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ICmag's Official Black Guy
With all those rocket scientist could they make a shuttle that does not have some problems with the heat shields being damage?:joint:


hey watch mythbusters once in awhile your reasons are foiled

How can you explain the wires that shine off of Buzz's suit? Wires that look to be pulling him up in a way.

Also lunar craters on the "landing site" match those found on Area 51. And how can a micro thin layer of tin foil protect the astronauts from being melted when re-entering the atmosphere? :dueling:
There was no flapping flag.... the flag had something on the top and bottom that kept it "straight" because there is no wind in space, as people have pointed out in this post. If they didn't have that on the flag, you would never see it flying. As for the flag moving, it was moving when they were setting the flag up, not after. Has anyone posting ever tried to put a flag into the ground? It's not the easiest task to do, and I imagine it could be pretty tough on the moon in an alien environment with a bulky space suit on with HUGE gloves!!

I get a little mad when I hear people talking about us faking the Apollo missions when there were astronauts who died to make the eventual moon landing successful. Anyone heard of Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee? Maybe if people got a little more informed they wouldn't think this was a lie.... I feel it is a dishonor to these men who gave their lives for things we take for granted today, but I digress.....

I'm all for being skeptical and questioning authority, but I've been to Johnson Space Center and served in the military and know much of our technology today relies on space satellites and GPS satellites.
Also lunar craters on the "landing site" match those found on Area 51. And how can a micro thin layer of tin foil protect the astronauts from being melted when re-entering the atmosphere? :dueling:

Haha, you've been to Area 51?

Also, the astronauts aren't subjected to the extreme temps that the outside of the capsule is exposed to during re-entry into our atmosphere, so why are you even bringing that up?


Unlike 911, I always beleived that apollo 11 and later were real. ;)

What bothers me, is how I now hear they have "lost" the original detailed records; not just the film, but the calculations and technical details. Such that we claim that as of now could not replicate the feat.

Given we did it 40 years ago with processing power of a modern washing machine, its hard to understand why we could not just go there tomorrow if we wanted to, but I beleive that is the case.

I also searched for proof that the Japan orbiter imaged apollo junk, and could not find any, and was led to beleive that the resolution was claimed to be insuffecent so as to not be expecting any. As such, I find the image posted in this thread to be interesting as a result.



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
There is No Dark Side of the Moon, really.
As Matter of fact its all Dark.
Grey Lifeless and unchanged for perhaps the last 100,000 years.
Onwards to Mars and Stop fighting each other and move Forward.
Bush held Back the Mars Mission so he could help sort his Oil Profits.

Mars is BULLSHIT! There is nothing there! It would be unusable for the next 1000 years maybe. PLUS its really really a long way there.

Moon on the other end possibly has Helium3 and many minerals. Probably a good place for low-gravity engineering. Many reasons to go to the moon..

Man i hate the dumb speeches in the media about going to the moon being a waste of time and money. It costs next to nothing compared to all the wars you have lost (impossible to win really unless we are talking total genocide) and all the bullshit you consume. NASA is one of the better things in America for sure. Every penny spent on science is a good thing IMHO you should double or triple the budget..

EDIT: About the landing. I personally believe they did but if they did not BOY WAS THAT A SMART MOVE! The USSR spend mucho dinars on the space race and it was a pretty big contributor to the fall of the soviet union. So if the USA hoaxed us all..well played sir..well played..

Moldy Dreads

Active member
The RUSSIANS would be the first to dispute it if they were not SURE it was real. They never even questioned it and they had already been in space and knew the technology we had. Conspiracy theories are cool, but have all been debunked..


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
There was no flapping flag.... the flag had something on the top and bottom that kept it "straight" because there is no wind in space, as people have pointed out in this post. If they didn't have that on the flag, you would never see it flying. As for the flag moving, it was moving when they were setting the flag up, not after. Has anyone posting ever tried to put a flag into the ground? It's not the easiest task to do, and I imagine it could be pretty tough on the moon in an alien environment with a bulky space suit on with HUGE gloves!!

Well, if you're going to talk sense, what's the point. LOL

The moon may not have an atmosphere but it still has gravity. Shake a towel on Earth it will take a minute or more to settle. MASSIVELY shake a flag on the MOON by JAMMING it's pole into the ground, the flag will take several minutes to settle. It's not flapping, it's succumbing to gravity.

Parallel objects do not cast parallel shadows in photos because of Perspective which says that parallel lines DO meet. The farther the shadows recede from the eye, the closer together they appear.

Multiple light sources are explained by the fact that there ARE multiple light sources. The Sun, the moons surface, Earth, The Eagle, the list goes on.

What other nonsense you disbelievers got?


