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Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals



Biochemical engineering is not a bad thing.

Playing with the building blocks of genes is a dangerous thing to do.In 1989 there was a disaster with the supplement L-Tryptophan which was made by a genetic modified bacteria in Japan.

The Showa Denko Tryptophan disaster - An extremely poisonous substance in a food supplement killed 37 persons and 1500 contracted a chronic severely painful and incapacitating disease. This disaster started in the late 1989 and ceased when the cause was discovered. At that time, the biotech industry maintained that some change in the production of the supplement caused the accident, but our conclusion, based on recently discovered evidence, is that, with great certainty, a metabolic disturbance, caused by genetic engineering, was the reason for the appearance of the deadly and powerful poison that made the food supplement very harmful, although tests showed it was 99.6% pure.

As this disaster demonstrates that genetic engineering may give rise to very dangerous unexpected substances, difficult to detect, the present method used for assessing the safety of all genetically engineered foods must be abandoned and all foods on the market must be withdrawn.

This is because the present GE food safety testing procedures are far too insensitive to detect such unexpected dangerous poisons that may appear through genetic engineering. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before another posioning disaster occurs.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Biochemical engineering is not a bad thing. It is a bad this when a company makes a chemical, alters a crop that everyone around the world eats(including animals) just so they can sell more of their pesticides and herbicides. Not only that they have patented this gene(how the fuck can you patent life??) and it is getting into "normal" plant strains and fucking up their gene pool. Like I said earlier, Monsanto is trying to monopolize the market of agriculture by making sure their gene is spread around. They say you cannot grow their seeds harvested from a crop but their gene is getting spread to crops that are not from their seed and then suing people for using their gene without paying for it.

People get sick from the round up that they spray on all these plants not the enzyme that they patented. It comes down to this. A farmer has a weed and insect problem and sprays round up and whatever on his crop. The weeds and insects aren't dying so he sprays more and more until they die. The corn and soy don't die because it doesn't affect them but that doesn't mean the plant doesn't absorb the chemicals that were sprayed on it. How do you clean them off? Spray them with more chemicals? This practice is what is getting people sick and killed, not the actual plants or seeds or the enzyme. Like I said biochemical engineering is not a bad thing, but business practices that put profits over the populations health is a very bad thing.

Another good documentary about this subject and food in general is Food Inc. I suggest watching it, it's a real eye opener.

theyre using live viruses that live inside of the corn, that excreate poison, bugs try to eat it and die,

its the same reason honey bees are dying all over.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
No they aren't...

Once again I find your elaboration severely lacking.

What he meant to say was that it's not a virus or a bacteria. It's a gene from a bacteria (bacillus thuringiensis) and not the organism itself that is responsible for the effects.


The Voice of Reason
My focus isn't on the roundup ready enzyme.

I'm pointing out that Bt toxin, which works by causing holes in intestines in insects, is causing holes in intestines in mammals.

Though both are the product of genetic modification, I maintain that Bt toxin is more responsible for harmful effects than the aforementioned enzyme.

I agree the RR enzyme seems to be the lesser of the three evils...

Once again I find your elaboration severely lacking.

What he meant to say was that it's not a virus or a bacteria. It's a gene from a bacteria (bacillus thuringiensis) and not the organism itself that is responsible for the effects.

Eaxctly... a portion of the bacterial genome is spliced into the corn's genome to make the corn plant itself produce toxins in the corn.

Bees stay away from GM crops so that should tell you somthing right there. But the reason the Bee's are dying is they can't find their way back to the hive .. They are disoriented they are blaming GMF for this here is a site that talks about this:

It's the cellphone towers fucking up the bee's guidance system...
Reported on PhysOrg, an experiment conducted in Kerala showed that as mobile phone companies installed towers to expand their network, the bee population shrank. Dr. Sainuddin Pattazhy conducted the study and concluded that the electromagnetic waves from the towers shorted out the navigational abilities of worker bees so that they couldn't find their way home after going out to collect pollen.

The report states, "If towers and mobile phones further increase, honey bees might be wiped out in 10 years, Pattazhy said."

