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It seems to say little about Molasses or molasses marijuana. I dont actually know what to search. Im going to the weekend gardener
You may not find anything specific to molasses+cannabis, but it's still just a plant, use a search term that's more general. Molasses, plants, uptake, or something like that. Also, like I believe I said previously, you don't have to be married to molasses.

Oh, wait, look here. There is PLENTY on molasses and plants via Google Scholar.
is it true that excessive molasses can burn plants? because i think it was a combination of the molasses and beastie bloomz that burnt a strong plant i had.
I doubt it was the molasses that did that, it was likely the Beastie Bloomz. Depending on whether or not you have any kind of soil life going on, if you fed molasses where it hadn't been fed before you can cause a population explosion of microbes. They in turn will mineralize (i.e. lock into their bodies) nutrients, including lots of nitrogen. This can often lead to yellowing events, and then when they shit it all out, whoops! too much food! and the plants burn.

If you're going to combine sugars that help boost soil microbial life, go low and easy on the high NPK chemical salt fertilizers.
Oh sweet (no pun intended)! So my plants can drink tea with molassas just like I do! Is there a thread on other 'food' items that can be used as nutrients, lol.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Is this a good brand to use????


Keep on growing :)


See the world through a puff of smoke
I'd try it. What's on the back of the label?

Not much than content of carbohydrates, protein, fat.No info about Potassium, Magnesium, Iron etc.

Even on the website raynersfood there is not much info, so that's why my question.

Keep on growing :)

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