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morocco trip to the rif for kif

morocco trips

New member
We are planning an overland trip by speciallist overland truck to the rif mountains this summer for 24 people,we would be grateful for any local knowledge of the area,i.e. places to avoid as well as places to visit,were the best kif is ect ect,any help would be great as we are only at the beguining of the planning stage,thanks tracy..xx

KRS Juan

Have you seen the first IC Mag issue? Have you ever been to Morocco?? You will NEED to know people there, and it's not the kind of place you bring 24 tourists searching for hash. Giving a guided tour of a illegal act, in a dangerous place, to which you have no experience in is a disaster waiting to happen.

Maybe I should start giving guided tours of weapons smuggling in Sierra Lione? Or howabout currency conversion expeditions to lebanon with Hezbollah?

-KRS "Suicide Tours" Juan-


Bakin in da Sun
KRS Juan said:
Maybe I should start giving guided tours of weapons smuggling in Sierra Lione? Or howabout currency conversion expeditions to lebanon with Hezbollah?

How bout it? im all ears :D:D lol j/k... yall just watch...Bush and his drones are already knockin at my door...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It can be done......I have a good friend that acted as a guide for us when we went into Morocco......and perhaps he will be up for showing you guys around?

p.m. me...


Cannabis Helper
Gypsy steps in and WHAM you are connected...

Welcome to icmag tracy, do you have any openings???


morocco trips

New member
morocco trips

morocco trips

thanks all for your posts,

juan it just goes to show that ganja does make you paroanoid,you are walking proof of that,your comments were in my opinion,stupid bordering on worse,

yes we know about the dodgy farmer/gangsters in the dodgy 70s suit driving there old merc growling at all they dont know,but with that said we dont intend going up the mountain just to it,we dont intend to spend all our time in that area,just simply visit it,

we own,build and opperate our trucks with the intention of doing trips people want to go on,we research the trip ully,hence why we have posted on some 50 ganja sites so far with 35 plus left to do,we only want correct up to date info rather than so opinions that are conceived because someone had to much ganja then decides his opinions are the only opinions,

its the gun bit you go on about that gets up my nose about you,if your comments are that pathetic then how do people take you serious.

we have secured a guide(subject to his credentials all being checked with local knowlege of the region,and now intend to do a dummy run for a week or so with maybe 10 people at cost price,so as to be able to ensure that when we take fair paying passengers this summer there should be little left to chance,

this dummy run will be in 4 weeks or so.

our truck hold 1000 litre of fuel 1000 litres of fresh water,satellite phone nav and tv,plus just being installed this week is satellite broadband, it has onboard generator with 240v 110 v 24v and 12volt power,coffee machine cold water drinks machine 30ft telescopic lights with 3 halogen lights (helps when setting up camp..sound system first aid equipment ect,

anybody who may be interested in being on the dummy run at cost please contact,thanks tracy..xx

KRS Juan

Dear Tracy,
While you are absolutely entitled to your opinion, slander is unnecessary. The entire point of my post was to make clear that Morocco is not a tourist country, and the Kif range in particular is not the friendliest place to them.
Did I exaggerate? Did I use obscene similes? Of course, but only to stress the underlying point.

You have to understand that your initial post was not informative like your second post. We had no way of knowing that you are an experienced tour company, with common sense, and good supplies.

If I came off as "stupid" or "pathetic" then I apologize. My warped sense of humor rubs some people the wrong way. I have not been to Morocco in 10 years, and never got to see the Kif, so a trip like your does actually interest me.

-KRS Juan-

morocco trips

New member
thanks for your reply juan,

It our intention only to visit safe places,but near enough to get the full picture of the kif in the rif,
thanks for your comments juan,

we wont know exact dates for 7 days or so,as we have much to do in that time first,

our truck will be leaving england via portsmouth over to spain,we then will be heading to malaga airport to pick up anybody wishing to take part in our dummy run,over to morocco,ect ect,people can travel from england with us.

anybody interested in doing our kif in the rif trip please indicate to us..a.s.a.p thanks,

i also forgot to mention our trucks all have onboard showers...

thanks tracy..xx.


ello all but i have warned 1 of my friends about the place

and i'm happy to say he is buying place over there .....................so see u all soon

Wow , i have found this thread late, and gypsy what a true officionado you are. I have seen your videos, i have seen all the glory that is this website, but that was a seriously generous offer you put out there. I am planning a trip myself in september to chefchouen after starting in tangiers. Rather ambitiously, i would like to purchase just a few kilo at most, (of course should safe circumstance permit/and i can only dream of the quality grade you gripped ) to bring back (ship) home. Any advice from anyone in this forum would be great.


have you left yet? I am very interested in this canna-tourist expedition.

Any experiences from anyone is sincerely appreciated. Good luck morocco trips, stay safe.


Wow am I really high or did I just time travel back to a thread from 2005??! I have to warn the future!! Sell all your stocks and buy gold!!!!!!!!!!!