The Hopeful Protagonist
The RUSSIANS would be the first to dispute it if they were not SURE it was real. They never even questioned it and they had already been in space and knew the technology we had. Conspiracy theories are cool, but have all been debunked..

Great point Moldy, you now why the Russians never disputed it ?

Because they were about 3 launches away from beating us there first, they knew how possible it was to accomplish.

I'm sure most of the older heads watched it live, but they had more "firsts" than us when it came to their space program.

Poor monkeys :2cents:

I still can't believe that some people think it was faked :laughing:


Pull my finger
From what I understand, it was a publicity stunt. It really happened but not before our "secret astronaut corps" went first to check things out.

This whole thing makes me feel old cuz I was at the 20 anniversary party NASA threw in Houston Texas, 1989, for the employees. Now here it is 20 years later. Jeeze!


Active member
Some points...

Yesterday, I was at home listening to the thing live off the NASA web site. They were descending toward the lunar surface, getting closer, and closer, running outta fuel, and with only 25 seconds of fuel left, they landed. Everybody could breathe again. I did a "Woo hoo!"

I checked the time...4:17 Eastern. I looked it up on Wikipedia and some other sites and that was indeed the time they landed. So, give them 3 minutes to get their shit together and load a bowl, and I'd say they could have celebrated 4:20 right then and there.

Coincidence? I think not.

Second point. Buzz Aldrin is a bad ass. That is all.

Thirdly, all astronauts were born the same year. 1930

This means they spent their teens during WWII. Think about that for a minute.

And NASA will be aiming for the moon next to colonize it and use it as a practice ground for Mars. Then we'll colonize Mars. By 2050, it's look like Arnold in Total Recall.

~Abbie :joint:



there are very good points both ways about if we landed then or if we landed at a later point and shot the movies on a set.

flapping flag in space where theres no wind?
unparalleled shadows when they should be parallel?
why does the actual video, when played in 2x speed, look exactly like some guy walking with a stride in his step and not anti-gravity weightlessness?

there are a LOT of unanswered questions that will probably never be addressed or answered..

thing is, they very well might have. props if they did.

if they didn't,

well, i sure as hell wouldn't put it past the government to create a huge conspiracy, threaten the lives of the astronauts and tell them to stick to the story or they die. NASA, NSA, CIA involved...you never know. shit like this happens all the time (cover ups) but we as the public will never know unless someone breaks the silence.

my instincts tell me not to believe the government, so i lean towards saying it was faked to show the world that we "one upped" other countries when it came to space exploration.
Maybe the gov't faked it on that day to cover up for the big news on the same day... Chappaquiddick. Yep, same day Teddy killed his date.


The only thing debatable about the moonlanding is whether or not the ppl that think it was faked are stupid or retarded.

Some points...

Yesterday, I was at home listening to the thing live off the NASA web site. They were descending toward the lunar surface, getting closer, and closer, running outta fuel, and with only 25 seconds of fuel left, they landed. Everybody could breathe again. I did a "Woo hoo!"

I checked the time...4:17 Eastern. I looked it up on Wikipedia and some other sites and that was indeed the time they landed. So, give them 3 minutes to get their shit together and load a bowl, and I'd say they could have celebrated 4:20 right then and there.

Coincidence? I think not.

Finally! A moon landing conspiracy theory I can accept! :) You damn well know a good portion of those guys working in Houston were toking up. They may of had the buzz cut hair but the entire lot of those gentlemen were partiers. :)

Weedman Herb

The moon is the chunk of earth once known as The Grand Mound (now known as the grand canyon) Chuck Norris didn't feel like walking over it or around it ... the rest is History.


Active member
ICMag Donor
...I checked the time...4:17 Eastern. I looked it up on Wikipedia and some other sites and that was indeed the time they landed. So, give them 3 minutes to get their shit together and load a bowl, and I'd say they could have celebrated 4:20 right then and there.

Coincidence? I think not.
Aaaa...I watched the thing on TV live...or live as they could produce it, as it takes about 7 minutes I think for the waves to get to earth.
This was all about 11-11:30 at night. And you looked this up?

After thinking...they had to have been there for a good bit before jumping out..the 11:30 thing was when they set foot on the surface.


weed fiend
I remember Pops arguing with our next door neighbor right in front of the TV set. When the orbiter disappears behind the moon, NASA simulates a picture of what's going on for the benefit of viewers. When Pops asked the neighbor why he didn't believe Apollo 11 was real, the neighbor looked at the TV and said, "It says simulation right there on TV."

This was the same neighbor that let the dentist drill his teeth but was too paranoid to get Novocain first.:biglaugh:

Moldy Dreads

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