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Monster Bloom - Two versions?


I recently ordered a container of GROTEK Monster Bloom, and the container it came in was white instead of grey, and the stuff inside was also a lighter shade of purple.



The label says it has the same ingredients.

So, what's up with this?


Speed of Dark
The brand I use has two versions of the base nitrogen concentrate, one for hardwater and one for soft water.
Both are 5-0-1 and the list of ingredients is the same. Well, almost, there is a single difference, the number after Ca is '1' in hardwater formula and '5' in regular.
The list itself is the same length with all the same chemicals listed, just the one with a percentage difference.

Or it could be a product update, the inert filler material could have been reformulated for a buffered pH or quicker solubility, this would not show on the label.

email the company and ask, a quality company will give a response.


Good idea. I got a swift reply from H&G, hopefully this will be the same.

Going to their website though, on the front page is a picture of the grey/black version.

So.. maybe it's an older version? Or possible fake? Seems unlikely.

My first guess was - it must be a regional thing. We'll see. I'll post their response.