It seems like a highly dramatic conclusion - and one to be skeptical about since the same issues came up a couple years ago. We're still digging for details on the "experiment" - so far it sounds like it's one isolated finding that when a cell phone tower was put up next to a bee hive, the hive collapsed within 10 days. What all factors were involved, we aren't 100% sure yet. But with honey bees suffering from all sorts of maladies, and with their health a vital component to food systems, it is a potential problem that shouldn't be ignored.


My grampa was outspoken against this shyte for years (a lifetime farmer)... these crops "infect" or migrate, become part of neighboring crops (as they still can cross-pollinate, breed etc) which "waters" down their better, non-Monsanto stuff and de-values it.. Furthermore, Monsanto can then sue them for selling THEIR grain without proper certs even though they never wanted it.. He thought most seed would eventually contain genetics from the GMO stuff even if not intended and since we only grow a relative monoculture of crops commercially (compared to whats naturally out there)..

The farm "AID" programs are the worst as destiture farmers with no options are forced into agreements to use certain companies trademarked grains - which contain things like immunity to harsh pesticides/herbicides or even have a pesticide spliced IN their genes that is supposed to be safe for the crop and those who eat it (uh-huh) but act as poison to any insects etc? The cost of all the "required" inputs to grow a MOnsanto crop too, for instance, and the lower market value, has created SERIOUS problems (like 40 suicide a day ion rural India because of like a 80-90% input:potential profit margin making it impossible no matter how well you do, to do well as the inputs cost almost as much as the market price you get back.. Its like the land treaty's in N. America! These big agro-businesses arent helping anyone..

They have a scary amount of power

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Not sure about the cell phone you could be right but this info is the same as a program I watched about it unless they have found more info.. lol

"In many cases, scientists have found evidence of almost all known bee viruses in the few surviving bees found in the hives after most have disappeared. Some had five or six infections at the same time and were infested with fungi -- a sign, experts say, that the insects' immune system may have collapsed."

A study at the University of Jena from 2001 to 2004 showed that toxins from a genetically modified maize variant designed to repel insects, when combined with a parasite, resulted in a "significantly stronger decline in the number of bees" than normal.


Once again I find your elaboration severely lacking.

What he meant to say was that it's not a virus or a bacteria. It's a gene from a bacteria (bacillus thuringiensis) and not the organism itself that is responsible for the effects.

"theyre using live viruses that live inside of the corn" has no relation to reality.
How do you get "What he meant to say was that it's not a virus or a bacteria. It's a gene from a bacteria (bacillus thuringiensis) and not the organism itself that is responsible for the effects"
from live viruses living inside a corn seed?

Why should I have to elaborate on calling bullshit bullshit??


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
It's not just that, but why would farmers grown a conventional strain of corn that yields 100 bushels/acre when they can grow Monsanto's variety that yields 200 bushels/acre?

Which pays the bills? I think it's a pretty easy decesion for most farmers.

So be a fucking farmer yourself!

I don't get what the big deal is..just buy organic if you care about your health. Problem solved..

haze crazy

So be a fucking farmer yourself!

I don't get what the big deal is..just buy organic if you care about your health. Problem solved..

Seems pretty simple eh? Just buy organic? In an ideal world yes, but availability is very limited and even organic farms have to deal with wind driven pollen.

IMO the real problem is allowing the same companies that produce these poison foods influence (to put it mildly) the FDA + USDA's rules and policy regarding food safety. Interesting how Homeland security always always errs on the side of safety and our food watchdogs usually do the opposite... Maybe the FDA + USDA should be run by homeland security, at least the corruption within these 2 agencies might take a hit.

Just look at how big tobacco used lawyers and propaganda to resist warning labels etc... on their products. If anyone thinks Monsanto and their counterparts in the industry are not using the same tactics must have their head in the sand. Just by that fact t alone we should sense something might be very wrong here. Big tobacco's money pales in comparison to the behemoth supply of the food and chemical industry's... It's the same game just bigger steaks (sic).

At the very least, food producers should have to label foods honestly and report GMO ingredients on the package. With that small step, all of us would at least have a choice in what we consume. How could any Bush loving flag waving American be against freedom of choice? Especially with food? It's none of my business if some big oil puppet doesn't want to eat broccoli.

