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Mole's 150 HPS Stealth Micro SWC Grow - White Berry


Day 26 12/12

Day 26 12/12

Hi y'all! I'm back with an update and some pics. The girls are doing great. Stretch has slowed to a halt, and now they seem to be spending all their energy on bud development. Lots (I mean lots!) of white hairs are sprouting up everywhere, and tiny leaves are starting to shoot out of the sides of the buds. Better yet-the leaves are growing little resin glands. They're not sticky yet, but I think they will be soon.

I've had to keep bending and tying down these plants so they don't hit the light, and I'm amazed how resilient they are. Even when I think I bent a stem too much and did damage, I didn't. They just heal their stems and keep growing. Gotta love that about ganja.

On to the pics!










Any questions, comments, and feedback are welcome!


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Mole: Nice job man. You can tell that you did your homework before you started to grow. Very agressive LST/super cropping for your first attempt. Did you snap any branches off? Keep up the good work.


Looking Great! I'm checking out threads on the white berry strain myself for a similar set up but going SOG. Keep the pics coming!!


Active member
Wow! That's from a 150W HPS?! This makes me want to build a minicab and throw my 250W in there. Very nice.


Day 35 12/12

Day 35 12/12

Right now the White Berry ladies are at Day 35 of 12/12. They are now taking the full recommended strength of FloraNova Bloom.

Since the last update there's been lots of growth. I have had to tie down the girls two times in the last 7 days so they don't hit the light! The buds just keep getting fatter and longer. And not only that, but they're getting really sticky with little thc glands.

Part of this most recent growth spurt probably has to do with me adding an additional air stone (on a second air pump) last week. I looked into my res and barely saw any bubbles, so figured more oxygenated water was needed. Hey, I spent a lot of money on genetics, so don't want to waste it on less-than- the-best gardening practices. All that reading up on ICmag is finally paying off!

Thursdays are my res change days, and last thursday I decided to just top off with ph'd nutes. They seemed just fine with that, but I think I'll do a complete res change this week anyway. Force of habit I guess.

vintner - Yes, I'd agree I've been very aggressive LST'ing the ladies. I've twisted, bent, squeezed, and tied them down A LOT. All the stems have healed just fine, even when I thought I might have bent them too much. Some of the LST'd stems/branches look kinda swelled up, like they have swelled joints (think arthritis, not splifs). And I have definately read a lot on ICMag. This place is so much more informative and inspiring than a book! I've already got some kickass plans for my second grow beginning next month.

Murphy - thanks for stopping by. I'll keep posting if you keep visiting. The internet can be a lonely place sometimes. lol.

KillerDemo -I cant wait to see the finished product too.

marx2k Thanks for the compliment. In addition to the 150 HPS, I also have two 42 watt CFLs hanging on the left side of the cab,. Next time I think I will add another two to the right side of the cab. That'll be a lotta light.

luciferz28 - why thank you. I think they are mighty pretty myself. Can't wait to smoke the sh&t!

On to the pics!

Here's the cab from a distance.

Here it is a little closer.

Here's the right side of the cab. Check out that aggressive LST'ing!

Here's the canopy.

Another canopy view.

A future donkey dick bud.

Some more buds.

And some more.

Thanks for stopping by everyone! Shoot me any questions or feedback and I'm happy to respond.



Looking good, i've sampled the white berry and it was delicious, super fruity tight frosty nugs, you're in for a treat.


rkone and waydee - thanks for stopping by and for your nice words.
Since this is my first time growing White Berry, I'm always interested to hear about the high/how it tastes.

The small popcorn buds I have sampled have been ok. They definitely get me high, but not exactly a great high. But since I'm only at 35 days of 12/12 and sampling the lower buds, I know they are not representative of what the finished result will be. But since I have these popcorn buds, and they're free, I'm gonna keep smoking them. Over the last week or so, I can definitely tell that they're getting more potent, though.

I'm saving the big buds under the lights for the final harvest...in just 2 weeks!
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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Hey Mole. You should be proud bro. You're going a great job.


Day 43 12/12

Day 43 12/12

Just a quick update to say the ladies are doin great. I've sampled a few buds and they are definately getting more potent by the day.

Here are some rootporn pics



Thanks for stopping by!


I harvested!

I harvested!

I left town for Thanksgiving between 11/20-11/24, and harvested the night I got home. Right before I left town I bought a Radio Shack magnifying glass and checked my trichs. They looked mostly clear with some cloudy. Perfect timing--they could finish flowering while I basked in the sun.

Here's the trich pic.

Here are the harvest pics.




That's what my three white berry ladies looked like the night I chopped them.

After I chopped em, I manicured them and hung them in a rubbermaid tub on some fishing line.





I made ISO hash with the trimmings and have a nice little ball of gummy brown trichomes.

I don't know about weight because I don't have a scale. I'm thinking it's at least an ounce and a half. There are definately things I could have done better, but hey, this was my first grow! Next time is going to be even better!

What's up next
I just threw six Kalichakra beans in PH'd rapid rooters tonight. After they germ, I'm going to put them into 6 1 gallon dwc bubblers modeled on Pipedreams' tiny bubbler system. He says he gets 1-2 ounces a plant off his 150 hps, and I like the idea of tiny bubblers. My old 10 gallon rubbermaid tub was a PITA to switch out the nutes. I needed a buddy to help me do it. These tiny bubblers will make maintenance easy, and I can raise or lower individual plants for optimal distance. I'll start a thread on it when I get it set up.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Yes Mole, very nice finish! Good luck w/the planned changes.


Thanks for the kind words gruvygreen, PIFFDADDY, Plant Whisperer, FRANKENBLUNT420 and vintner. Every minute of this grow was a pleasure, and I've learned a lot that I'll use to improve my second grow. I couldn't have done it without the smart, helpful ICMag community, and I'm mighty thankful I found this place!
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