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Mornings with Ace

four seasons

Mornings are always better with a nice selection of Sativas to sample, a cup of tea, a dog walk and a quick surf of the Ace forum to help get the day started.
I take many meds and cannabis resin is the best remedy for nausia and fatique for me.


...is the forest palm in the second shot Saw Palmetto?
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four seasons

Yes, Saw Palmetto and Cabbage Palm. Cypruss,Sand Pine,White Pine,Lobbloly,Long leaf, Slash Pine, Southern Red Cedar,Live Oaks and Stunted Turkey Oaks are the predominent species around here.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
nice shots, nice meds, nice place !!!

there s nothing better than enjoying life !!!!



mornigs are also better and interesting with your posts with pics four seasons!respect bro!keep up the good work!


The flowers look great man, i bet its nice to walk in the woods and smoke the fruit of the soil your walking on...may your next smoke be the best ever!:yes:

Waking and baking with congo is great for the day, i like the way it makes your head feel...that last bud in the jar is gonna be the best, hardest thing is not smoking it...:)

Happy trails man, Jah bless..:rasta:

four seasons

Mostly as of lately In the mornings I enjoy a few bong loads of Congo to get going. Then sometimes I roll up a mix of Orient Express, Congo and F13 for our walk to let the dogs out and exercise.

four seasons

Here is my Dejavu strain ready to sample.
The flower structure is differnt then the plant I grew last year. The calyx are smaller and the colas are tighter this year. Thankfully she still has the grapy flavor and nice daytime happy high.


four seasons

We checked on a couple of plants the other morning during our walk.
Last year we grew this one indoors and it didnt produce much.This year we started it indoors on Aug1st and put it out Sept15th. Two weeks left.
This Jamaican stock was collected in the late Eighties during a trip to Nigrel. We had the pleasure of scoring several good to great varieties and brought the best seeds home and inbreed. This is what I got. Each seed is a little differnt but all have the standard Jamaican earthy spiced berry bouquet and high.
Most of my old stock is breed from open pollination. I like the diversity.


charlie garcia

Morning amigos, always nice to see sativas growing.
Days start with new energy after early smokes and some allow you to dig into life with intensity and even euphoria, at leats they have always did that to me, some makes you even sweat :) Such euphoria is priceless as life goes
FS, glad you can enjoy some of these, makes us so happy to know they can be a good medicine to you. Still some more to harvest I see, Jamaicans do same dates here, mid November, very hard plants and very nice yields.
<<standard Jamaican earthy spiced berry bouquet and high>> sound so much like style and type of the one we use as well, came in 1985 from some best around same area, leafes differ a bit if so but nice yields and easy growing