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Monsanto's Really needs to be STOPPED HELP

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headband 707

Plant whisperer
Monsantos is a good, BAD thing LOL . On the one hand they are trying to make our dwindling food crop /drought,heat,fungus,water and on and on resistant which is in some ppl's eyes the way to go.
On the other hand they are playing God with our gene pool and not only infecting all crops but also pursuing them in court as a multinational company. Not sure how it all went so horribly wrong but I would expect "LAWYERS" had somthing to do with it.
It's one thing to have a genetically modified crop it's a whole other thing when you make everyone beat to your drum ..This " Round -Up " bullshit is just the icing on a shitty cake. peace out Headband707

Clackamas Coot

Active member
A GM-Free World - Dr. Mae-Wan Ho


Mae-Wan Ho obtained her B.S. degree in biology in 1964 and her Ph.D. in bio- chemistry in 1967 from Hong Kong University. She was a postdoctoral fellow in bio- chemical genetics from 1968 to 1972 at the University of California in San Diego, dur- ing which time she won a competitive fellowship of the U.S. National Genetics Foundation. She then became a senior research fellow in Queen Elizabeth College in the United Kingdom, and after that a lecturer in genetics and a reader in biology in the London Open University. In 1999, Ho founded the London-based ISIS — the Institute of Science in Society — to promote her views and those of like-minded scien- tists. Dr. Ho retired in June 2000 and remains a visiting reader in biology at the Open University and a visiting biophysics professor in Catania University, Sicily. Today, she has close to 300 publications, including 47 experimental works.

Dr. Ho has been one of the most influential figures of the last decade in the debate within the scientific commu- nity regarding the use of genetically modified organisms. She is a highly consulted scientific figure with many the- ories relating to her powerful anti-GM stance. She is also a well-known critic of neo-Darwinism and reductionist thought in biology and physics.

Hopefully she's not a hippie or a peace queer or something worse! Like a Frenchie!




Monsanto's Really needs to be STOPPED

Absolutely god damn right (Apocalypse now)

I hate these germ plasm hoarders, making everyone their seed whore, Agriculture needs re localising, its stupid to breed for disease resistance the way they are now, what we need is greater diversity, so people breed for their region, and any other diverse needs they have.

Land race diversity is very important.

The European union is Monsantos bitch in this sense, they are bending over backwards to accommodate corpoate needs in terms of restricting the sale and commercial use of so called heritage and landrace varieties.

Not to mention the effective outlawing of herbal medicine this year.

Makes me mad.


Active member
Grapeman.... come with science, or SHUT THE FUCK UP, please.

Nitpicking others semantics is NOT science.

I'm only holding you to your OWN standards.

Thank you, drive through.

Anti - the title of the thread is "Monsanto needs to be stopped". Any intelligent person would know that science needs to be posted to SUPPORT the theme of the thread.

dumb ass.


Active member
I decided that it's probably best not to address Grapeman's comments about the distribution system of moving fresh commodities from origin to destination.

Grape failed to mention a few of the major stumbling blocks in that process - PACA filings, misleading crop reports, dishonest brokers (the scum of the earth), late trucks, weather delays, intransit price increases, delay of equipment charges, etc.



WHAT DID I MISS? Are you nit picking the finest distribution system in mankind's history?

See CC, this is too much information for the masses. Even though we deal with all of the above, the store shelves usually have lettuce for sale in the dead of winter.

While you may think of the negatives, I wonder at the ability to buy spring fruit & vegetables year around. My glass is obviously half full.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Anti - the title of the thread is "Monsanto needs to be stopped". Any intelligent person would know that science needs to be posted to SUPPORT the theme of the thread.

dumb ass.


Read any peer reviewed scientific paper and you will find words like "may", "might", "could" and "potential." Your argument thus far is that nothing that has been posted is "sciency" because they are not speaking in absolutes.

I'm simply pointing out that your argument is less supported by fact than the assertions that you are trying to debunk.

Dumb ass.


unite & stand up to Monsanto

unite & stand up to Monsanto

Tell President Obama: Stand up for me, not Monsanto <~ link to original article

For months, we've been asking the USDA and the Obama Administration to deny Monsanto's application to market its genetically modified Roundup Ready alfalfa. Unfortunately, on January 27, President Obama's Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued unrestricted approval for GMO alfalfa, brushing aside very real concerns about its disastrous effects on the organic industry, the environment, and our health.

It also appears that the decision came all the way from the top of the president's political team. According to Maureen Dowd's New York Times column on January 29, David Axelrod -- one of President Obama's chief advisors -- urged the administration to "plow forward' with the approval of GMO alfalfa in a White House staff meeting.

Along with our allies, CREDO members have submitted hundreds of thousands of public comments opposing GMO alfalfa on the grounds that it will contaminate non-GMO strains and cause irreparable damage to the organic dairy and beef industry, which relies on GMO-free alfalfa for feed.

