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Mosca Seeds... FIREFLY~ FIREFLY......c annaUdiggitz


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pott'ed UP

pott'ed UP

well here are my babiezzz....plant'ed in cupz yesterday.....watered....and under the Hvy....T-5's for one night........there...ROCK'IN......already.....
show'in second leaf set today....w/ phat wide...indica look'intraitz.......melikey....alot...........

any insight as to the growth pattern and /or feeding habitz of this cross........just want to giver them what they like.......according to the"fly"...him self............so whatz what w/ the firefly........anyhelp
is ALWAYZ.......usuful...and helpful....nomatter how small or big......

mosca negra

At this stage Yort, mild is best on the nutes. Seeing as they are only developing their 2nd set of leaves, you probably have suffient nutes in your soil for several weeks. Therefore I would give them H2O with some root juice.



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But...YES...of course.....they seem happy....w/ mymix....it'z got EWC....which is mild N....any way...so thre definatly fine in just the mymix........maybe in a wk or so i'll dose'em w/ mild......liquid seaweed.......

that should cover them for the first month of life........
?????????????................after that we will see.......i'n the long run....do they like nutez.....topping....LST.....or anythang special......???????

thankz for the helpz......mosca.....


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
:lurk: Im watching this one yortbogey nice job done so far keep up the good work,,,sending you and your plants some good karma..!!!

mosca negra

Yortb- you are off to a very good start! I am not a big fan of topping my plants-- I prefer to bend and/or LST my plants. FireFly should be able to handle any nute levels once your plants have an established root system.

My recommendation is to put your FireFlys directly under your lights and make sure you are giving them proper nutes (Medium to High) and watch them take off!



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thankx'z for the support and input....mosca....IT alwayz helps.....
So...kewl....not topped......LST...the ladiez ...gett'in going sidewayz......
U..say medium to high nutez.......kewl...I can Do that........

the babbiez are out soak'in up the brite blue...soft...and cool....morning light.......the get H20...every 3-4 dayz or so........not gunna feed 'em yet...they look fine........

ps....mosca.....they do seem very healthy and FULL O' vigor.....nice wide phat leaves.....I'm REAL happy w/ them.......thankz.......

can't wait tell OP handlez...those testerz........I'm ready fro more....and jons'in to crack that C-4 x C-4 backcross.......
that C-4 iz stellar geneticz from chimera.......I grew that yearz ago,...and would LUV to see a version again in my harem....................

So ALL in ALL...........MOSCA...I LUV the gear.......thanx'z fro put'en EM....out and shar'ing w/ use simplefolk...........:headbange

mosca negra

Chimera does some fine work with his C4 and Really knows his genetics! I used his C4 in my Tsi Fly because it had a unique DANKNESS that I hadn't seen before in other strains. You will find The Tsi Fly is a slightly Sweeter version of that dankness and it tastes and smell soooooo goooooooood! So much so, that growers can't put it down and is always the fastest bud smoked!!! lol



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i hear that the dankness comes from that Schnazzelberry UPinthere......
killer...frosty...dankness...w/ hints of NL...and cottoncandy.........
BUT to top it off w/ sum C99.......i must be breathtaking..........

I'm really excited too fireUP sum.......... TSIFLY.................real...real...SOON....hinthint.......{hopeU readthis OP}

tsifly.....just soundz too kewl.........IT'z the TOP of my TODO..list...:joint:


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Chimera does some fine work with his C4 and Really knows his genetics! I used his C4 in my Tsi Fly because it had a unique DANKNESS that I hadn't seen before in other strains. You will find The Tsi Fly is a slightly Sweeter version of that dankness and it tastes and smell soooooo goooooooood! So much so, that growers can't put it down and is always the fastest bud smoked!!! lol

Hi all
Mosca, That just makes me want the Tsi Fly even more.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Yort, Growing well bro keep up the good work, I have my seat for the show

mosca negra

RM-- what up brotha? Glad you made it with perfect timing I might add! You have grown Tsi Fly (C4 x C99) and continue to grow it-- would you like to share your thoughts and comments?



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RM-- what up brotha? Glad you made it with perfect timing I might add! You have grown Tsi Fly (C4 x C99) and continue to grow it-- would you like to share your thoughts and comments?


YES....nodubt...RM...we spoken of this C-4 befor.....plz...plz...DO share ALL ~ U'r wizdom on the TSIFLY..........Us.....jonzerz....need...tooo....know.:yoinks:

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
ha haa! I was going to rant on about it, then i was going to grab a puff of the tsi fly for some motivation and remembered ITS ALL GONE!:1help:

Tsi Fly is the first one i clicked the button on! I was growing out 5 of them as freebies, yes freebies, awesome freebies! Then the dark cloud came and all i had was lost. i managed to save one tsi fly, no idea if it was the keeper or runt. Its my first to go for still. I always wanted to know what else was in that pack!
nothing else tastes like it. Thats what friends have said back home. Its kinda like overripe peaches, it has a hint of pineapple too. its reaaally tasty. Peaches, how often do you taste that in herb? Love it!
The high hits fast and hard, its been known to take away speaking abilities in the uninitiated (myself too!). After the coughing fit smoke clears the mind returns after a bit and its all business! Water the plants, mop the floor, do the dishes. it isnt as clear as F13 or Cindy that I've smoked, its a little playful on the brain, makingwork or play more fun. from my experience the Tsi fly is a very light feeder and very compact plant. The smoke is really expansive and almost always makes me cough my way into bliss. There is no gain growing the plant tall, it doesnt increase the yield and just wastes time in my experience. it has very little stretch. I like to grow it with 6 tops. They get full size by week 8 and turn hard as diamonds during the last week.
Tastes just like it smells. I have one at week 7-8 right now, it is a staple in my garden! Now please hurry up little Tsi Fly, I got a craving for some stone fruit!
All I know is if I like it enough to keep around after popping so many seeds that werent keepers, and I didnt even select the mom, the release must have some insanely sweet keepers calling my name! I hope mine are still at the bou, hard times have made getting it back here, well, hard! Funny thing is, its the only one left available at the bou, and the mach fly at the bay. The two I picked seem to be the last to sell out.
I'll see if I can get a pic or two of the mom today and get it up somewhere, maybe the test secttion. I am growing a single Tsi fly? atm that was a seed found in a bud of it. I soaked it within seconds of finding it! She's starting flower now.


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Dang glad i found this, I'll take a seat in the bleeders back here!

thankx'z for the visit RM........U got Reserved seating........take a seat ANY seat......U are alwayz welcome .................how, ever....when, ever.....why, ever.............nuff~said...............


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Hmm im liking the sounds of this Tsi Fly...


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? Just checkin for updates of the lil fly's... bbl peace..



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thankz for check'in......sacko........I'm really happy w/ there development
steady....uniform....and stable....nice phat leaved inica......w/ good stem and node growth.........i'm happpy so there in turn happy toooo......:woohoo:
update.........mananna....w/ picz........

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