small tap.

It was planted about 1/2" deep (pic shows seed before burying)

The Mossy's Jem seed was not soaked nor prepared in any way.

It was just planted 1/2" deep in the soil (pic shows seed before burying)

The soil was lightly tapped down over the seeds

Day 0

Two days later, and we have the Diesel Ryder popping up

Day 02

Diesel Ryder



Another day and up pops the Mossy's Jem

Day 03

Mossy's Jem



Diesel Ryder


Since they are only a day apart I will go by the Diesel Ryder dates.


ICMag Donor
Due to unexpected visiting relatives, I wasn't able to make/feed the tea to the plants during the day 7-10 period.

Day 7

Mossy's Jem




Diesel Ryder




Day 14

Mossy's Jem




Diesel Ryder




Day 20

Mossy's Jem




Diesel Ryder




They've been directly under (with 1") 13w CFLs up to this point
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ICMag Donor
I've been working on a new small (11.5" x 11.5" x 20") CFL cab and finally got it done. It currently has 130w of CFLs in it (2 x 42w & 2 x 23w).

I really wanted to try this new cab with these AFs but I also wanted to use slightly larger containers than the 6" pots they were in up to this point so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone.

I decided to transplant the plants into the goldfish boxes I'm using in the current run of my 1sq ft CFL cab and make tea and water them with it after transplant.

I also had a Mossy's Jem growing in a container that had multiple seeds thrown in it. It was set aside for a bit outside, then brought inside once a seedling finally popped up. I had it inside the new cab as I was building and testing it.

I didn't notice it at first, but a 2nd small Mossy's Jem had popped up in the container along with the first one. I call these Mossy's Jem 3 (the large one) and Mossy's Jem 4 (the smaller 2nd plant). You can see mj4 hiding under the right side of the plant in the third image below.

Day 38

Mossy's Jem 3 & 4




Closeup of Mossy's Jem 4

Mossy's Jem 4



Day 46

Mossy's Jem 3 & 4




It was on this day that I decided to separate and transplant these 2 plants and also run them in the new cab with the Mossy's Jem and Diesel Ryder.

So I transplanted them.

Day 46

Mossy's Jem 3




Mossy's Jem 3 is a female!


Mossy's Jem 4




Since Mossy's Jem 4 was a small plant, it was transplanted into a half gallon cardboard juice container instead of the larger goldfish containers.

Mossy's Jem 3 & 4 were watered with tea after they were transplanted.
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ICMag Donor
Ok, back to the Mossy's Jem and Diesel Ryder which have now been transplanted.

Day 22

Mossy's Jem




Diesel Ryder




After transplanting, the plants were watered with tea and placed into the new cab with Mossy's Jem 3 & 4.




They've been on 24/0 light since they've been put into the cab. I will probably start them on 18/6 this week.
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:listen2: blynx...you have been holding out on us...:noway:

Man..what Fantastic Work..:jump:
How on Earth did you manage to keep them quiet M8.
I thought ES was sneaky hiding girls..
but you have been at it as well..
I need to hone up on my sniffing skills..I missed you completely.

Well Done m8..they are Beautiful..
not only have you been using ICC's ferts..but the girls show that same beautiful Tufty growth..
They are Lush Bro..I LOVE seeing growth like that..:kissass:

I think I am gonna have to convert..how hard did you find the ferting schedule to stick to..?

Just a thought..you haven't got your badge on either..are you having probs too..?
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GREAT WORK BRO!! you where holding out on us!

sweet as hell you got the big Female JEMS, well compared to your other JEMS that was small and dinky,, you can see the increased growth using my Fox Farm Soil / Organic Tea Method. That girl is going to have some nice buds,, now you got the build a cab with a 150Watt HPS and then you can really see the increase. Your bud density will suffer from the lack of intense light, but you will love her color no doubt... did you get the JEMS off the Bay?

Confused ,, the JEMS 3 and 4 ,, are those using your old method? They are very slow...

Please keep us updated!!

ICC :smoke:


Active member
Alrighty now!!

Alrighty now!!

Hey Blynx,
Nice thread Bro.I love the format you use.I'll have to read up on ICC's feeding methods.
Mossy's passion for the plant is a constant source of "feel good" for me.I love seeing his work being grown and by someone with your dedication..perfect.I still don't get the cfl's but thats a personal choice.Can't wait to watch this..K+ BL


Looking good blynx, I cant wait to see the progress on your grow. Your plants look nice and lush green. Keep it up man.


ICMag Donor
:listen2: blynx...you have been holding out on us...:noway:

Man..what Fantastic Work..:jump:
How on Earth did you manage to keep them quiet M8.
I thought ES was sneaky hiding girls..
but you have been at it as well..
I need to hone up on my sniffing skills..I missed you completely.

Well Done m8..they are Beautiful..
not only have you been using ICC's ferts..but the girls show that same beautiful Tufty growth..
They are Lush Bro..I LOVE seeing growth like that..:kissass:

I think I am gonna have to convert..how hard did you find the ferting schedule to stick to..?

Just a thought..you haven't got your badge on either..are you having probs too..?