It is deeply disappointing that President Obama and his administration have chosen to support Monsanto's profits and consolidation of the agricultural sector over the livelihoods of farmers and health of consumers. But we can't give up now. We need to hold the administration accountable for their decision and dig in for the long-term fight against GMOs and Big Ag.

Click here to automatically sign the petition to President Obama to tell him how infuriating this decision is, and pledge to hold him responsible for its effects.

If GMO alfalfa wasn't enough, just a week later the USDA issued approval for another of Monsanto's GMO products -- sugar beets -- prior to the completion of a court-ordered environmental review.

The problems with GMO crops are multifold. When grown in open fields, their genes are extremely difficult to contain. This is particularly true for alfalfa which is a perennial and a profuse pollinator, making it extremely likely that modified genes from its pollen will end up in conventional and organic crops.

Because organic certification prohibits the inclusion of GMOs, any contamination renders a food ineligible for the organic label. So otherwise organic cows that are fed contaminated alfalfa are no longer able to produce organic dairy or beef, decimating organic farmers' profit margins.

These decisions make it clear that the Obama administration is more comfortable standing up for Monsanto and Big Ag than for the farmers who produce and the consumers who eat our food.

The battle is far from over. The recent GMO approvals are already being appealed in the courts. We will continue to follow this issue and alert you to action opportunities.
In the meantime, we need to let President Obama know we're watching and that these potentially disastrous decisions are being made by his administration, on his watch.
Click here to automatically sign the petition telling him you'll keep fighting today.
1 "USDA Won't Impose Restrictions on Biotech Alfalfa Crop", Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2011
2 "No Axe to Grind", New York Times, January 29, 2011
3 Civil Eats, February 9, 2011

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Anti - the title of the thread is "Monsanto needs to be stopped". Any intelligent person would know that science needs to be posted to SUPPORT the theme of the thread.

dumb ass.

So where is your science in support of the theme of the thread?

I've posted plenty... and there's even more out there.


Grapeman takes to many grapes which is causing fermentation in his brain.

Monsanto has brought more misery to this world than any good.People are still suffering today, so that's why they need to be stopped.

Durood Bar Shoma :plant grow: :canabis:


From Wiki

Dumping of toxic waste in the UK

Between 1965 and 1972, Monsanto paid contractors to illegally dump thousands of tons of highly toxic waste in UK landfill sites, knowing that their chemicals were liable to contaminate wildlife and people. The Environment Agency said the chemicals were found to be polluting groundwater and the atmosphere 30 years after they were dumped.[71]

The Brofiscin quarry, near Cardiff, erupted in 2003, spilling fumes over the surrounding area, but the local community was unaware that the quarry housed toxic waste.

A UK government report shows that 67 chemicals, including Agent Orange derivatives, dioxins and PCBs exclusively made by Monsanto, are leaking from one unlined porous quarry that was not authorized to take chemical wastes. It emerged that the groundwater has been polluted since the 1970s.[72] The government was criticised for failing to publish information about the scale and exact nature of this contamination. According to the Environment Agency it could cost £100m to clean up the site in south Wales, called "one of the most contaminated" in the UK.[73]


Game Bred
alot of ad hominem making positions look weak..
no matter how correct your science may (or may not) be if you engage in this type of bullshit your credibility is in question.
i spend a great deal of time in debate with creationists adn this is their common tactic= be annoying enough to get you attacking the person and viola you are lost to someone who believes the fucking flintstones was a documentary.
so lay off the personal jabs or be as weak as grapey is....

the statement
Monsanto has brought more misery to this world than any good.People are still suffering today, so that's why they need to be stopped.
is one i agree with but for different reasons..
monsanto has increased the life span of people who otherwise would have been eliminated as per natural selection. not allowing those people to starve to death(as per the natural order) has (possibly irrevocably) damaged the entire biosphere.


Game Bred
could you please let me know how monsanto has increased the life span? maybe with the agent orange?

http://hubpages.com/hub/Agent-Orange-Linked-to-More-Death-and-Disease So the choice is to die by natural selection or die poisoned......pleaseeeeee.......

do you really believe monsanto seed has not filled bellies that otherwise would have gone empty?
lets at least acknowledge the positives alongside the negatives. more horrendous than the GMO seed potential negatives are the known negatives of chemical "icides" juxtaposed with the poly synthetic blend fibers they developed that save lives every day. weighed against the development of chemicals like agent orange. offset by the lives saved in Tunisia alone in the past decade by drought resistant vegatables.

this issue is not so black and white as folks would like to believe. it really is impossible to say whether monsanto disappearing today would help to save the world,but many arguments can be made for the position that the world is a better place to live because they do exist.


Señor Member
As grapeman said the only purpose of Monsanto is filling the wallet of a few ......Monsanto seeds (as other seeds corporation) has increased the loss of biodiversity......
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