If any one of us act like these greedy, obsessive, sociopath corporations do, we would be locked up with little chance to return to society. But alas, it the big money lawyers, payouts to politicians, misinformation and hushing the critics that has kept proper regulation of the food supply from gaining any momentum. The misinformation is rampant ...as evidenced by the lame claims by pundits even on this forum.

Remember the FOX news anchors who were fired for trying to report the hazards of bovine growth hormone? That was a Monsanto designed product (later they sold the rights to it) that was proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be harmful. Monsanto is a proven political thug IMHO and needs to be cleaned up. It's the 21st century mafia at work here people, controlling our food supply and even the news we hear. Monsanto is behind many of the products advertised on the major news outlets and quash the truth regularly when it affects their bottom line.

I have talked with a few insiders of these thug corporations and now wish a study would be done about the long term allergy, cancer, sickness along with mortality rates among the scientists and test subjects of these products.

While no doubt all genetically modified foods may not be harmful to humans at least we should roundup (sic) the culprits and weed (sic) them out.

Hey some of you people may not agree with me (half of which will not read this far into the post (kudos to those who at least try to understand the opposing point of view) at least we can still celebrate our common bond with cannabis.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
You still have to buy organic first. Just visit organic food stores and buy from them. When the demand pics up so will supply. Vote with your dollar..there is no better way. Especially with a government as corrupt as yours..

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
"theyre using live viruses that live inside of the corn" has no relation to reality.
How do you get "What he meant to say was that it's not a virus or a bacteria. It's a gene from a bacteria (bacillus thuringiensis) and not the organism itself that is responsible for the effects"
from live viruses living inside a corn seed?

I meant that you could have gone ahead and said what I did... but you didn't. I wasn't interpreting what cork said.

Why should I have to elaborate on calling bullshit bullshit??

Because then you raise yourself out of the fringe and into the discussion.

You're obviously interested and at least somewhat informed on the subject, I figured you would contribute a bit more than you did. :tumbleweed:


The Voice of Reason
For those who laughed at huffpost for breaking the story...
Here it is in Discovery Magazine... http://news.discovery.com/earth/is-genetically-modified-corn-toxic.html
In the United States, we grow and eat corn whose genes have been tweaked to make the plants more resistant to pests and pesticides. Most European countries don't, largely because the citizenry fears it isn't safe. But try as scientists might, they haven't been able to find any good reason why we shouldn't eat genetically modified (GM) food.

Until now. Maybe. A new analysis of data released by Monsanto pried from Monsanto's lawyers' cold dead hands by a tag-team of legal experts at Greenpeace and other groups suggests there may be something to the idea that we shouldn't be eating maize that's had its DNA messed with.

The study found that three strains of modded crops -- MON 810 and MON 863, which are resistant to pests, and NK 603, which is foritified to withstand weed killer -- significantly disrupted the blood chemistry of rats who ate them. According to an article in New Scientist:

With each of the three strains of maize, researchers say they found unusual concentrations of hormones and other compounds in the blood and urine of the tested rats, suggesting each strain impaired kidney and liver function. By the end of the trials, the female rats that were fed MON 863 had elevated blood-sugar levels and raised concentrations of fatty substances called triglycerides. Both are potential precursors of diabetes, according to [lead author Gilles-Eric Séralini of the University of Caen in France].


"What we've shown is clearly not proof of toxicity, but signs of toxicity," says Seralini. "I'm sure there's no acute toxicity, but who's to say there are no chronic effects?"

The researchers are suggesting that if the GM corn has the same affect in humans that is does in rats, we're unknowingly taxing our kidneys and livers, and probably raising the risk of damaging those organs.

But as is often the case in these type of reports, the conclusions aren't terribly convincing. For one, the effects are barely statistically significant, and the article goes on to say that independent toxicologists who saw the paper said Seralini was reading too much into the results.

So we're left with ambiguity. Terrific.

There's just one thing I want to know: why do activist groups have to team up to force Monsanto to release tests showing whether or not GM food is toxic? Shouldn't food have to be demonstrably NON-poisonous before anyone is allow to start feeding it to people??

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