Sometimes surprises are more fun! :)

I've only watered with tea the one time. I don't think it will be a problem because ICC's schedule only calls for a total of 5 tea waterings so that isn't too much work to do only once every week or two.


ICMag Donor
GREAT WORK BRO!! you where holding out on us!

sweet as hell you got the big Female JEMS, well compared to your other JEMS that was small and dinky,, you can see the increased growth using my Fox Farm Soil / Organic Tea Method. That girl is going to have some nice buds,, now you got the build a cab with a 150Watt HPS and then you can really see the increase. Your bud density will suffer from the lack of intense light, but you will love her color no doubt... did you get the JEMS off the Bay?

Confused ,, the JEMS 3 and 4 ,, are those using your old method? They are very slow...

Please keep us updated!!

ICC :smoke:

The jems were gifted to me by a generous member (thanks again!!!!).

Yes Jems 3 & 4 are using the old method. As you can see there are multiple strain stickers on that pot they were growing in. I had taken all the seeds that didn't pop for me and threw them into that container. After sitting around for a while, the one mossy's jem popped up, then the next one.

I wanted to fill up the cab and also figured it would be good for a side by side comparison of plants grown with this test method and a plant grown with my hotter/denser soil.


ICMag Donor
Hey Blynx,
Nice thread Bro.I love the format you use.I'll have to read up on ICC's feeding methods.
Mossy's passion for the plant is a constant source of "feel good" for me.I love seeing his work being grown and by someone with your dedication..perfect.I still don't get the cfl's but thats a personal choice.Can't wait to watch this..K+ BL

Do it Buddle! I'd love to see a whole grow of Diesel Ryders under a 400w.

I agree with you about Mossy. His enthusiasm is contagious! Makes me wanna grow plants just like him when I grow up lol

The CFLs are more by necessity than choice. I only have a 3'x3' 600hps cab and can't build anymore HID cabs atm due to space and living arrangement. I run regular strains in that cab and can't really give up space for AFs in it, so the CFLs let me grow a lot more plants and strains than I would be able to if I just stuck with HID. I can always stick a small CFL cab into a corner of a room or in a closet.


ICC..gotta lay it down m8..that fert schedule is AMAZING.

Never seen anything like it in any thread..but the results are
You deserve a medal as big as a frying pan for services to our
Cheers to the Man who gave US the Plan.:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Another Giant step forward.

Sometimes surprises are more fun!
Oh yes indeedy.....especially when they are as Good as that one..
Way to Go Bro..:jump::jump::jump:


LOLOLOLOL I wouldn't go that far! But thanks Mossy!

I will be adding a few things to that thread today so look for them. I am just sick of seeing AFs grown in poor conditions that they dont like and end up small and dinky, giving them a bad name. SO lets show what they can really do, this is a good method, took me yrs to figure this out, so save the time and Grow On!


this is a good method, took me yrs to figure this out
THAT is why it is SO good..thinking outside the box.
The same kinda thing as the thought behind Original LR.
When every grower wants bigger and better then someone comes along and goes..hang on a minute..what about smaller and faster..
Original thinking.
It makes the World move.

I don't know what gave you the idea..I've never seen anyone anywhere near it..
but I am Damn Pleased that you shared m8. :respect:


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Wow great thread...sweet looking honey's you got going.



ICMag Donor
LOLOLOLOL I wouldn't go that far! But thanks Mossy!

I will be adding a few things to that thread today so look for them. I am just sick of seeing AFs grown in poor conditions that they dont like and end up small and dinky, giving them a bad name. SO lets show what they can really do, this is a good method, took me yrs to figure this out, so save the time and Grow On!

I have a question about the tea.

I used room temp water and bubbled for like 6 hrs and there was still a lot of un-dissolved POM solids on the bottom. I strained the liquid out when I finished making it. That got a lot of the solids out, but there was a fine sediment that made it through. I didn't pour that fine sediment at the bottom into the plants when I watered them with the tea cuz I was afraid of burning them.

Does all the POM dissolve for you?

If not, how do you handle it?


I have a question about the tea.

I used room temp water and bubbled for like 6 hrs and there was still a lot of un-dissolved POM solids on the bottom. I strained the liquid out when I finished making it. That got a lot of the solids out, but there was a fine sediment that made it through. I didn't pour that fine sediment at the bottom into the plants when I watered them with the tea cuz I was afraid of burning them.

Does all the POM dissolve for you?

If not, how do you handle it?

Great Q blynx!,,

I will edit the thread a bit,, When you make the TEA, not all will dissolve...you can add ALL the extra crap when watering, just stir it before you use it. It just sits on top of the soil adding more newts every time you water. You will not burn your plants if you follow the TEA brewing directions.

OR you can do what you did if you don't want any of that extra crap on top of the soil, BUT you must add the fine sediment as that is the bone meal and such that contain the newts the plants need for flowering. I have never done this personally but it should be fine, as the larger solids have be striped of a lot of thier newts and only offer little more sitting on top of the soil,, i will give this a try and let you know what I find. Thanks for being so cautious, last thing I want is for you to burn them.

Oh and check out the My Secrets Thread for an update in the morning, I got new pics you are going to love them! also adding more info. about other additives and a trouble shooting tips thing for some strains.


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